"Huh? No more."

Curling his lips, El-Melloi II put the coffee pot aside.

Coffee is always so sloppy.

Pushing away the cup in front of him, El-Melloi II said to the other end of the phone:

"If you want to come and go, you can go, how can there be such a good thing."

"And that World Tree."

"There is a price to be paid for doing the wrong thing."

El-Melloi II said in a cold tone.

Although this is not his original world, he is still a human being anyway.

I don't have the slightest sympathy for guys who want to cleanse humans.

Like he said, doing the wrong thing has a price.

The most important thing is that he also expects to work hard in the agency to earn enough bonuses and remuneration to go back and pay back the money.

If this group of Digimon really do anything wrong.

Where is he going to pay back the money? !

Thinking of the debt he was carrying, El-Melloi II's eyes became fiercer.

Sure enough, these **** **** are still humanely destroyed.

Inhuman can also be.

"Well, you can handle this for yourself."

The white-haired dwarf on the other end of the phone responded unhurriedly.

Not slender fingers turn a pen.

It's a pity that she really doesn't seem to have any talent in this regard.

The slightly heavy pen didn't give any face, and slipped away from Teresa's fingers several times.

Theresa didn't care either, picking it up and continuing to turn it around at will.

The impact of this digital invasion was much smaller than expected.

Except at the beginning, many people died under the instructions of the little evil beast.

The latter are all within control.

As for phantoms in the sky?

This sort of thing is quickly dismissed as an urban legend.

There are not many things now, just a lot of trolls and gangsters.

Even if they do see it, some people will forcefully say that they have not seen it to show their sense of existence in order to show their maverick.

After hanging up Theresa's phone, El-Melloi II called another person.

"Can you do it, Miss Liangyi?"


"Then please."

Hanging up the phone, the two rituals raised the short knife in their hands and aimed at the passage in front of them.

In her line of sight, dead lines are densely distributed on the passage.

At a certain moment, a small dead spot appeared.

But it was so conspicuous in the eyes of the two ceremonies.

The sharp blade raised, then fell.


There seemed to be a sound of something shattering in the void.

The next moment, the passage shattered and collapsed.

Chapter 552: My destiny is up to me?

In the digital world, the cold place that is usually inaccessible is now "very lively".

Wave after wave of scarlet waves rushed to the top of the mountain.

Countless small, monstrous familiars made shrill screams and rushed to the top of the mountain along the waves.

Like a locust crossing the border, it devours and destroys everything it encounters on the way.

Everywhere you go is probably like this.

Looking closely, the scarlet wave was not a current at all.

It was a flame that was extremely thick and even somewhat liquid-like.

The air in the sky is showing signs of distortion at this high temperature.

And on the top of the mountain, the steel tide that is not inferior to the crimson wave is continuously washing the crimson wave.

It just stopped its seemingly unmatched terrorist momentum.

"Tough guy............"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the final crossbow Garurumon standing on the top of the mountain.

Compared to VictoryGreymon, who is full of fighting spirit, Garurumon is more like a ruthless warrior.

It doesn't care about the glory of a warrior, the satisfaction of fighting.

All it cares about is defeating the enemy.

No matter what means, what way.

Because this is the mission it was born with.

For this mission that has bound him since the days of the Digiegg, Garurumon has no dislike or disgust at all.

An intelligent creature is always looking for a reason to live.

Some people live to fight, live to fight, and die to fight.

Some people live for the world, his vision is above the whole world, and everything he does is for the world he loves.

Some people live for their family, he doesn't care what the world is like, he only cares about his family.

Some people live for their beliefs and give everything even their hair for their beliefs.

And some people......

Live for cell phones, computers, games, movies, Coke, popcorn, fried chicken nuggets, and more. (forced)

For the final crossbow Garurumon, this mission gave it a reason to live, who lived aimlessly and fought for the sake of fighting.

This is a very good mission both from an objective point of view and from a subjective point of view.

There is status, there is force.

Although there is no salary, it is already very good.

So the final crossbow Garurumon very naturally accepted this mission.

However, Victory Greymon, which is its partner, is quite critical of this.

It probably means that I have come to this day with my own efforts, and a mission has bound me here.

I can not be reconciled!

If it is placed in the fantasy world, it is another character whose fate is my own.

Garurumon, the final crossbow, was noncommittal about this.

You live in the world of other people's heaven, use the things of other people's world to improve yourself, and finally come to my fate, I can't help you.

It's like the mouse in your house eats and drinks yours, and finally jumps out to give you a beating.

(just kidding)

At least for now, the final crossbow Garurumon is quite satisfied with his mission, and he has nothing to think about.

In the scarlet wave, a little gold lit up.

Soon the golden energy erupted, clearing a large gap in the scarlet wave.

From above, it looked like there was a hole in the red cardboard.

""Trident Gaia""

When the storm brought about by the golden energy gradually subsided, the voice of the Victory Tyrannosaurus slowly sounded.

Those majestic dragon eyes stared at the three Digimon not far away.

Holding the giant sword "Dragon Beast Breaking Sword" with an exaggerated shape and weight, Victory Greymon charged towards the three Barbamon in the air.

The moment VictoryGreymon started to move, Garurumon, the final crossbow, launched a large number of attacks along with it.

The super crossbow-class final weapon "Ultimate Crossbow-class Cannon" behind it began to charge.

A large number of light spots gathered in it little by little, forming a light bomb exuding terrifying energy.

"go to hell!"

Stretching its body, Victory Greymon smashed down the "Dragon Beast Broken Sword" in its hand in a posture of smashing Huashan.

If this blow actually hits, even Balbamon will not be able to take it.

The new vampire beast around him flashed, his arms crossed in front of the Victory Tyrannosaurus beast.


A slightly harsh metal collision sounded.

The new vampire beast catalyzed by Barbamon's residual power of despair flew upside down like a bird with broken wings.

A very obvious depression appeared on the faint purple arm.

Obviously, this blow brought great damage to the new vampire beast.

Barbamon, who saw this scene, was not angry or embarrassed, but showed a smile of successful conspiracy.


The moment he noticed this smile from the corner of his eye, Victory Greymon's inner alarm rang.

A virus-type Digimon smiles at you, and there is a high probability that it is not friendly.

Rather, it intends to kill you.

In the next second, two rapidly extending arms grabbed the Victory Tyrannosaurus Beast.

""Blood Claw Attack"! ! ! "

The eerie, hoarse voice of the new vampire beast rang above Victory Greymon.

The shadow cast by the bat wings behind him almost shrouded Victory Greymon.

At this distance, even Victory Greymon has no confidence that it can completely avoid it.

As his thoughts turned sharply, Victory Greymon raised the "Dragon Beast Broken Sword" in his hand to block it above him.

The moment VictoryGreymon released its grip, it quickly moved sideways to its side.

But the next moment————

""Death Temptation""

A tempting voice sounded, and Barbamon, holding a wand, came to Victory Greymon's side quietly at some point.

The strange light from the top of the wand bloomed, shining on Victory Greymon.

"Death Temptation" is said to be a trick that can lure Digimon to **** where they cannot survive.

Under the interference of Barbamon, Victory Greymon's eyes were blank for a moment.

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