Yakushi Naiyu laughed at himself and lowered his head slightly.

Bai Yu didn't care, he knew it was Yakushi Naiyu who was humble.

He knew about Yakushi Naiyu's medical abilities. There are people who are stronger than Yakushi Naiyu's medical ninjutsu, but there are certainly not too many.

However, what Bai Yu is interested in is not Yakushi Naiyu's medical ninjutsu, but its function.

"You look at Konoha Village from here, what do you see?"

"What do you see?"

Yakushi Naiyu read it silently, and then his eyes moved to the streets of Konoha Village.

There is an endless stream of people coming and going, and their faces are filled with happy smiles, as if they are in Konoha Village, which makes them very happy.

Everyone’s face is carefree, and there is no need to worry about any danger coming to them, and everyone’s heart is very kind and friendly.

This is Yakushi Naiyu, one of Konoha Village's favorites.

"Saw the smiles on their faces and the sight of prosperity?"

It's just that these are all on the surface. Yakushi Naiyu doesn't think Bai Yu asks him such a question because he wants to know such an answer.

So, he asked tentatively, and by the way observed the facial expression on Bai Yu's face.

As long as Bai Yu shows a little emotional change, Yakushi Naiyu can know whether the answer is what Bai Yu thinks.

However, it is a pity that he did not find any expression fluctuations and expression of inner emotions on Bai Yu's face.

Bai Yu has been leaning under the big tree, his face is laid-back, and there is a little bit of indifference and boredom in his eyes.

He doesn't seem to be interested in anything, and even wants to lie down here to sleep.

Through the unwavering expression on Bai Yu's face, Yakushi Naiyu couldn't tell whether the answer was what Bai Yu was thinking.

For a while, he could only sit quietly beside Bai Yu, waiting for his next word.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Yu spoke again.

"What you said is indeed something we can all see, but not all of them are to be looked at carefully-next.

Yakushi Naiyu nodded in doubt. Although he didn't know what Bai Yu wanted to do when asking these things, he still subconsciously followed Bai Yu's orders.

Now Bai Yu's identity and strength are too strong, for him, he is simply an inaccessible figure.

He didn't dare to defy what Bai Yu said.

This time, Yakushi Naiyu took a closer look at the streets of Konoha Village and the expression changes on everyone's face, hoping to get the answer Bai Yu wanted in these details.

At a glance, there is an endless stream of people everywhere, and there is nothing strange about it.

People who know each other talk happily when they meet and ask about the latest situation.

Even if the relationship is not particularly good, they will nod each other to say hello after meeting.

There are no conflicts other than thriving.

Is there anything to observe in such a scene?

Yakushi Naiyu couldn't understand Bai Yu's inner thoughts, and he didn't know what questions he was thinking, so he shook his head in confusion.

"I didn't find anything particularly outstanding, I don't know what Bai Yu thinks about you?

Bai Yu glanced around, pointed out a few places with his finger and said.

"The superficial prosperity is the result of the hard work and hard fighting of countless ninjas."

"There are no such people running around on the front lines, nor are these prosperous scenes."

"However, those ninjas who died in the battlefield don't want to die at all, because they still have concerns and their families."

"After their deaths, their families and their children have no relatives in this world, and they have no one to rely on."

"Did you see the places I was referring to? The children in those places are their own parents. After they die in the battlefield, they have no one to take care of them, and no one can rely on them to become orphans."

"Do you think those children are pathetic?"

Hearing these words, Yakushi Naiyu was shocked and turned his head to look at the position of Bai Yu's fingers just now.

In those places, there are some relatively remote alleys, which are very dark and gloomy, and there is a slight smell of foul smell.

Dogs don't usually go to such places, let alone people.

But just because in that difficult environment, there are still many small figures squatting on the ground, and their bodies are covered with stains...0

There was a hint of childishness and a hint of confusion on his little face.

After their parents entered the battlefield, they were killed by the enemy ninja, and eventually they became helpless children.

And some of these children may have a talent for cultivation, and they may have strong development abilities in the future.

But it is because their parents sacrificed that they have no way to learn those ninjutsu, let alone enter the Ninja Academy, and can only live by picking up the trash that others have thrown away in the endless darkness.

It’s okay when Tenten is hot in summer, but when it comes to winter, the weather gradually becomes very cold. As far as their thin clothes are concerned, a large number of children will definitely be frozen to death.

They have no way to keep warm, let alone a home to go back. They even have a meal without a meal and live a life of food.

Even if they die one day, no one may notice the decay of their bodies.

Bai Yu wants the answer, is that this?

"What do you want to say?"

Yakushi Naiyu had a little guess in his mind, but he was not very sure, so he could only ask Bai Yu again.

At the same time, his heart was trembling. The moment he saw the children twitched slightly, he felt a little tingling and sad.

These children could live well and enjoy the warmth of the family, but now they hide in the dirty corner of 2.6 to survive.

Such children should not lead such a life, especially in their Konoha Village.

"I want you to do me a favor. Let's build an orphanage in Konoha Village together. We will bring together the children who lost their parents in these battlefields, and we will raise them together."

"They are a group of poor children. Without our help, they might die suddenly tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"Don't you think it's unfair to live such a hard life at their age?

As soon as the voice fell, Yakushi Oba stood up instantly, his hands trembling slightly.

He knew what Bai Yu wanted to do, and at the same time was shocked by Bai Yu's thoughts.

Because Bai Yu's thoughts are exactly the same as what he had just thought.

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