"Qixi Festival" is coming, but many young people can't find someone to spend it with. "It is difficult to get rid of a single order" has become a major problem in today's society.

To this end, trade unions in many places organized single young men and women friendship activities on the day of "Qixi Festival" to build a "magpie bridge" for single young men and women to make friends and get married.

A few days ago, a survey conducted by the Social Survey Center of the China Youth Daily and the questionnaire network on 2004 single young people showed that the three major reasons that hinder young people from falling in love are fixed social circles, staying at home, not liking social interactions, and not being good at expressing themselves.

Experts say that now, young people generally lack the ability to talk about love. Due to the neglect of emotional education, young people often face the embarrassing situation of "parents are forbidden to fall in love during school, and parents urge marriage after graduation".


year's Qixi Festival coincides with a working day, and most people choose to get together after work. According to the "Big Data Survey on Consumer Behavior of China's Qixi Festival", the top three entertainment activities of consumers during the festival in 2023 are: shopping, watching movies, and eating big meals.

"Tanabata is very important for China's gift economic market. Zhang Yi, founder and CEO of iiMedia Consulting, said in an interview with the "Daily Economic News" reporter that there are usually two scenarios for the gift economy, one is the holiday scene, and the other is the social scene, "According to our monitoring, the holidays, including the Chinese Valentine's Day, contribute nearly seventy percent to the promotion of the scale of China's gift economy."

Zhang Yi observed that the boundaries of this year's Qixi gift group have been broadened. "Nowadays, there are more and more single people, in fact, with the increase in urbanization, everyone's social range has narrowed, and it is difficult for people who are too familiar to touch the spark. Qixi Festival gives single people the opportunity to go out and participate in social activities and other activities, and single people can use this to expand the scope of communication, which is a good time for them to 'get rid of singles'.

"The single economy is not in conflict with the romantic economy. Zhang Yi told reporters that this year's singles have a strong willingness to participate in the Qixi Festival dating activities, "53.77% said they would participate." In terms of the choice of social activities, 54.65% of them will choose indoor activities such as script killing, escape room, and board games.

According to the cover news, on August 22, the Chinese Lunar Qixi Festival, the Chengdu Federation of Trade Unions and the Pidu District Federation of Trade Unions jointly organized a happy "work" in the whole city - Love Kitchen, Happy Home - Chengdu Single Workers Cooking Friendship Activity, 200 single workers gathered in Chengdu Sichuan Cuisine Museum.

In order to help single workers quickly "break the ice" to get acquainted, with the help of interesting interactive links and "matchmaker groups", through various kitchen stories, single workers have mustered up the courage to boldly show themselves on the stage of love, breaking the tense atmosphere of the scene, and making the atmosphere of the love scene relaxed and pleasant. Experience Sichuan cuisine, feel happiness, and taste Pidu, and finally hold hands with 6 pairs of couples at the event site that day.

According to the Workers' Daily, when the romantic Chinese Valentine's Day is coming, trade unions at all levels in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region have carried out the "Gathering Good Relationship" single young workers friendship activity in the whole region, building a "queqiao" for thousands of single workers to get to know each other, enhance feelings and harvest love.

According to reports, before the Chinese Valentine's Day, trade unions at all levels in Ningxia carried out unique activities to allow single workers to find a good relationship while experiencing traditional culture.

The Female Workers Committee of the Ningxia Federation of Trade Unions held a single young workers' friendship activity of "Gathering Good Fate and Destiny on Tanabata", so that young workers can meet beautiful love in the interaction of small games such as love table tennis, queqiao meeting, and love matching; Wuzhong City Federation of Trade Unions carried out the "Gathering Good Fate, Meeting Qixi Festival" blind date and friendship activities, single young workers in the colorful, relaxed and romantic game link to find their own fate, there are 11 pairs of single workers holding hands successfully; Yanchi County Federation of Trade Unions held the "Gathering Good Fate, Love Yanzhou" Young Workers Dating Culture Salon, so that more single workers "do not meet 'seven', full of joy 'Xi'", the face-to-face live broadcast of the event site opened, the young workers made their own fans, hemp rope weaving, Nearly 700 people watched the live broadcast and liked 19,000 people.

According to the new Hunan client, the Changsha Wangcheng District Federation of Trade Unions organized a series of activities of "Looking at one person, captivating a city" series of activities of "Fun on Qixi Festival, Love Belonging" single youth dating party, which was sweetly opened in the theme venue of "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms". Through accurate directional invitation, one-to-one male and female guest pairing, the love code was calculated in advance for each guest participating in the event, and behind the string of numbers, the male and female guests had a deeper understanding of the personality, hobbies, abilities and specialties of their favorite objects.

This event also specially matched 10 exclusive matchmakers and a professional love cryptographer for the Qixi dating activity, and decrypted their love codes for the guests on the spot, and the guests were more clear about their characteristics and how to get along with their favorite objects through love decoding.

There were many pairs of guests who successfully held hands with their favorite objects.

There are 239 million

single people

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