Konoha: Rebooting Life of a Medical Ninja

Chapter 100: Death's Tomb

The majestic Uzumaki Shrine is filled with the tablets of the powerful Uzumaki family. A stone slab is opened under the altar. There are deep underground passages and endless stairs, as if they will lead to the netherworld.

The fat daimyo almost died walking up these stairs, but it was Yi Zhicheng who kept optimizing his heart and providing him with a steady stream of motivation.

After walking for half an hour, the spiral staircase finally came to the end. In the dark underground, there appeared a huge door tens of meters high and made of bronze. There are countless seal styles, and the number is so large that Yi Zhicheng thinks that he might not be able to write them all in ten lifetimes.

And these sealing formulas have only one effect "Strength"!

Just approaching this door, Kong Kongyi immediately expressed extreme fear, feeling that there was something terrible inside, as if it would eat her.

Yi Zhicheng had no choice but to take off the mermaid heart pendant and hand it to Sheng Shu, asking him to wait outside the door.

"Actually, only the elders and patriarchs who are near the end of their lifespan are allowed to come in here. Even I am here for the first time. If you didn't see your eyes and give up, I would never bring you here... I don't know what's inside. , do you really want to go in?" Daming himself felt a little guilty.

"Stop talking nonsense! Open the door, I would like to see what the Sages of the Six Paths want to seal, which can make you disregard the lives of your clansmen." Tsunade crossed his arms, not believing the legends from thousands of years ago.

"Actually, each descendant of the Sage of the Six Paths has its own mission...you just don't know it." The daimyo muttered a few words, panting heavily, opened his sleeves, took a deep breath, and condensed Chakra, which has not been condensed for decades, slowly revealed an extremely complicated seal pattern on the fat palm.

After getting close to the huge bronze gate, there was a bang, and the whole huge bronze gate began to tremble violently.

The huge bronze door burst open, revealing a pitch-black cave, and a stream of turbid air rushed in, with an unpleasant smell that was suffocating.

Yi Zhicheng inexplicably felt that there was a sense of sight of a tomb robbery.

Daimyo, Tsunade, Yi Zhicheng, and Kushina, a total of four people, filed in vigilantly.

Sheng Shu could only hold Kong Kongyi's pendant and guard the door.

Originally, Gu Ming was going to come down with him, but Yi Zhicheng asked him to take good care of the boat, which was their last retreat.

Just after walking a few tens of meters, the huge bronze door behind it slammed shut again, completely plunging the cave into darkness.

"Hey... newcomer here..."

"Let me see if it's that kid Mingfo..."

"Is it my son? Dad has been waiting for you for decades!"

"Why are there four? Do the dead pay attention to forming a team these days?"

Scary hoarse voices came from the darkness, and the voices were close at hand, like a group of ghosts from the nether world surrounded them.

"Fire escape? Fireball technique!" Tsunade immediately released a fireball into the air, illuminating the entire dark cave in an instant.

More than a dozen mummified corpses were dressed in tattered red robes, their deep eye sockets were filled with shriveled eyeballs, and their dry mouths were grinning. It took an extremely powerful brain to guess that they were smiling.

"Oh! It's finally on fire again, it's much brighter." The group of mummified corpses danced and cheered like primitive people who had just discovered the fire, and looked extraordinarily gloomy.

"Mom!!" Daming sat down on the ground.

"Ghost!" Jiu Xinnai was so frightened that his hair stood on end, and he tightly grasped Yi Zhicheng's arm.

Tsunade raised his hand and punched a skeleton head flying, and wanted to hit more people.

"Wait! Don't do it, they are all the ancestors of the Uzumaki clan." Yi Zhicheng could tell at a glance that the tattered red robes on them were really the style of a great elder, and they were all the most noble elder robes.

"Hey, this unlucky boy, he just hit someone when he came up..." The mummy whose head was blown away by Tsunade hurriedly picked up his own head.

"Yo? Why are all the children here this time... are they going to die at such a young age?" Another mummy elder with an ancient hairpin on his head made a doubtful voice.

"You are...Mom...Mom!!" Daimyo knelt in front of the mummy like a 500-jin child and began to cry.

"Which... are you..." The mummy was stunned.

"It was me...it was me...I was still young at that time, I remember that when my mother went to the cemetery, she was wearing this hairpin..." Daming cried with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, this one... I won it from that old woman when I gambled. I said I am a man, how could someone call me mother... Wow Ka Ka Ka..." The mummy covered his chest, laughing all over the bones shake.

With a click, the mandible was dislocated, and the anxious old mummy was dancing.

Yi Zhicheng couldn't stand it anymore, and helped him break his chin back.

