Bad days

anyone would eventually have one or two , you know . like the day it starts raining when you have nowhere to hide . the day you slip and fell , nearly breaking your back . the day you lost your wallet , the day you got sick , the day you broke up with your girl etcetera etcetera

It's actually a little funny how bad can a day be , but seriously , did you ever ask yourself the question , how bad can a day go ?

on a weekend like this , which so happened to be my birthday , I decided to leave my room . usually the only way to make me go out was school or the release date of collectors edition games , but as foolish a decision it was , I felt boredom to the deepest part of my soul , also there is a movie I want to see

my parents were somewhere outside the country having their thirteenth honeymoon or something . well , as long as I get my spendings I don't mind if they just up and forgot about it .

I had no friends , and it would be a joke to even mention having a girlfriend . I was the invisible dude who no one knew I existed . also , if this was another world like those stories I would have [-the highest number you could think of ] in the luck stat

why do I think that ? well you see

I went to this really good restaurant that everyone on the net talks about and ordered something from the rather expensive menu .then spent fifteen minutes puking in the bathroom . by some miraculous incident a expired ingredient fond it's way to my plate , and my plate only at that . normally you would sue them for their carelessness , but as I'm experienced in those matters I sure as hell know how worse things would get if I don't just accept their apology.

anyway , to the theater where the movie I want to see is . I have only one thing to say . f u Martha .

I should stop by the arcade and play some games . but how in the world did I end up on the road all beaten up ? I wasn't really good at handling delinquents .

aaaand to add something on top AF all that , some female classmates were watching from afar , giggling at the fantastic state I was left in .

yes , this is what a really , really bad day is . but it doesn't end like that

what ? there is no way it can get worse ? you don't say.....

how bad a day can go ? after all of this ?

try adding a freaking space invasion !

no , but seriously . how hard did that dude hit me to make me lose it this much ? but I have to admit seeing the girls ho made fun of me getting eaten alive is kinda satisfying .

wait .....

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IT'S A F.U.C.K.I.N.G SPACE INVASION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as if noticing my existence as I tried me best to flee into a back alley , one of the ugly green creatures pointed it's gun at me , and like that , BLAAAAM !!!! a hole formed in my abdomen .

what a day . no , what a BAD day . but having an alien attack on my seventeenth birthday makes for a great surprise , only if I didn't die though .

well , nothing I can do about it

I should sleep for now , something I supposed to happen after you pass away right ? but I'm too tired to think about it , and the lights are out , it feels pleasant too .

a space invasion

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