After returning from Mito, he explained the situation of the mission to the commander in detail and wrote a detailed report.

Mito Menyan then returned to his lodgings and began to pack his things, but he had not yet reached the camp gate.

Signal flares flew everywhere around the camp, and it was obvious that Tutai had arrived with Yunyin troops!

While the signal flare was still flashing in the air and not extinguished, the overwhelming Thunder Escape Ninjutsu mixed with all kinds of ninja tools attacked the Konoha camp.

Mito Menyan froze in place, when did it start, he became uncomfortable.

Trying to think back to the past, Mito Menyan found that it all seemed to start when he said 'Uchiha are all belligerent lunatics'!

After all, the ninjas of Konoha were regular troops, and they were quickly assembled when they spotted the flares.

"Wind Escape: Great Breakthrough!"

"Wind Escape, Hurricane!"

A small number of Wind Escape ninjas used their best Fire Escape, and the vast majority of Fire Escape ninjas in the camp also used their best Fire Escape.

With the increase of Feng Dun, he actually blocked the thunder escape ninjutsu in the sky for a while.

But there are too few wind escape ninjas, and there are still a lot of ninja tools that have broken through Konoha's ninjutsu net.

The earth-type ninjas in the camp have used earth escape to block the flying ninja equipment.

They can't let go, and once they lose the chakra they maintain, the earth will soon be gone.

This is a good reflection of the falsity of Chakra's power, which is why Yuki relies more on templates most of the time.

The damage and effects of Chakra Escape are real.

However, the earth and water that can generate matter in the five major retreat techniques will also disappear after the chakra disappears.

The only escape technique that can generate real and true matter is Mu Dun, and Yuki guesses that it is related to the fact that Chakra comes from the Divine Tree.

Yun Yin spent enough money for this raid on Konoha and threw his ninja to the Konoha camp as if he didn't want money.

Konoha's Earth Ninja soon became unable to support it due to Chakra's consumption.

A ninja propped up the earthen wall with one hand to maintain the chakra output, and with the other hand, took out the ration pills from the ninja bag to restore the chakra.

"Eat this, it works better!"

A chubby hand handed him a blue pill.

"Oh? The famous magic refining pill of the Autumn Dao clan, thank you! "

Without any hesitation, I put it directly in my mouth, as for the side effects? Only those who are alive are eligible to consider side effects!

The pills shared by several Akido clansmen made the Konoha ninja's defenses impenetrable for a while.

"What's next, Ichiro-sama!"

"Yes, my lord, let's retreat!"

Shinichiro's full name is Sarufei Shinichiro, and he is the commander of the troops stationed here.

At this time, Shinichiro was also constantly thinking in his heart.

Defend? It must be impossible to hold on.

Although I don't know how many people Yun Yin has dispatched at this moment, judging from the attacks that seem to never stop, they are at least several times more than them.

Breakthrough? There are enemies everywhere.

Unless you can destroy a large number of enemies at once, creating a short vacuum, you will be caught up sooner or later if you escape.

Shinichiro, who did a little analysis, chose to break through, and continued to defend just slowly waiting for death, and if he broke through, there might be a glimmer of life.

Shinichiro didn't hesitate much, and began to break through in the direction of Konoha with his subordinates.

The ninjas of Konoha have almost given up their defenses, constantly dodging attacks from all directions.

By the time they got close to the Cloud Hidden Ninja, almost half of them had fallen.

And the Cloud Hidden Ninja also stopped covering attacks and used physical techniques or ninjutsu to fight.

Shinichiro, who rushed to the front, took out the sword in his hand and slashed directly at the head of the young man in Yunyin.

Without any accidents, the young man's head left his body directly.

Shinichiro didn't stop and continued to look for the next target.

The Cloud Hidden Ninja was naturally not wood, and they began to gather in the direction of the breakthrough.

The entire 1,000-strong Konoha army was left with only a hundred ninjas left after breaking out of the encirclement.

It's all the ninjas who are protected in the center of the team and have little combat power.

As for why it is said almost, because there is a thin old man mixed in it, although he has the rank of upper ninja, his combat effectiveness is similar to that of a lower ninja.

Shinichiro was already covered in injuries, and the rest of the dozen or so shinobi were almost all injured.

They can't run away like this, and they will soon be chased and slaughtered by the ninjas of Yunyin.

Shinichiro looked at the people in the team at this time.

"Does anyone want to stay with me to break the queen?"

