Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit extreme.

Chapter 7: Namikaze Minato, You Don’T Want Your Only Son To Die Like This, Right?

When he broke the seal and controlled Nine Tails.

Uchiha Yunduan felt something was wrong. There was something extra in this consciousness space.

It's just that there has been no action, so he ignored it, but now, the other party can't help it anymore.

A figure appeared in front of him. This was a handsome, blond man wearing a Fourth Hokage cape.

"Namikaze Minato."

“Can’t help it?”

"Can you finally give it up?"

Uchiha Yunduan turned around and said hello. Those who didn't know it thought they were very familiar with each other.

Namikaze Minato looked at the boy with a cane with a solemn expression.

"What a terrifying eye power."

The scarlet eyes and the special symbol of Sharingan carried terrifying pupil power, which made him a little afraid to look at him.

It was unmistakable, Mangekyō Sharingan, and these eyes were different from the Uchiha he met back then.

Next to him, his son was lying on the ground, covered in red chakra, and had lost control and ran away.

As for Nine Tails, not to mention, it has completely become the shape of Uchiha Yunduan, kneading it at will.

"Uchiha's boy?"

"You shouldn't have anything to do with that guy, right?"

"What are you doing???"

He had already sensed it when the seal was released, and actually wanted to stop it immediately.

But later he noticed Uchiha Yunduan's ability, so he hid it for a while and planned to find an opportunity for a sneak attack.

In the end, I still missed it. This Uchiha boy seemed to have known about his existence for a long time, and he was not slacking off at all even in this conscious space.

He was ready to fight the moment he appeared.

"It's so obvious, why can't you see it? Of course it made Nine Tails go berserk, just like Yoruichi did a few years ago."

Uchiha Yunduan spread his hands and showed no sign of weakness when facing the Fourth Hokage, his smile still revealed evil.

And these simple words made this seemingly gentle man look fierce.

"Are you related to that guy?"

"I won't let you succeed."

Namikaze Minato looked fiercely at the different Mangekyō.

He even doubted his guess.

"Does it matter whether you have a relationship with that guy?"

"Anyway, no matter whether it has anything to do with him or not, everyone thinks it's us. Since we all think so, how can we Uchiha suffer such a loss? Wouldn't it be great to let this all come true?"

"As for not letting me succeed? What can you do? You can't stop me even if you are alive. What do you want to do now as a dead man?"

"It's okay that Nine Tails is controlled by me now. If I don't control it, Nine Tails could kill your son."

"Namikaze Minato, you probably don't want your only son to die like this."

Uchiha Yunduan laughed, a little crazy, and those words continued to stimulate Namikaze Minato.

You better be when everyone thinks you're dangerous and hurtful.

When everyone thought that Uchiha could control Nine Tails to destroy Konoha, Uchiha must also have such an ability.

"Besides, what if you seal Nine Tails again? Your son's body is in my hands now. No matter how many times, I can make Nine Tails go berserk, I can let your son die."

"I can do it no matter how many times, but how many times can you come out?"

"What can you do?"

"You can't protect anything."

"You'd better cooperate with me honestly. After I deal with those old immortals like Sarutobi Hiruzen, maybe nothing will happen to your son in Konoha."

"This is the best way to protect your son and the safety of Konoha."

"If you think Uchiha is Konoha's Uchiha, just stay with me, otherwise I don't think I will do anything sensible."

Namikaze Minato was completely angry, but when he heard the last words, he stopped slightly.

The scarlet eyes and crazy words made him calm down.

And Uchiha Yunduan's appearance also reminded him of something.

"I seem to remember you, Uchiha Yunduan, the genius boy from Uchiha during the Third World War. I never thought it would turn out like this."

"Blank revenge will only cause more hatred, which will not solve the problem."

Although his appearance has changed a bit, and there is obviously something wrong with his body.

This is even more correct, considering that the other party was seriously injured during the battlefield, this is absolutely correct.

"I really didn't expect to be remembered by the famous Golden Flash. I'm not as famous as you, so there's no need to be so polite. No matter how polite you are, I won't give up on this matter."

"As for hatred, haha, if it arises, then just destroy everyone to death. Destroy Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others. If there are still ninja clan who want to intervene, then destroy the ninja clan. If everyone in Konoha wants to intervene, Then destroy the entire Konoha."

"This is a matter between Uchiha and the top management of Konoha, but we will not be polite if someone wants to interfere, and the same goes for you, Namikaze Minato, if you dare to interfere, even if you die, I will not make it easy for you."

Uchiha Yunduan said unceremoniously, his crazy and twisted look, and his crazy and hateful words made Namikaze Minato shudder. .

"Today, either Uchiha will be destroyed, or all those who are hostile to Uchiha will disappear. These are the only two possibilities."

"Have Uchiha and Konoha reached this point?"

"Fugaku agrees? Your actions are too extreme and something will happen to Konoha."

Namikaze Minato felt heavy even in death.

I didn’t expect that it had only been so long and we had already reached this point?

Such fights to the death are rare even in great ninja wars.

"Isn't the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha always like this? As for Fugaku, hey, don't expect him to stop me."

Uchiha Yunduan said disdainfully, and these words gave Namikaze Minato a headache even more.

"Don't keep saying that Konoha is not Konoha. Uchiha is the one who created Konoha. Konoha with Uchiha is called Konoha. If there is no place for Uchiha to live, it doesn't matter what kind of wood is not Konoha. It cannot accommodate Uchiha. It doesn’t matter if the Konoha disappears, as long as Uchiha is here, there will be a new Konoha, it doesn’t even matter if it’s called Konoha or not.”

"You are too extreme and your ideas are too dangerous. Uchiha Yunduan, Lord Third Generation, they just have a misunderstanding. If there is anything we can talk about, I believe we can find a way to reconcile."

Namikaze Minato resisted the pressure and spoke.

He didn't know the specific situation in the outside world, but from his words, he also knew what kind of dire straits the Konoha senior management and Uchiha had reached.

This means one must be killed before we can continue.

Whether Uchiha disappears or all high-level officials in Konoha die, it will cause great turmoil in Konoha.

The other ninja villages outside will definitely not miss this opportunity to attack Konoha.

A great ninja war might begin as a result.

Little did they know that the Kingdom of Wind was missing only one Feng Ying, and the others were eager to cause trouble.

[This is Chapter 7, about 16,000 words long. If you think you can support it, please support it by "please subscribe", "please flowers", "please reward" and "please monthly votes"]

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