"Thank you very much!" The hairpin mummy was very polite.

"What the **** is going on here...!" Tsunade frowned, glanced at all the mummies, and as the flames went out, the cave fell into darkness again.

"It's still on fire! It's still on fire!" Immediately, a group of mummies hurriedly shouted out.

"...Do you have lights?" Tsunade felt that setting fire to escape was not an option.

"No, the mermaid oil was burned out a hundred years ago, and no one replenished it for us." A mummy immediately replied.

"Actually... I still have a little bit hidden in my stomach, and I want to hold a bonfire party on my 233rd birthday..." a mummy said weakly.

"Bastard! Hand it over!"

"Hand it over!"

As a barrel of mermaid lamp oil was poured into the oil tank, the faint light illuminated the entire underground space and revealed all the scenes.

The most horrifying thing was the corpse of a gigantic blue evil ghost, a hundred meters tall, **** in the underground space by countless shimen ropes, and all kinds of sealing techniques were densely painted on its body.

Pale long hair, dark red horns, shriveled corpse.

"The Grim Reaper... really exists..." Yi Zhicheng recognized this guy at a glance, exactly the same as the Grim Reaper summoned by the ghoul seal!

"It's actually true... Is this the **** of death... What a terrible breath." Tsunade was also shocked by the cold breath.

"Look... It's not that I'm reluctant to part with the foundation of the Vortex Kingdom. It's our family's mission and we can't leave! Believe it now?" Daimyo was even aggrieved. If he hadn't been forced into this position, he wouldn't have Willing to tell the truth.

"So they are all..." Jiu Xinnai still shrank behind Yi Zhicheng with some fear, pointing at the mummy celebrating the light.

A mummy with a red robe that was almost rotting came over slowly. Compared with other funny corpses, he was the most serious one: "We are all elders who were sent in when we were dying. I am the whirlpool. Banruo, the oldest one among the dead who can still move here... I can't tell exactly how many years I have been here."

"Greetings to Elder Prajna!" Daming kowtowed quickly, and the rest of the people also nodded in respect.

"What are you doing here?" Tsunade frowned.

"Naturally, it is to strengthen the seal of the **** of death, so as to prevent the resurrection of the **** of death from harming the world." Elder Prajna pointed to the light brown skin of the **** of death, and a seal was fading away.

After saying that, he got up, slowly climbed up along the Shilian rope, stretched out his fingers, and slowly added the sealing gesture to the faded sealing technique, and then slowly climbed down.

Yi Zhicheng saw in his eyes that their sealing skills were so profound that they were able to draw directly with Yin Dun energy, while he still needed to use special ink to write.

"The **** of death will continue to try to break free from the seal, and we need to repair it day after day and year after year." Prajna explained their work in a simple sentence.

"It's... is that so... It's really hard work for you guys..." It was obviously the first time Daimyo had heard of such a thing, and his face was a little pale. You must know that he would also be sent here when he was dying.

When I thought that after my death, I would be imprisoned here forever to do tedious work until my soul was annihilated, I couldn't help shivering.

"They're all dead people. What's the hard work? It's just that there has been no lighting in the past 100 years. The work has indeed become a lot more troublesome. It is a waste of time to climb up and down for inspection every day." The dead will also complain.

"Okay... When we go out, I will order someone to deliver lamp oil to you immediately." Daming nodded desperately.

"Although I don't know why you came in, I can tell you that if you can't get out, the door can only be opened from the outside, not from the inside." Banruo shook his head.

"That's okay...the rope tree is outside." Kushina breathed a sigh of relief.

"But... Rope Tree doesn't have a key..." Daimyo Fatty was trembling with fright.


"That's it." Daimyo pointed to the seal in his palm.

"Then does anyone else have it?" Yi Zhicheng frowned and said~www.novelmt.com~The Great Elder has it. "

Yi Zhicheng was silent, the Great Elder was buried, and looked at Elder Banruo.

"Why didn't such important information get out?"

"If I had known earlier that I would become a mummy and work day and night for hundreds of years, I would rather be eaten by wild dogs." Elder Banruo shrugged.

"Nani!! Doesn't that mean I'm going to stay here until I die?!" Jiu Xinnai's eyes widened in horror.

"Don't worry, if you don't die of old age, do you think these ghost elders will have food here? They may starve to death in a short time." Yi Zhicheng comforted.

"Ahhh!!" Kushina was even more frightened.

"Bastard... what a joke, even if it is torn down, there must be a way!" Tsunade stood up, clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were full of anger.

"We have strengthened this door for more than five thousand years, you can try it." Elder Banruo made a gesture of invitation.

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