More than a dozen shinobi stood silently by Shinichiro's side.

The shinobi who had been protected before had never seen such a tragic scene, and many of them were already trembling in their legs.

But there are always some shinobi who are not afraid of death who stand up.

Shinichiro looked at the new twelve or thirteen-year-olds and drove them back.

"It's good, but you're too weak, remember how you feel today, you don't even have the power to sacrifice!"

Shinichiro looked at Mito Menitis with a complicated face at this time.

"Advisor Yan, the future of Konoha is up to you, remember to take them back to Konoha."

Mito Menyan looked away, avoiding Shinichiro's gaze.

Seeing this, Shinichiro didn't force it, and walked in the opposite direction with more than a dozen shinobi.

Shinichiro, who took the initiative to die, was very calm in his heart, thinking about his life.

Soon a figure appeared in Shinichiro's heart, and it was the person he admired the most, his patriarch, the third generation Hokage of Konoha.

I think of myself when I was a child, and a large group of clansmen received the pure teaching of the ape flying and slashing, and the words that the patriarch would repeat at the end of each time.

Shinichiro finally understood the meaning of those words, and immediately yelled loudly.

"Where the leaves fly, the fire grows!"

Mito Menyan looked at the backs of the dozen or so people walking towards Yun Yin, listened to the shouts that came back to his ears, and finally shrank back from his heart.

"Let's go! The opportunity that Shinichiro has created for us cannot be wasted. Then

he began to run wildly with all the shinobi.

There is no such thing in the ninja world that the poor are not chasing, and Totai personally led the Yunyin ninja to pursue the remnants of Konoha and defeat them.

When Tsuchidai saw Shinichiro and the others who were neatly greeting them, he raised his right hand, and the Cloud Hidden Ninja stopped.

"Report the situation!"

"Lord Tutai, there is a faint chakra reaction in many places on the ground ahead, it should be a detonation charm trap."

"Get rid of them!"


Taking advantage of the gap between his subordinates cleaning up the trap, Tsuchidai looked at Shinichiro and asked.

"Why do you stay behind and break off, you know that blocking this little time can't make the rest of the people run away?"

"Maybe, those children may die tonight, but I can't watch them die in front of my eyes one by one, it's against Konoha's will of fire."

"Will of Fire? Is it a special spell mark?

Shinichiro didn't have the idea of revealing the information, and nodded.

"That's right, this is a powerful ninjutsu that Konoha has survived three ninja wars and is still standing, and it is a precious treasure left by the first Hokage!"

Hearing the first Hokage, the earth platform nodded knowingly.

"I see, then you can die!"

After removing the trap, the Cloud Hidden Ninja directly launched an attack on the more than ten people.

Shinichiro and the others almost all fell to the ground in one round.

"Is it useless after all?"

This was Shinichiro's last thought before he lost consciousness.

Tsuchidai led the Cloud Hidden Ninjas to continue the pursuit.

Konoha ninjas, don't even think about escaping!

When Yun Yin passed through a forest, a sudden change occurred.

Countless black lines suddenly poured out from a dry tree, shrouding the surrounding clouds.

At this time, among the dry trees, a thin old man was talking to himself with a smile on his face.

"Tuanzang, thank you so much!"

As a high-level of Konoha, he has precious information in his head, and he has basically planted all kinds of seals.

However, the frenzied Danzo apparently felt that this was not safe, and added more seals of various kinds to Mito Menyan and Koharu.

This is also the reason why the cloud hidden perception ninja was unable to detect Mito Menitis.

With the expansion of the Four Elephant Seals, many Cloud Hidden Ninjas scattered and fled, but there were always some ninjas who had no time to escape.

When it was at its maximum, the entire seal was already airtight, and then it shrank at an even faster rate.

In the darkness of the environment, Mito Menyan seemed to see a white-haired figure.

"Teacher, I didn't run away again this time."



The cloud hidden ninja let out a burst of exclamation.

At this time, the earthen platform completely disappeared from the knee down, and blood flowed incessantly from the smooth gap.

At the same time, Tutai himself fell into a coma.

"My lord, what now!"

Someone asked Tutai's deputy.

The deputy did not hesitate and replied directly.

"Send Lord Totai back to the camp immediately to heal!"

"What about the Konoha ninja, are you still chasing it?"

"Forget it, let's go back to camp!"

The deputy shook his head, remembering that the Konoha ninjas who escaped were almost all useless children, and decided to give up the pursuit.

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