Maybe when Luo Zhen felt that it was useless, he killed it and replaced it with a new one.

But those days of anxiety are coming to an end!

Looking at Xiaomeiyan outside the glass with burning eyes, Kyuubi knew that his chance was here!

The arrival of this girl will end her fearful life!

According to Chubby's speculation, this girl will definitely ask Luo Zhen to help in that world in the future, after all, they can't handle Witch Night alone.

And as long as Luo Zhen goes, he will definitely meet the incubator family, and then the incubator family will be finished if they are not sure.

In other words, when the time comes, you will be the only Kewpie.

And Luo Zhen will not come to trouble himself because of the incubator family.


"We have a common enemy, Homura!"

Looking at Xiaomeiyan with firm eyes, Kyuubi said righteously.

I'm sorry, my compatriots in my hometown.

In order to survive, I decided to betray you.

This is also something that can be done, after all, I am really in danger right now.

And then again, you yourself don't have much desire to live.

So it is acceptable to trade your death for my life, right?

Since gaining the relationship, many aspects of Kyuubi's concept have changed.

The most direct point is: cosmic heat death is none of my business? I just want to be alive.

The heat death of the universe will be handled by someone who can handle it. Why should I, a little Kewpie, worry about this kind of thing?

It is said that the technology tree of the incubator family is also quite fascinating.

It has already involved the soul aspect, and it seems that the courtyard is still walking.

But that seems to be all there is to it.

More often it gives the impression that it is completely unscientific and not very magical.

"What the **** are you talking about?"

Although Chubby said so, but Xiaomeiyan did not appreciate it.

If it really has any common enemy with Kewpie.

That's that sluggish brain.

If you can say that you have a common enemy with yourself, this brain is afraid that you can't have it.

Coincidentally, I really want to blow this head off.

"I mean seriously."

The big tail behind him swayed, and Chubby said in that soft voice.

Although it is a very cute girl's voice, it is so harsh and disgusting in Xiaomeiyan's ears.

In order to seduce a human girl, she signed a contract to become a magical girl.

So Kewpie deliberately shaped himself into this cute and harmless appearance.

If the incubator is targeting another race, it will become a cute image in the eyes of the underage female of that race.

If you choose a gram type, maybe it will turn into a twisted look.

"Hear me out......"

Over the next few minutes, Chubby detailed his goals and the pros and cons of joining forces to Xiaomei Homura.

In short, as long as your brain is not sick, you should join forces.

Although Kyubey didn't say that, Akomi Homura felt it.

"You're right. Logically speaking, I really have no reason to refuse."

Holding her chest, Xiaomeiyan said thoughtfully.

Indeed, no matter what, there seems to be no reason for him to refuse.

Inside the containment room, Kyubey tilted his head to look at Xiaomei Homura.

I don't know why it always feels a little familiar to this scene.

Luo Zhen seems to have played it like this before.

Just when it thought that Xiaomeiyan would say 'but I refuse this sentence', Xiaomeiyan agreed very readily.


Although he disliked Kewpie, compared to saving Madoka and destroying the Hatchers, a little disgust was completely irrelevant.

What's more, this matter hasn't been written yet.

The most important thing now is the attitude of the man in front of him.

Turning around, Xiao Meiyan looked at Luo Zhen seriously.

Although he was much shorter than Luo Zhen, his aura didn't drop at all.

The purple-gray pupils met the dim golden pupils, and Xiaomeiyan said seriously:


Chapter 956 Chapter 935 Help in a personal capacity

"please help me!"

Bending down hard, Xiao Meiyan said loudly.

To be honest, she didn't know what she had to ask this man for help.

After all, if you think about it carefully, you seem to have nothing.

If you insist, only moral kidnapping can play some role?

But this is what she doesn't want.

At least for now, Xiaomeiyan is reluctant to do so.

She felt disgusted by using such a cowardly method in the face of someone who was kind to her.

To be honest, she was embarrassed herself, how did she say it.

He opened his mouth with a cheeky face when he knew nothing.

But in order to save Madoka, that's the only way.

Looking at the girl in front of him who was bending over and bowing to him, Luo Zhen scratched the back of his head in distress.

People here in Japan seem to like bowing very much.

Bow when you speak, bow when you are grateful, and bow when you apologize.

Bow when you help someone, and bow when you are asked.

It was as if bowing had become an instinctive act of breathing.

But bowing has a high status in the hearts of Japanese people.

There is nothing that cannot be solved by bowing. If there is something, kneel down.

Anyway, those Japanese officials and entertainers who made mistakes are like that.

It's like bowing and everything is over.

"What do you mean by helping?"

Holding his arms, Luo Zhen looked down at Xiao Meiyan and said.

Although she is very sympathetic to what happened to the girl in front of her, she is not the kind of weak character who needs pity.

"Please defeat Witch Night and save Takihara..."

As she spoke, Xiao Meiyan's voice also fell.

Put a person who didn't know each other a day ago to fight to save his hometown at great risk or something.

What a shame.

To be honest, if it was Xiaomeiyan in the past, she would have found a crack in the ground and got into it now.

Although she has gone through a lot, Xiao Meiyan's face is not very thick.

If it was her in the future, she might not hesitate to ask for help, even if it was moral kidnapping that she didn't want to use now, she would use it immediately.

Everything is to save Madoka.

If possible, save the other magical girls as well.

In so many reincarnations in the past, there have been cases where Xiaomei Yan and everyone became friends.

But at the end of the day, friends are the so-called fetters.

They all disappeared under the gust of wind that swept up on the Witch's Night.

The bodies of friends fell from the sky, and the mockery of the Night of the Witch reverberated in the air.

At that moment, something broke in Xiaomeiyan's heart.

"My work is generally responsible for containing abnormal creatures in the Chiba area and controlling abnormal events that occur."

"It shouldn't include going to another world to save a place I don't know about."

Staring at Xiao Meiyan for a few seconds, Luo Zhen said slowly.

Sure enough, Xiaomeiyan pursed her lips and thought to herself.

Even though I'm mentally prepared to be rejected, it's still going to be uncomfortable.

But now is not the time to be uncomfortable. If you are rejected, you must find another way.

Whether you leave it to find a way or go back, you can't waste your time.

Just when Xiao Meiyan was about to say goodbye, Luo Zhen continued:

"So you have to wait two days and I can help in a personal capacity when the work I'm doing is done."

"But now, I'm going to finish my job."


Xiao Meiyan, who was already ready to leave, blinked.

Did I just hear something wrong?

Did this guy agree to his request?


Did I hear it wrong?

Before, it was obvious that he was ready to refuse.

"Investigator Luo Zhen is actually a good person with a good personality."

Inside the containment room, the big tail behind Chubby swayed back and forth.

Compared to Xiaomei Homura, who was worried and nervous, Kyuubi seemed very calm.

Although Luo Zhen always looked fierce in front of him, Chubby knew that Luo Zhen was actually a soft-hearted person.

The reason why I always put on a bad attitude is because I understand that once I know those sad things, it is difficult to choose to stand by and watch.

So just use this way to stay away from the way you might learn something sad.

Glancing at Chubby in the containment room, Luo Zhen said nothing.

But I felt that Chubby in front of Luo Zhen was stiff.

If it was a cat, it should have frowned by now.

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