Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Chapter 134: Black Eyed Peas (Medium)

The Black Eyed Peas were also extremely surprised when they heard that Junsu said that the 'brokerage company' actually did what the music academy only did. 『『Ω』』If the Korean agency is really as Junsu said, it can only be said that it is too professional. As an artist from the United States, I never thought that a Korean agency would train its own artists like a music academy.

And American brokerage companies are more like agents of celebrities, right? Their main job is to contact the artist. As for whether or not to accept this itinerary and event, it all depends on the artist's own intentions. There is absolutely no such thing as a brokerage company that forces you to work abroad. However, in Korea, before the artists themselves are strong enough to a certain level, they are fully arranged by the agency. You have to do what they say!

Perhaps this is the difference in the nature of human rights. Asian countries are gradually developing, so they do not pay as much attention to real 'human rights' as Western countries. This is something that no one can reverse.

On the way to the hotel, Junxiu briefly chatted with them about Korean culture, and they did not mainly talk about music. Because it's still a long time, since people came to Korea, Junxiu felt that it was normal to say something about the different cultural concepts of the East and the West. After all, for them as creators, knowledge and knowledge are actually a source of inspiration.

Moreover, the Black Eyed Peas have the habit of 'collecting the wind'. They also went to many places when composing songs to understand the locality and culture, which is beneficial to their music creation. Every country has its own music culture. . The East has an oriental music culture, so it doesn't mean that the oriental music culture cannot be used in the west? In fact, music is common, it is a kind of spiritual sublimation, it does not distinguish between you and me!

After the vehicle arrived at the hotel, Junxiu took them to check in together and sat in the lobby of the hotel waiting for them. After they went upstairs to put things down, they took a shower and then came down. Junxiu waited in the lobby of the hotel for almost 40 minutes.

At noon, he took them to the barbecue shop. For Korean food, Junxiu didn't know if they could accept the spicy taste, so they chose the safest barbecue restaurant. The charcoal BBQ is acceptable to Americans. Even if they can't eat Korean bun sauce, which is slightly spicy and salty, it's okay to eat roast beef with salt, right?

Therefore, the barbecue restaurant arranged by Junxiu is very suitable. He ordered some of the essence of Korean pork belly and Korean beef. After that, everyone started to eat. In the middle of the meal, Junxiu used the Korean way to wrap the rice and let them try it out. Zhang lettuce, a piece of coriander leaves, a piece of roasted pork belly, a piece of kimchi, a piece of garlic slices, a bit of rice-wrapped sauce, a bit of rice, mixed together is a very novel way of eating for them Americans, and they also fell into in this fun.

They thought that the roasted pork belly was delicious, and it was very delicious to eat when it was wrapped. The rice-wrapped sauce was also very suitable for their taste, so they were quite satisfied with this meal. After all, BBQ is acceptable to them. The only difference is that the sauce for BBQ is different.


Although s.m knew about the arrival of the Black Eyed Peas, the people in the company had the same idea. After all, they had been on the plane for so long. After getting off the plane, they would at most have a meal together and then take them back to the hotel. rest. Everyone knows that going through such a long flight time on an airplane will inevitably lead to fatigue, especially sleeping on an airplane is not like tossing and turning into a 'big' character on the bed.

Therefore, everyone understands that the rest of the day that has just arrived is inevitable. But no one thought that when they arrived in Korea, they proposed to visit Junxiu's studio. However, Junxiu didn't have any studio in the company. His "studio" was just the computer and a keyboard in the dormitory. Junsu couldn't possibly say that he would take them to visit his dormitory, right? So I had to take it to the company and temporarily borrow it from kangta's studio.

In the car going to the company, Fergie said jokingly: "Js, when I first saw you wearing a mask, I thought you had a cold. Now I know why you are wearing a mask. "

When they were eating together in the barbecue restaurant, even though it was a private room, when the boss saw that it was Junxiu, his eyes almost fell on Junxiu, and they were the world stars of the Black Eyed Peas. The fruit was ignored. This is not important, the important thing is that when the boss brought food to Junxiu, at the entrance of the private room, there were many aunties standing in the restaurant to greet Junxiu warmly.

And Junxiu didn't wear a mask after he finished eating. There was an estimated three-meter-wide sidewalk after leaving the restaurant. After a few steps, Lu Junxiu was spotted by passing fans, and a group of people instantly surrounded him, facing him. The scream of the Black Eyed Peas surprised both of them. This is Junsu's popularity in Korea, and they are once again ignored by passers-by in Korea.

Junxiu responded to Fergie with a smile: "Korean fans are very enthusiastic, they will lose their rationality for a short time after seeing a star. So in order not to affect other people~www.novelmt.com~ we go out and put ourselves Packed very tightly."


The restaurant is very close to s.m, so Junxiu soon took them to the gate of his company, and TVXQ fans at the gate of s.m's company squat here every day. When they saw TVXQ's nanny car approaching from a distance, they all surrounded the car, and the security guards in the company quickly came out to help isolate the fans.

Junsu got out of the car after the door opened, and when the fans saw that it was Junsu, each of them took out their milk strength and shouted 'Junsu oppa', the scream made Junsu stand up in front of the Black Eyed Peas face.

Finally, Junxiu was escorted by the security guard and brought Fergie and Fergie into the company together. Fergie said with lingering fear: "Your fans are too enthusiastic." Because she saw with her own eyes that Junxiu was swept away by fans. Surrounded by layers, fans screamed and kept sending things towards his arms. Junxiu finally entered the gate under the **** of four security personnel. And they followed the crowd and entered the company as easily as they were behind Junxiu, which made them clearly aware of the gap between Js Junxiu's reputation in Korea..

(To be continued.)

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