Why do you feel so anxious?

"Go find a man."

Yoshikawa Yuki said the fastest words in the calmest tone.

The little angel in your eyes is actually black when cut open!

"Eh eh?"

There were bursts of exclamations in the Qingyin Club.

I always felt like I heard something very interesting.


And Yoshikawa Yuki, who was the instigator of the topic, just tilted his head and tried to get through.

I'm just a melon eater who doesn't know anything.

Luo Zhen, who found that Ping Zeyu's attention was drawn too much by another thing, was slightly relieved.

A single-threaded stay can only focus on one thing at a time.

It is impossible to do two things with one heart.


"Xiaozhen, frown."

Ping Ze Yu, who was eating melon and eating happily, turned his head sharply, and poked his finger on Luo Zhen's brow accurately but not hard.

Luo Zhen: ? ? ? ? ?

Feeling the soft touch from between the eyebrows, Luo Zhen's heart was full of doubts, big and small.

How did you do this?

At this moment, Horikikoko was trotting all the way towards Miyamura Isumu's cake shop.

Although Miyamura Isumi went to her house to play most of the time, she also went to Miyamura's house.

Both parties skip the love link and start seeing their parents.jpg

In Miyamura's cake shop, Miyamura Isumi, who had finished changing his clothes, took off his apron and was ready to go out.

Izumi Miyamura often came to the store to help out, but in a completely different way from the school.

Hori said that today after school, she and Yoshikawa will go to the light music club to play, and may go home later.

Go for a walk.

Miyamura Isumi thought to himself.

"Wow, these cakes are so cute."

"Really? I highly recommend this one."

The chattering voices of several girls caught the attention of Miyamura Isumi.

These voices sound familiar.

Looking in the direction from which the voice came, several girls in Sotake high uniforms entered Miyamura Isumi's line of sight.

"It seems to be from Class A?"

Miyamura Isumi said somewhat uncertainly.

He didn't even recognize all the people in his class, so he knew that these people were still quite famous among boys.

It was a bit difficult for Miyamura Isumi to know whether or not to know.

Shaking his head, Miyamura Isumi was about to ignore these girls.

He had absolutely no fear of being recognized.

His presence in school is quite low, and there is a big difference between now and in school.

All eight pierced ears wear studs, and the hole under the lip also wears a lip ring.

Slightly ostentatious bracelets and bracelets are worn on the wrists.

The hem of the scarf hangs down to the waist, and a belt in the same style as the bracelet can be vaguely seen.

The so-called scholars on campus are probably like the urban beauties outside the campus.

Every time I wear these accessories, Isumi Miyamura feels like I get some inexplicable bonus.

Very open even when talking to strangers.

You thought he was wearing a mask, but he actually took it off.jpg

But since he and Horikiko got acquainted and often went to her house to play, he rarely wore these earrings and lip rings.

Some people worry that Hori-san will not like it.

"That boy, wow."

Looking at Miyamura Isumu after changing clothes, Yuihama Yui didn't know what to say for a while.

Can only send out the emotion of no culture.

If she has been exposed to Chinese culture, she should be able to say the two words that are broad and profound.

"What do you think of Yumiko?"


Ebina Hime looked at Miura Yuiko with some doubts.

"Huh? That's it."

Yumiko Miura said in a perfunctory manner.

For some reason, she always felt that something was secretly watching her.

This feeling made her very uncomfortable.

But after scanning many circles, I couldn't find who was peeping at her.

Chapter 503: The Pumpkin Beast is ready to attack

In a corner that Miura Yuko and the others hadn't noticed, a winged spherical creature quietly stuck out its head or body.

For this guy, it seems that there is no way to tell the difference between the head and the body.

"That's all."

The yellow pupils resembling snakes were only staring at a few people in the cake shop.

The joys and sorrows of mankind mean nothing to it.

Because someone gave it a task.

"The king of vampire monsters is really good at calling people."

Fluttering its broken wings, the little evil beast kept complaining.

Since it came to the human world, it has been busy helping vampire monsters to collect human despair.

How to collect such invisible and intangible things?

The little evil beast doesn't understand it, but it doesn't matter.

These things don't need it to think about either.

It only needs to be responsible for making humans despair.

And then there is the so-called high-quality despair.

This little evil beast is even more incomprehensible.

Is despair still divided into three, six, nine and so on?


However, according to the recent observations of the little evil beasts, those who are called social animals have the least despair before death.

The despair that those who have had hope for in life exudes before death, at best, conforms to so-called high-quality despair.

These are the results that the little evil monsters in various cities gathered together to discuss.

The little evil beasts here in Chiba are proficient in the way of fishing, and they were quietly gathering despair in a casual manner.

After the diligent research of the rest of the little evil beasts came to a conclusion, it could just sit back and enjoy it.

"But the guy in Tokyo seems to have learned it too."

The scarlet claws left a few shallow traces on the wall, Chiba's little evil beast thought thoughtfully.

At the previous meeting of Little Demons, the Little Demons in Tokyo behaved exactly like it.

It has always been echoing the words of other little evil beasts, and has absolutely no words of its own.

The eyes are empty, and the mind is elsewhere.


What a lazy guy.

Chiba's little evil beast strongly condemned this kind of fishing behavior.

"Ah, accidentally."

The little evil monster looked at the claw print on the wall and quickly rubbed it off.

It took a while to grind the paw prints off.

It knows that in the human world, in addition to the selected children, there are a group of adults who are too strong.

The last Vampire Demon King was cut to pieces by a woman in a kimono.

The little evil beast and the other Digimon were so frightened that they fled back to the Digital World without even turning their heads.

As for some idiots who have bad brains and want to avenge the vampire monsters?

The **** knows.

Perhaps their data has long since dissipated in the world.

Originally, the little evil beast thought that he would stay in the Digital World in the dark.

But I didn't expect it to be sent out again this time.

Thinking of the envious eyes of those idiot Digimon, the little evil beast really wanted to say let's change it.

"Really, I don't want this job."

It is not very interested in the human world.

But there is no way, they have already been dispatched, so let's do it well.

Maybe a promotion and a raise?

Of course, be careful.

It doesn't want to be discovered and killed by those terrifying humans.

Digimon have a long lifespan, and they don't want to leave this beautiful world early.


Inside the cake shop, Yuko Miura and the others who were chatting suddenly shuddered.

The originally lively atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

The three looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

They didn't know why they shivered so tacitly.

It always feels like something bad has happened.

"I heard that there are ghosts passing by in this situation..."

As if remembering something, Yuihama Yui whispered.

I believe many students have had similar experiences.

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