King of Special Effects

Chapter 406 , Studying a New Script!

However, no matter what, it is absolutely impossible for Yi Yang to buy more than 90% of Runbaijin's equity for 130 million yuan.

On this point, even if he agrees to it, other shareholders of the company will not agree.

Therefore, there is nothing to talk about between Run Baijin and Yi Yang.

In the next few days, the online condemnation of Runbaijin Entertainment continued unabated, and even the concerts or events attended by its artists were affected.

Some advertising partners came forward to demand compensation for the loss.

The content in this video is 100% unfavorable to Run Baijin, and the explanation is not clear. Although Jin Yonghua did not directly operate the matter of framing people behind this, she participated.

Now jumping into the Yellow River is not clear, and now Runbaijin not only has to face the company's direct losses, but also faces lawsuits and compensation from various parties.

The previous scene of Wanzhong seemed to be re-enacted in Runbaijin.

"Brother Jin, a total of 36 advertising partners have demanded compensation from us for losses. In addition, there are also some strategic cooperation aspects. For example, Jiangnan Satellite TV, Pudong Satellite TV and Hu Jian Satellite TV have all announced the suspension of cooperation with us. The two point visions that were released this month were also affected and were postponed by the TV station."

"In addition, we cooperated with Pudong Satellite TV to shoot a TV series. They demanded to admire their original investment, and demanded that our compensation amount increase by 10% compared to their original investment as their loss compensation."


Jin Yonghua rubbed his head with one hand, and waved his hand: "Stop talking, they are all people who have made trouble, don't worry about them, let them go directly to the court to sue us."

"Brother Jin, what should we do now? The public opinion is now overwhelmingly overwhelming our company. If this continues, within a week, the company's normal business will not be able to be carried out."

Jin Yonghua is also at a loss at the moment, she has to find a way to minimize the company's losses, and can't follow the old path like Wanzhong.

Now she felt regret for the first time, why did she have to spread the muddy water and show up in Cai Qian's office in Pudong?

If he didn't participate in this matter, then although Runbaijin would still lose money, it would not be in the current predicament.

Another sentence of Yi Yang was right: there are very few people who dare to take over the current Runbaijin.

However, she really couldn't understand, why did this matter happen like this?

That video has obviously been deleted by myself, why did it appear on Lin Zhongwei's phone, and it was Lin Zhongwei himself who sent it to the editorial department of Penguin News.

Then Penguin exploded such a big thing.

Most importantly, they have nothing to do with penguins.

Penguin's entire Internet empire, even if all these entertainment companies unite, they can't hurt people's hairs. On the contrary, if Penguin tries to mess with them, they will directly suffer heavy losses.

As for Yi Yang, he was a 100% victim of this incident. He was fabricated to be 'derailed' during the film's release and his wife was pregnant. After this video was exposed, Yi Yang was completely cleansed. All the dirty water was poured on people like Runbaijin, Zhongtai and Gan Xiaofeng.

It's not good to harm others, but I've made a mess all over myself, and I can't even wash it off.

Jin Yonghua now thinks that this is the most stupid thing he has done since he took control of Runbaijin.


After a few days, Yi Yang still couldn't find a suitable sci-fi novel to make his second sci-fi movie.

He had no choice but to think of a direction by himself, and began to figure out the outline of the script with Yuan Zhengzhong and the others.

In terms of novels, Ling Lan is good at it, but as for sci-fi, she really can't help. Her brain can fly thousands of years ago, but she can't fly to the earth, let alone the solar system. What's more, she doesn't have a deep understanding of this aspect.

That is to say, Yi Yang told her the general plot of the story, and then she made some additions based on her ideas.

"Human scientists discovered an earth-like planet about five light-years away from the earth. After many years of research, they found that this planet is suitable for human habitation. For human immigration, the United Nations started the 'progressive plan', and the participants in this plan A total of thirty-five countries and organizations."

"The task of every country is to establish bases on planets other than the earth. These bases are like ancient posthouses, preparing for the final immigration of human beings."

Yi Yang explained to everyone at the scene in the office: "The general framework of this story is like this, that is, within this framework, various things can happen."

"Why does it sound a bit like the content in "Three-Body Problem"?" Yuan Zhengzhong questioned.

"This story is not mixed with other civilizations. It simply tells about human immigration, interstellar, space, and unknown journeys. Are these things not enough to make a movie?"

"I understand Brother Yi's meaning. We can also complete a series of filming based on this fantasy framework."

Yi Yang took a sip of tea: "Now our main job is to figure out the script first, we can hire people, find science fiction writers, and teachers who study cosmology, such as the boss Liu, or write science fiction online. Internet writers who write well can be recruited to participate in our script research and add their ideas.”

"It would be great if you could find a better story than this frame!"

Yi Yang has already made a rough plan for what Liangyi Media will accomplish in the next two years, one movie plus at least two TV series.

In addition, Lin Yun's economic company has to start making a profit. Last year, the total turnover of the brokerage company was only 70 million yuan. In addition to various expenses, artists' remuneration and employees' wages, the rest Not much.

Yi Yang took 50% of the brokerage company's money, and the amount received after tax deduction was less than 6 million.

The agency's small goal for this year is also not high, let's earn him 100 million first.

"A-Jiao, I'll leave it to you to find someone. You can invite Gan Xiaofeng. You are good at this."

"Old Yuan, you can take your people first to design some things, such as human bases or spaceships, etc., and you can first find some information on the Internet, and imagine the universe five light-years away. It’s the same as last time, everything is ready, but things can’t be designed.”

"In short, all work is just a word of 'thinking'. I don't care what you think, I have to come up with some novel ideas every day. The few teachers and classmates who came to participate in the design of "Under Deep Space" with us last time Find it."

Yi Yang himself didn't want to waste so many brain cells, just like "Under Deep Space", he had to think about the script at the beginning, and even more so about the special effects later.

Now that Yi Yang has learned how to behave, he can hand over the initial tasks to be done, and then he can complete the later details by himself.

"Also, Gillian, today you will first introduce some shooting content of "Under Deep Space" through Liangyi Media's official Weibo. In terms of investment, you say 400 million. The quality of this movie depends on There!"

Gillian nodded: "Okay, Brother Yi, there is one more thing, I can't guarantee that I can invite the big old Liu you mentioned."

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