
He opened the door, and sat by the window with his back to the figure of Purgatory Kyojuro, where the wine that was always in his hand was kept.


Staring at his father's back for a few seconds, a smile appeared on Purgatory Kyojuro's face:

"I am back."

"Ah, just come back."

Maybe it's an illusion, the deep voice of Purgatory Makijurou seems to be a little hoarse.

The purgatory Qianshoulang outside the door quietly closed the door and gave the space to the two of them.

Today's share.jpg

Chapter 735 Chapter 714 This thing is much easier to use than the sun blade!

Leaving aside the return of Purgatory Kyojuro, the first batch of weapons from the Ghost Killing Team headquarters has been distributed to the swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team.

"What is this stuff?"

Inosuke Mouthira, wearing a boar hood, looked at the pair of weapons in front of him and fell into contemplation.

It's all stuff I haven't seen.

Although it is mentioned above as a weapon against ghosts, can such an iron rod without even a blade really cut off a ghost's neck?

Could it be that you used this thing to smash the ghost's head?

I always feel like it doesn't suit my fighting style...

"I don't quite understand it either, I just know that it was brought back by Mr. Purgatory."

Kamado Tanjiro, who had changed into his regular clothes, scratched his head and said.

Although he was the first to know about the return of Purgatory Kyojuro, in fact he didn't know much.

It would be nice to have him sit in on a Zhuhe meeting as an exception.

The first time he came here doesn't count, that time he was judged.

"It should be some new guns or something."

"I've seen people use similar firearms before."

As the only person in the three-person team who is in line with society, my wife Zenitsu said with some uncertainty.

He did know the concept of some firearms, but it was the first time he saw a real firearm in front of him.

It's similar, but the difference is really big.

If I ask my wife Zenitsu to give an example, it is him who just started learning swordsmanship and the current him.

Although they are both holding knives, they feel completely different.

Although he is weak now.

With her head lowered, my wife Zenitsu suddenly became depressed.

Ah, I really want to be a handsome hero too.

"What is this guy doing?"

Looking away from the firearm on the table, Inosuke looked at my wife, Zenitsu, who was depressed, a few question marks appeared on her head.

What is this guy smoking?

Forget it, leave him alone.

Shaking his head, Inosuke said that he was used to my wife Zenitsu getting nervous from time to time.

There seems to be no normal person in this squad except myself.

Inosuke thought so.

Coincidentally, the other two actually thought the same thing.

"This is the weapon brought back by Mr. Yanzhu Purgatory Kyojuro."

Hitting his waist, Kanzaki Aoi walked behind the three of them, his eyes unconsciously stayed on Inosuke's mouth for two more seconds, and then moved away very naturally.

"Originally speaking, it would not be allocated to you, but because of Mr. Purgatory Kyojuro's request, the three of you also have a share."

"Some of them seem to be gifts from people who came back with Mr. Kyojuro Purgatory?"

In the end, Kanzaki Aoi was also a little unsure.

Not many people know about Luo Zhen and Joseph's return with Purgatory Kyojuro.

But people close to Zhu more or less get some news.

After all, the Ghost Killing Team didn't block the news too tightly in this regard, and basically rely on the self-consciousness of the pillars.

Most of the people in the Butterfly House know it.

"Friendship gift?"

With his head tilted, Inosuke gave a puzzled expression.

What is this?

Pay tribute?

Inosuke Zuihira, who grew up in the mountains, is similar to animals in many aspects.

At this time, it is very natural to think that many animals will hand over their prey to the leader.

I see!

Two puffs of white smoke spewed out of the pig's nose, and Inosuke's mouth looked full of energy.

Maybe something is misunderstood.

"No, Inosuke! That's not what it means to give as a gift!"

With two hands waving, Tanjiro Kamado explained the meaning of the gift of friendship to Tsuihira Inosuke.

But the mouth flat Inosuke was not listening at all.

"You are so noisy, Kwon Hachiro."

"It's been said that I don't call this name!"

"Anyway, let's try these weapons first, let's go Wen Yi!"

"Listen to what I have to say!"

A few minutes later, the mountain behind the Butterfly House—

Several swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer team inserted their sun-knife into their waists at this time, each with a gun.

Tanjiro Kamado's rifle, my wife Zenitsu's sniper rifle, and......

Inosuke Mizuhira holds two submachine guns.


A star flashed in the corner of Inosuke's eyes, looking excited.

"I am, Inosuke."

Tanjirou Kamado, who was a little overwhelmed with his rifle, looked at Inosuke Tsuihira and seemed to want to say something.

But in the next second, it was interrupted by the excited roar of the mouth flat Inosuke:

"Very good! Let's start the experiment directly!"

Without waiting for the other two to answer, Ziping Inosuke opened the safety and pulled the trigger according to what my wife Zenitsu had told me before.

Even though my wife, Zenitsu, doesn't know how to use a gun, there are instructions!

“Da da da da ……”

Weapons of war from modern times are constantly spewing tongues of fire at this moment.

Obviously it looks like two small submachine guns but the ammunition capacity is amazing.

Bullets from the muzzle tore everything in sight to shreds.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!"

Due to the recoil, the mouth flat Inosuke's voice was trembling violently now.

When the bullets in the two guns were all emptied, the atmosphere fell into silence.

In the end, the mouth flat Inosuke took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Oh oh oh!!"

"Quan Hachiro! Wen Yi!"

"This thing is much better than the sun blade!!"

Excitedly waving the two submachine guns that were still smoking, Zipira Inosuke turned to look at the two and said.

However, they saw the expressions of fear on their faces, as if they had seen some kind of beast.

"What's wrong with you? Are you frightened by this uncle?"


"Is it better than a sun-knife? I think so too."

A crisp voice sounded behind the mouth flat Inosuke.

The unbridled laughter came to an abrupt end, and Inosuke turned his head shyly.

I saw Butterfly with a smile on his face looking at him with kindness, his smile was the same as usual at first glance.

If you ignore the blue veins surging on Butterfly Ninja's forehead.

"I thought I had overestimated your ability to toss, but now it seems that I underestimated you."

Looking at the mess like the back mountain after a typhoon, Butterfly Shinobi felt that a string called reason was about to break in his head.

She has grown a lot of medicinal herbs here! !


Looking at Inosuke, who was dragged away by Butterfly Shinobi, with his feet dragging long traces on the ground, Tanjiro Kamado and my wife Zenitsu fell into contemplation.

Sure enough, it's better to try somewhere farther away.

Otherwise, I feel like I will be killed by Miss Shinobu.

the other side-

"According to your request, Mr. Luo Zhen, those weapons have been sent to the butterfly house."

Inside the house, Yoshiya Sanyashiki said to Luo Zhen in front of him.

Chapter 736 Chapter 715

Sitting in front of Yozai in the maternity house, Luo Zhen said softly:

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Miyashiki."

"It wasn't hard work."

Shaking his head with a chuckle, Yoya Zaiyashiki didn't think he had any hard work.

Compared to the swordsmen who fought against the evil spirits at the forefront, I was simply too relaxed.

As long as you sit in the back, you can know the movements of the evil spirits.

Obviously different martial arts but can instruct many powerful swordsmen to act.

Sometimes Maiyashiki also feels deeply guilty.

Maybe because of one of his own orders, a very funny swordsman will die.

Although most of it was due to errors in the information or the swordsman himself, but at the root of it was the dereliction of duty by his lord.

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