He did not expect that both of them could succeed.

After all, experiments like this come with sacrifice.

The sacrifice of materials, or the sacrifice of life.

Of course, for many D-class personnel, this is not a sacrifice.

After all, sacrifices are mostly done out of one's own will to do something that is likely to die.

And they were basically forced to die.

Well, for this group of people, this is the last glow.

It may also be the only time in your life that you will glow and be hot.

"Do you feel more at ease now?"

After feeling Wu Lei'an's physical condition a little, Luo Zhen asked with a smile.

Previously, Wu Lei'an looked extremely eager for power and even a little eager to die.

It's quieter now.

Not the emotion or the character, but the heart.

"Well, drag your blessing."

Although he suddenly gained powerful power, Wu Lei'an didn't feel swollen at all.

If the person who came was Wu Bianzao, the bastard.

Wu Lei'an may show the madness that belongs to the 'devil'.

But now the person who came is Luo Zhen.

Wu Lei'an felt that he wanted to live a few more years.

Not for anything else, but for greater power.

This is indeed the style of the Wu family.

The physique of the Wu Zhi family is very special, as if the instruction "must fight alive" is engraved in their genes.

Even if you lose consciousness, your body will fight back on its own.

Luo Zhen is also looking forward to where such a demon can go in the future.

Although the character is somewhat, or very bad.

But I have to admit that this guy is really talented.

What is certain is that he will definitely go further in the future than anyone in the history of the Wu family.

"During this period of time, train and control your own strength."

"After a while, there may be an evenly matched opponent for you to perform."

Patting Wu Lei'an's shoulder, Luo Zhen said with a smile.

That Commander Nanmu has not yet figured out how to deal with it.

Or let someone handle it.

In his own words, he will have other things to do with Kazuya.

Chapter 912 Chapter 891 The base is hiring

In the training room, Wu Lei'an's attacks continued to fall on the test target like a violent storm.

At this moment, every part of Wu Lei'an's body seemed to be turned into a deadly weapon.

Known as the **** of fighting in Thailand, Gaorang Winsawado is also called the **** of eight-armed fighting.

Because the iconic eight-armed continuous punch in Muay Thai was played to the limit in the hands of Gaolang.

Hands, feet, knees, elbows.

These places can be used as sharp weapons to tear through the enemy's defenses.

At the moment, Wu Lei'an looks more exaggerated than Gaolang.

As if the man was no longer a living human being, but a human-shaped weapon.

Every inch of skin is filled with aggression.

Even if it is just rubbed by the fingertips, the skin will rip.

The corners of his mouth rose, and Wu Lei'an's face was full of madness.

The terrifying demon seemed to be back again.

Or the devil never disappeared.

Just restrained his minions.

He raised his arms high, and his body leaned back like a full bow.

The muscles in the arms burst into blue veins.

After a short charge, the huge fist slammed into the metal pillar.


The sound of flesh and blood colliding with the cold steel instantly filled the entire room.


A crisp voice sounded.

A crack suddenly appeared where the fist and the metal pillar met.

Then quickly extend.

The metal column is cut in two.

Withdrew his hand, Wu Lei'an slowly exhaled.

A smile on the face is proof of health (crossed out)

The smile on his face proved that he was in a good mood at the moment.

"This data is quite exaggerated."

Dr. Jian, who was dragged out of the laboratory by Luo Zhen, looked at the data comparison before and after Wu Lei'an and said with some emotion.

She could really have been in the lab until she stinks if no one dragged her out.

Fortunately, Butterfly Ninja has been learning from Dr. Jane recently to help her.

So this aspect of life is much better than before.

Before the experiment, Wu Lei'an also tested his strength in the training room.

The result was that no traces were left on the metal posts.

Even his fist was damaged a little bit.

And now, he can interrupt the pillar without injury.

Quite a lot of progress.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Wu Lei'an can easily kill several of his former self.

And still under siege.

Although this is an exaggeration.

But in fact it is.

For Martial Daoists, just a few small advancements are enough to defeat an otherwise evenly matched foe.

What's more, Wu Lei'an's exaggerated promotion.

"Muscle and bone density, and neural reflexes."

Looking at the data in his hand, Dr. Jane came to a conclusion.

This guy is no longer human.


It should be said that the values ​​of this guy have exceeded the limit of normal human beings.

Although many non-human beings have been seen in the organization.

But every time he saw these creatures, Dr. Jane was very emotional.

Just looking at the data.

Wu Lei'an is no worse than the fallen angel that Luo Zhen brought back to her.

Even if it was a real fight, Dr. Jian believed that Wu Lei'an would definitely kill the fallen angel at the fastest speed, and would not even leave the opponent a chance to fly.

She still has confidence in this member of the killer family.

After all, it is Wu Yasha's clan.

Well, Wu Yasha is also a friend of Dr. Jian.

It was also because of Dr. Jian that he was invited by Luo Zhen to come to Chiba Base for a part-time job.

Of course, part-time jobs have almost become full-time jobs now.

On the contrary, the previous teacher's job at Huangying Women's College has become a sub-vocation.

Speaking of which, Wu Yasha seems to be the only one who found a marriage partner early and even has children among the older female teachers.

Compared to the group of older single female teachers who are nearly thirty years old and have no male friends.

Wu Yasha is undoubtedly a winner in life.

in various senses.

It's a bit far.

Wu Lei'an adjusted his breathing in the training room.

The smile on his face slowly subsided, and once again returned to that expressionless state.

Obviously should be wanton wild devil.

But inexplicably, it has developed in the direction of Ghana.

Maybe Mr. Wu Huiliyang will be more gratified.

After all, a monster that only shows its fangs at the right time is undoubtedly more feared than a beast that will bark at everyone.

From this point of view, Wu Lei'an already has the conditions to become a patriarch.

After all, the patriarch who can only shout and kill will probably lead his family to destruction.

When the Conqueror King was alive, he led his people to sing along the way.

But after his death his empire soon declined.

Because he can take his subjects to eat meat and drink.

But Go did not teach his subjects how to obtain wine and meat.

Originally, everyone ate simple food normally. Although life was a little more simple, it went on as usual.

But under the leadership of the king, everyone began to eat meat and drink. Although it was refreshing, the days after that became difficult.

It's a bit far.

"Has Investigator Luo Zhen returned?"

Walking out of the training room, Wu Lei'an, who did not see Luo Zhen's figure, looked at Qianhu and asked.

"Mr. Luo Zhen seems to have received some tasks before, so I will take over the subsequent arrangements."

Chito said with an apologetic smile on his face, holding the document in his arms.

I don't know when it started, Qianhu always habitually held a stack of documents in his arms.

This posture seemed to make her feel more at ease.

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