The reason why survivors of nuclear radiation cannot wash their hair is to protect their bodies.

Why can't you wash your hair immediately after nuclear radiationFirst

of all, we need to understand what nuclear radiation is. In order to understand nuclear radiation, we must first understand what radiation is, in fact, any matter with a temperature above absolute zero (minus 273.15 degrees) will radiate energy outward. It's just that some of the radiation energy is high, and some of the energy is low. People actually radiate, but the energy is very low, and it is not in the visible light band, so we can't see it with the naked eye.

In general, radiation is divided into ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. The former is strong and harmful, generally high-energy electromagnetic waves or particles. The latter, which is basically the effect of heating, has low energy, and is generally an electromagnetic wave with low energy.

Nuclear radiation is actually electromagnetic radiation, which has huge energy and great harm to human beings, so it is necessary to stay away as much as possible, especially when the clothes and hair on the body are contaminated with nuclear waste, and they should be removed as soon as possible, because it also contains nuclear radiation.

The reason why we can't wash our hair immediately with nuclear radiation is because the cuticle of our hair is closed in a dry environment.

However, in the case of wet hair, the cuticle will open, and the nuclear waste will easily enter the hair, and when the dry environment is dry, the cuticle will close again, so the nuclear waste will be locked into the hair, which will cause more harm to the human body.

Properly enough, the hair should be cut off, because even if the cuticle is closed, there is a risk that the surface of the hair will be contaminated with some nuclear waste.

As the saying goes, to talk about toxicity without dose is to play hooligan. The same goes for nuclear radiation.

When it comes to radiation, many people are afraid that all radiation will cause harm to the human body, but in fact, there is no need to think so, because we are exposed to radiation all the time in our daily lives.

For example, our human body itself will emit radiation, and mobile phones, microwave ovens, televisions, etc. will emit radiation, but the dose of these radiation is small, and it is also called non-ionizing radiation.

However, there is one type of radiation that can cause serious harm to the human body, and that is ionizing radiation, which can pose a health threat to the human body if exposed to a large amount of ionizing radiation in a short period of time.

The radiation released when a nuclear weapon explodes is ionizing radiation, and although ionizing radiation can kill people, we are also exposed to ionizing radiation in normal times, such as going to the hospital for CT scans.

As long as the amount of ionizing radiation received each time (not the cumulative amount) does not exceed the national standard, it will not cause any harm to the human body.

According to China's "Safety Protection Standards for Ionizing Radiation", the average effective dose limit for the public is 1 msv/year, and the average effective dose limit for radiation workers is 20 msv/year.

When a nuclear bomb explodes, the amount of nuclear radiation produced is far greater than the limit set by the state, reaching more than 4,000 MSV. At such doses, most people die within a short period of exposure to nuclear radiation. Even if there is no death, the chances of developing cancer in the future increase dramatically.

Receiving gamma rays for a short period of time without dying like the Hulk is purely a science fiction requirement.

After the Chernobyl nuclear fallout, the first fire brigades involved in the rescue (no one informed them of the nuclear radiation) all died within a short period of time after close contact with the nuclear radiation.

For those who survive there, the risk of getting sick also increases. To this day, Chernobyl is a forbidden area for life, but many animals live here.

After the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was a high incidence of leukemia and cancer for a long time, but in recent years, there has been a slight improvement.

What to do if there is a nuclear radiation leak

If there is a nuclear radiation leak in your place, please find a closed environment as soon as possible, preferably find a car, drive the car into an internal circulation mode, and then throw away the clothes you are wearing, and it is best to cut off your hair.

When you reach a safe place, ask a professional to treat the radiation dust on your body surface to minimize your injury.

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