King of Special Effects

Chapter 487 , Uncontrollable Development! (3/8)

Chapter 487 , Uncontrollable Development! (38)

It turns out!

This is a movie underestimated by many people including Yi Yang.

On the first day of its entry into the UK market, there were no empty seats in the theaters where the film was screened. This may be due to the double harvest of word-of-mouth box office in the North American market. This film is different from previous Chinese-language films released in the UK.

The audience is not only Chinese in Britain, but also more than half of the British audience.

In just one day, more than 2,000 people participated in the rating on the MMR rating website, and the rating was as high as 8.8, which is the highest score ever obtained by a Chinese film on this website.

Counting the pre-sales, the single-day box office of "Progress" in the UK reached 1.5 million pounds, which is about 13 million yuan when converted into RMB.

It is also because the film schedule is not high, and it is released in some small-scale theaters, otherwise the box office may more than double.

The cinema seems to have also seen the unexpected benefits brought by this movie, and it has begun to be compared to cinemas in many scales to welcome its release.

In just one day, "Progress" began to be screened in the UK on a large scale.

Judging from the news sent back by the distribution team of Zaoji "Progress", on December 3, the film will be released in the region with a total of 23% of the film schedule.

After Yi Yang heard the news, he was so excited in front of everyone in the office that he looked like a crazy person.

After all, this movie far exceeded my imagination and achieved such impressive results. From the performances in South Korea and the United Kingdom, it is not difficult to imagine what "Progress" will look like after it is released in Tianzhu and Russia.

There are quite a lot of elements of Russia and Tianzhu in the content of the story. After all, the "progressive plan" in the plot is also a global plan, with more than 100 countries participating.

Just like someone commented on the British BBR website: "Progress" is not just a movie, it is also an imagination of the interstellar project for human technology, and this imagination is very possible.

"When human beings want to emigrate to aliens, 'progressive' is a good plan."

"Humanity's scientific and technological progress begins with imagination!"

This may be one of the reasons why this movie is so popular with audiences all over the world.

Yi Yang just received the news from the phone, and other people in the company didn't know about it, but just by looking at Yi Yang's expression, he knew it must be a good thing.

Lin Yun came to visit when he was bored, and she, Yuan Zhengzhong, Su Yanxin and others stared blankly at Yi Yang who was losing his nerve.

He smiled and said, "This guy looks like he's convulsed with cerebral congestion. Do you want to call 120?"

"I think I should notify the psychiatric hospital directly!"

"It's like this after answering a phone call? Is something wrong?"

"Do you think he looks like something happened? He is happier than his wife and child."

Two minutes later, Yi Yang returned to normal and sat up straight very solemnly.

"Yeah, let me announce a good thing to everyone, "Progress" is officially released in the UK!"

Su Yanxin was taken aback: "Isn't this what happened the day before yesterday? Brother Yi, did you just connect to the Internet?"

"The day before yesterday, it was a small-scale screening in a few theaters, and now it is a large-scale screening. It will be officially launched in major cities at nine o'clock in the morning on December 3rd local time, which is our four o'clock in the afternoon this afternoon."

Several people looked at each other and smiled happily. They knew what this meant.

"No wonder you are so happy. How is the performance of this film in Australia?"

Yi Yang checked the real-time data fed back by Huayi, and said after a while: "It's not bad, but the response is not as enthusiastic as in the UK. In two days, it collected nearly three million US dollars in box office."

Lin Yun heard it: "I'll go, the response to three million US dollars is not enthusiastic, but that's more than 20 million yuan, an average of 10 million a day."

"Less than ten million a day!"

Yi Yang can't control this situation anymore, and he doesn't need to control it, he can only watch the film's steady development in various markets.

The British market has been officially launched, and the box office reputation is going up. There are even local self-media reports that neighboring countries will not hesitate to cross the English Channel to London in order to watch this movie, but they still have to face The embarrassing situation of making an appointment to buy a ticket.

Zoji Entertainment also brought the company's reporters stationed in London, and they immediately interviewed the audience who had finished watching "Progress" in theaters or who were about to watch the movie, and then fed back the results to domestic news websites.

"Hi, good noon, can I interrupt you for two minutes to interview a few questions?" The reporter in the camera randomly interviewed an Asian couple who just came out of the screening hall.

The little brother wearing glasses looked at the camera and asked in Chinese: "Are you Chinese media?"

The reporter replied: "Yes, you are overseas students?"

"Exchange student, I have only been in London for half a year."

"Have you just finished watching a movie? Which movie are you watching?"

The little brother said with a smile: "Which one can it be? Of course it is "Progress" directed by Yi Yang. We watched his previous "Under Deep Space" in China, and we brushed the four corners. Yi Yang's Iron Man" Fan, if "Progress" is not released in the UK, we are all planning to find a chance to fly back to China to watch it!"

"Then how did you feel after watching this movie?"

The little brother thought for a while and said, "How should I put it, the first impression is that it is shocking, super shocking. The special effects of director Yi Yang's movies are always very good, and then the story is very strong."

"I originally thought that director Yi Yang would release a second film because of the popularity of "Under Deep Space", but I didn't expect that "Progressive" would come out. I heard from friends in China that they are now preparing to shoot "Three-Body Problem". I am looking forward."

The camera turned to the next interviewer, a young man with a foreign face: "Hello, can I delay your time for two minutes for an interview?"


"What do you think of the movie 'Progress'?"

The man thought for a while: "How should I say it? If the full score is 10, I would give it a score of 9:8. I haven't seen many Chinese movies, and I heard from friends on the Internet that they are not good, but this one, I feel great! "

Of the dozen or so people randomly interviewed, none of them gave a bad review.

This may also explain that the film's reputation in the area is not bad.

This can also be reflected in the box office.

"Hello, are you Chinese?"

Two young ladies with dyed yellow hair and white dresses stopped in their tracks: "Yes, we are foreign students."

"After watching this movie, how do you feel?"

"I haven't seen director Yi Yang's works before, but I know him. He is a very good director, and he made our Chinese films proud for a while."

"This is the first film directed by Yi Yang that we have seen. We plan to watch all his films after returning to China next month. After all, we can't find the source of the film here."

The reporter continued to ask: "If the full score is 10, you..."

The two said in unison: "Full marks, absolute full marks!"

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