King of Stage

Twelve behind bars

what's the situation?

Ronan had question marks all over his head.

Obviously, the band is now facing a difficult and desperate situation. From the chaos after tonight's performance accident, some clues can be vaguely smelled. This should be a dilemma related to the life and death of the band, and the differences of opinion within the band have made the situation even worse. tricky up.

But what is the situation? What is the specific problem? Ronan didn't have time to organize his thoughts.

Or to be more accurate, Ronan still hasn't been able to fully integrate into reality, and has always been immersed in the joy of seeing the light again and being on the stage, and he didn't spend time thinking about the situation at all-for him , there are more impactful things at present.

Joy, before the taste is finished, bitterness and difficulties have already hit the face, forcing Ronan to quickly gain a foothold and adapt to the situation.

But... nothing is clear about the situation, how should I respond?

From just now, Ronan avoided speaking lightly, otherwise he might expose his flaws if he didn't pay attention. It is not a solution to explain with a high fever and a confused head every time.

Ronan, who became the focus of his teammates' attention, frowned slightly, seemed a little troubled, and seemed a little hesitant, and did not express his opinion easily.


Seeing Ronan's expression like this, Cliff became a little irritable, and the follow-up words jumped out rudely, "Aren't things clear enough now?"

"Even if we would like to go on and finish the tour, but we don't have any income, what about gas, accommodation, and other daily expenses?"

"Okay, we can pay out of our own pockets, not to mention that the five of us can't find a green bill in our wallets. Even if we completed the tour by begging all the way, what's the point?"

"No one's waiting for our show, the bars won't care, the drunks won't care, let alone the music producers. No hope, no meaning, no value, nothing, so what are we holding on to? Woolen cloth?"

"We pay out of our own pockets to do a tour that has no meaning, no hope, no end, no effect, and then what?"

"There is no more."

"This kind of thing is not the first time, nor will it be the last time. In the past five years, haven't we experienced enough? Are there not enough similar blows? Don't forget, how did we get to where we are today? How did we start the second journey? It’s not that we haven’t worked hard, we haven’t worked hard, but what’s the result?”

"Otherwise, what do you think is Trastan's reason for doing so?"

As he was talking, Cliff's voice stopped abruptly. The rapid ups and downs of his chest revealed his excitement and loss of control. His blushing cheeks seemed to explode at any moment, and his watery eyes were so embarrassed and flustered. , hastily lowered his eyelids, concealing his fragility.

Maxim didn't speak, and stuck his neck stubbornly, shifting his gaze to look into the distance, but the tense arm and shoulder muscles revealed the turmoil in his heart.

Ollie lowered his head silently, rubbed his eyes secretly, and then turned his head in a panic to look in another direction, leaving only the back of his head.

The air fell silent, and the sound of frogs croaked faintly in my ears, and the noise of the night seemed to slowly settle down.


This name flashed across his brain like a bolt of lightning, awakening the chaotic memories in Ronan's mind, connecting the scattered fragments like keywords, echoing Cliff's words, and a vague outline of the ins and outs of the matter emerged , at least it is no longer in a blind state.

Kings for a Day, originally formed in 2005,

Made up of Ronan, Ollie, and Maxime, three freshman students at UCLA.

Originally, this was purely a hobby band squad, that is, the garage band that countless high school and college students in North America have tried—a amateur band formed in the garage of their own home, mainly for self-entertainment .

When entering the sophomore semester, Maxim met Cliff, who was one year older than them, because of music. By chance, Cliff also joined the band as the guitarist, and the band entered a new stage of development. , Gradually began to stand out among the performances on the university campus.

Thanks to Cliff's extensive contacts, the band began to win more performance opportunities, and was appreciated and affirmed by an independent record company. The band members also had the idea of ​​formally entering the music field, and finally reached a consensus. Qiqi chose to suspend her studies, signed a contract with a record company, completed the recording of her first album, and was ready for her official debut.

something unexpected may happen any time.

In 2008, the global subprime mortgage financial crisis caused the record company to go bankrupt. Even though the album had been recorded, it was unable to produce it on a large scale, let alone distribute it nationwide. In the end, the King’s debut plan was like this Was forced to stop at the last moment.

In desperation, the band members returned to campus to continue their studies, while studying and performing at the same time-there are many bar resident singing, commercial performances, etc., but they never got a second chance; but the band members refused to give up easily, and successfully After graduation, in order to allow the band to continue to develop, the four members have worked a lot of part-time jobs.

Ronan worked at gas stations and convenience stores, and sang commercials for commercials; Ollie waited tables at restaurants and built scaffolding on construction sites.

Cliff worked part-time as a real estate agent and also worked in an advertising agency for nearly six months; Maxim maintained his income by tutoring guitar and saxophone.

The bad situation has continued intermittently until last year, in 2011, when an agent named Trastan Cuban appeared.

Trastan is also an alumnus of the band members, but he is three years older than Cliff. He has graduated early and became a music manager. Because of Cliff's matchmaking, Trastan made a special trip to watch the king for a day. The band's two live performances, and after multi-faceted evaluation and consideration, finally decided to sign with the band.

After three years of silence, the band finally had a second chance.

After signing with Trastan, the performance chances of the One-Day Kings have really risen sharply. Not only did they act as opening guests for some small concerts, but they also made opening performances for NCAA football games. There are really many exposure opportunities and continue To accumulate performance experience.

On the one hand, the One Day Kings accumulated popularity and performance experience through commercial performances; on the other hand, Trastan has been contacting the record company, hoping to find a second chance for the band to record a new album.

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