Just now he seemed to return to the state he was in a long time ago.

Random killing, wanton taking of life.

Because of that person's wrong education, Yato made an unforgivable mistake.

Taking a deep breath, Yato shook off the complicated thoughts in his mind.

He doesn't want to think about how in the past, and he is very satisfied with his current state.

As long as you don't see that person.

"Although it was a little unexpected, I still got a lot of useful news."

Patting his head vigorously, Yato tried his best to recall the scene he just saw in that strange dream.

To be honest, it has already begun to be forgotten.

Many images that are so clear in a dream become blurred after leaving that dream.

Things in memory are slowly fading.

Before it was completely forgotten, Yato recorded everything he saw.

From those hideous-looking monsters to the weird 'gods' that appeared in the blood moon.

Although that appearance looked very ferocious and twisted, there was no doubt that it was a god.

From that guy, Yato could clearly feel the chaotic divinity of that god.

"It's really annoying."

Covering his forehead, Yedou felt somewhat helpless.

Most of the gods in his own world were just like him.

There are very few strange abilities, let alone the twisted appearance he has seen.

Do gods in other worlds look so sloppy?

Or is it that in their aesthetics that look is already the best?

Yato said he couldn't understand.

After recording all the information, Yato checked it carefully.

Although the purpose is to check whether there is any omission, but to be honest, Yato doesn't remember very clearly now.

I can only vaguely recall some fragmentary pictures through the words I recorded.

There must be nothing missing, right?

Send this information to Dr. Seymour after double-checking.

Although Yato has been communicating with Joseph and Rozen, Dr. Seymour is the site director after all.

However, Yedou heard that Dr. Seymour had often expressed his attitude of being "tired" and "wanting to resign to concentrate on research" in previous meetings.

After all, they are a lot of age, and it is normal to want to quit a bunch of positions in this matter to concentrate on research.

If Dr. Seymour chooses to resign from this position, who should be the Site Director?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there are not many people in Chiba who fit this position.

On the other side, Dr. Seymour sent this information to Rozen and Joseph after receiving the news from Yedou.

We're just a commander from the rear, and you investigators are good at this sort of thing.

If it weren't for the special situation at that time, the Chiba base was understaffed, and Dr. Seymour would not have taken over this position.

Now there are more people in the Chiba base, especially the investigators are very well-staffed.

Dr. Seymour felt that he could think about resigning from a position that had taken up so much of his energy and time.

As for the candidates.

He thinks JOJO is very good.

Young and energetic, with a shrewd head or a 'pseudo-reborn', there is no shortage of experience.

In the past, he was still the real power controller of a large group.

Dr. Seymour was not at all worried about Joseph's problems in this regard.

Although he thinks so, Dr. Seymour still has to keep doing it for now.

very annoying.

With a sigh, Dr. Seymour walked towards his laboratory.


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========================== However, as soon as I walked to the door of the laboratory, I was notified that there was something new to deal with.

"I must resign!"

Looking reluctantly at the laboratory he hadn't been to for a while, Dr. Seymour made up his mind.

Gotta figure out a way to give this position to Joseph.

On the other side, Luo Zhen, who was standing on the rooftop, received news from Dr. Seymour Yedou.

An uncertain light flashed in the golden pupils.

Chapter 769 Chapter 748

After class, Luo Zhen refused Ping Zeyu's invitation and came to the rooftop alone.

The empty rooftop was extraordinarily quiet, and the noise from the campus did not affect the quietness of the rooftop at all.

There is a sense of detachment wandering outside the world.

No wonder I have to lack the campus. Fanzhong Tiantai is a scene with a very high appearance rate.

Whether it's love or something else.

Yes, Brother Cheng.

Ah, I almost forgot, Brother Cheng has left this beautiful world after chasing his old stallion.

If this world really had merit, Luo Zhen felt that killing the father and son's parasitic beast and the rip-off girl should instantly burst into a dazzling light of merit.

'The wind is very noisy today. ’

Feeling the breeze blowing on the rooftop, this sentence suddenly appeared in Luo Zhen's mind and even had the urge to blurt out.

But Luo Zhen still held back.

Not because of maturity or anything.

But because someone came.

At the entrance of the rooftop, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at Luo Zhen with his back to him in surprise.

At the first sight of Xia Zhiqiu's back, Shiyu recognized Luo Zhen, and she felt a little guilty in her heart.

It's like being caught doing something bad.

After all, although the two of them have not formally contacted each other from the perspective of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, they have been observing this special classmate for a long time.

The protagonist of my new book is a reference to this classmate in a large way.

Hmm, it feels a little weird to say that.

Like some trailing idiots.

Although it is true from an objective point of view.

However, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka insists that this is a reasonable observation and accumulation material.

Wasn't there a great writer who often observed pedestrians on the road?

This wave is to pay tribute to the predecessors.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had found a suitable reason for himself, thought so.

The originally panicked heart instantly calmed down.

He walked to his usual seat and sat down, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu subconsciously thought about Luo Zhen's direction.

To be honest, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's attitude towards this classmate is very complicated.

My new book refers to this classmate in many ways, and I also made a lot of money.

She occasionally wonders if she should get in touch with this classmate or something.

It's not about retribution or anything, but more of a curiosity?

She herself couldn't understand.

Holding his chin, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help but think wildly.

When did Luo Zhen's eye color change? Are you wearing contact lenses?

Why doesn't he speak? Did you not see me?

Ah, think carefully about how others don't need to take the initiative to chat with me.

Long-term observation and various thoughts and imaginations when writing novels make Luo Zhen's image very special in Shiyu's heart.

If I have to say it, Luo Zhen's image in Shiyu's heart is now close to the perfect male protagonist.

Some are like those believers looking to the gods they believe in, but not as fanatical.

Speaking of which, that An Yilun also seems to be in the same class as Luo Zhen?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly thought of An Yilun who always insisted on inviting him to help him make games.

To be honest, Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu doesn't know what the other party thinks. Why does he think he will help him make games without writing his own novel?

Now that she has written light novels, she has achieved financial independence, and even many adults do not have as much savings as her.

In this case, why would she thankfully help to make a game that is likely to lose money afterwards, and even if she makes money, she will not share it with herself?


After returning to God, Shiyu of the Hill of Xia suddenly found that Luo Zhen had reached the Tiantaikou without knowing when, and had not had any communication with her from beginning to end.

However, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka did not feel dissatisfied with being ignored at all.

After all, everyone doesn't know each other.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who is usually a bit vicious and a little narcissistic, doesn't think there is anything wrong with this.

A gust of breeze blew, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly said a word for some unknown reason.

"The wind is very noisy today."

Some unaware Kasumigaoka Shiyu hurriedly wrote down the words that suddenly came to her mind.

I think it will be useful to write a book later.

Luo Zhen, who hadn't gone far, stumbled under his feet, apparently hearing this.

Some weird glances at Kasumi Hill Shiyu and then quickly walked away.

He is now going to Yato to talk about the past.

Although Yato mentioned that what he saw after coming out of that dream was quickly forgotten, Luo Zhen felt that he should be able to see some more.

After all, I have the power of dreams, too.

The golden light in his eyes quietly lit up, half of Luo Zhen's face in the corridor was hidden in the darkness, and half of his face was exposed in the dim sunlight.

The exposed half of his face was full of indifference.

In the Chiba Research Institute, Nozomi Tojo, who was yawning, walked into the training room listlessly.

"You didn't sleep last night, Tojo-kun."

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