King of Hollywood

Chapter 199 Natalie's New Script

Adrian likes morning exercise, because morning exercise has many benefits. After waking up in the morning, he often has a full night's rest, and his body functions are restored to the best state. Morning exercise can speed up the metabolism, let the body function start to run quickly, and it is as smooth as high-quality lubricating oil, so as to adjust the body to the best state.

If the quality is high enough to make the whole morning exercise beautiful and in place, no matter men or women, they will maintain a good mood throughout the day, and they can deal with any pressure with ease. In addition, it can also replace morning running to exercise, of course, the premise is that the man's stamina must be high enough, otherwise, if it is less than 20 minutes, the meaning of exercise is not very great.

In short, when you wake up in the morning, open the curtains to bathe in the morning sunshine, and have a high-quality morning exercise in bed with women or women, which will be a good start for today. If you are like Adrian, you can look through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows while looking for the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and Shimao from the gaps in the tall buildings... Well, well, this no longer exists.

In any case, it was a wonderful morning, especially when there were two identical faces kneeling under Adrian.

"Very good, Ashley is really great, Mary, if you don't work harder, you will lose to her." Adrian, who was sitting naked on a chair, said leisurely while enjoying the service.

"Why am I Mary and not Ashley?" The girl on the left raised her head and asked with a smile, sticking out her tongue to tickle it.

"Because I can feel it." Adrian said proudly, "Although you are almost exactly the same, there is still a slight difference in the touch on the tongue, and I can just capture that difference."

Giggling sounded, and the twin sisters immediately began to compete harder, making Adrian gasp for a moment.

The Olsen twins came into his sight very early. The "Family Carnival" that made them famous at the beginning was produced, and it was also one of the few dramas that could be sold in the mid-90s. After the media bought it, Adrian immediately noticed the twins, who were very famous at the time. Because they were less than one year old when they first appeared on the screen, the audience almost watched them grow up in front of the small screen, so they are quite popular, and they are also buying all kinds of peripherals.

But at that time, "Family Carnival" was about to end, and the sisters hadn't released any new works yet, and the family was not peaceful. Although their parents had divorced, their relationship was very tense. But Adrian took a fancy to the ability of their sisters to attract money. I also know that their future achievements are relatively good, and they are still profitable. In addition, Pixar has a good relationship with several toy companies, and then there will be the Harry Potter series, so I offered a good price to keep them. He also took a stake in Double Star Entertainment, which was specially established for the two of them by Olson's family.

And in the following years. Although the Olsen twins still maintain a series of popularity, there are not many more well-known works, which is not a good sign for actors. As for the six-year-old producer published in the media, he is a member of the board of directors of his own company. At present, the net worth is hundreds of millions, etc., but it is all hype. The company still occupies the bulk of the company. If it cannot maintain its reputation, no matter how dazzling the aura will gradually fade, it will eventually reveal its true colors.

Since birth, he has played roles in the entertainment industry. Relatively precocious, the Olsen sisters, who can even deal with their parents' divorce very calmly, know this very well. So after trying several TV series that were not very good, the twins took advantage of yesterday's meeting at the headquarters to make an idea of ​​Adrian, who came to New York for business.

Although Adrian has forgotten about them now, after all, they were largely kept because they still have the ability to absorb money and can maintain the brand. Even if he has a lot of ideas, they will not be able to convert them into profits for a while. But his memory is excellent. Moreover, they had practiced well in receiving people and dealing with things early, and quickly recalled their information without making them feel uncomfortable at all.

When it comes to women's advances, he has always been willing to refuse, let alone his twin sisters. The sisters have played with him, but the twins have not tried it yet. However, when things came to an end, the Olsen sisters began to hesitate again. Originally, they only wanted to have a relationship with the media tycoon, and they would talk about the rest later. Who knew that the other party's hint would be so obvious.

But this hesitation didn't last long. Adrian's identity was there, and he hinted that he was very polite and demeanor in both words and attitudes, so the two sisters finally went with him. Manhattan apartment. In the beginning, due to lack of sexual experience and other reasons, the twins were a little timid and couldn't let go, but this was in Adrian's arms, and they couldn't let go at first, and then they would let go more.

As a result, the Olsen sisters not only spent the night with him Hu Tian Hu Di, but both of them were dying for a few times. After waking up in the morning, they did a morning exercise with him without hesitation, and finally took the initiative to use their mouths together. serve.

It would have been a wonderful morning were it not for Link's doorbell ringing incessantly towards the end. Adrian originally planned to turn a deaf ear, but when the doorbell rang regularly every ten seconds, and after a total of six rings, he knew that the door had to be opened. So I had to speed up, and finally lifted the twins' faces and threw them on top.

"Hi, Ini, what's the matter?" After tidying up and getting dressed, Adrian opened the door with a smile on his face and smiled at Ivanka who was standing outside the door with a pretty face.

"I knew it, you will definitely forget it," Ivanka said angrily, "Who did you bring back?"

"No one..." Before Adrian finished speaking, she pushed him away and walked straight in. The Olsen sisters who had just finished packing but were still wearing only vests and panties walked through the living room one after the other. When it came to Ivanka, she was still startled, and Ashley, who was a sister, turned her head to the side a little bit in a bad manner.

"Twins again, congratulations, Ed." After they returned to the room. Ivanka hummed softly.

"It's just for fun, there's no need for this." Adrian shrugged with a smile.

It’s really just for fun. The Olsen sisters’ looks can only be considered average. They looked cute when they were young, but they are mediocre when they grow up. That is, the identities of twins make people feel unusual, so hurry up while they are still much younger. Just play it a few times. As for the benefits, I remember that they should have a comedy movie next year, but the word of mouth and box office are not very good, and it seems that there is no script yet. Then leave it to the screenwriters to complete and revise, and then find a better director, and then spend some time to hype it. The word of mouth may still not be very good, but the box office should be better.

If they really want to get rid of their previous image and develop, it is necessary to separate each other, but after a few tests last night, it seems that the sisters have no such plans. Let's wait until they hit the wall a few more times. By the way, it seems that they have a younger sister named Elizabeth? not bad, very good.

"I know, I have an appointment with your father today, but it's still early, isn't it?" Adrian said immediately.

"If I hadn't come over, I believe you would have played with them until noon before going out." Ivanka said unceremoniously.

"Okay, okay," Adrian didn't argue with her, but just raised his hands, "So how about going out now?"

In fact, he and Donald Trump have nothing important to discuss. Just talking about the program "The Apprentice" as a matter of routine, and the real estate business that seems to be booming at the moment. Both he and Claude took advantage of this opportunity in their personal capacities to make several good investments through him. It's just that Ivanka likes to urge him every time, arriving on time and leaving on time. Whenever we talk for a long time, I will remind him, and I never take him to the family dinner, which is very interesting and cute.

Adrian knew why she did this, and Trump also saw some clues, but he could only try to find an opportunity to praise Ivanka in front of Adrian when his daughter was present. in place. However, Ivanka always has to raise her chin slightly and make a look of "I am doing business". Then that night in bed would be excited to ride on Adrian.

Well, this is all off-topic. When Adrian came to New York at the end of June, besides visiting the headquarters, he also had one important matter to deal with.

Ding Dong's doorbell rang for a while, and the gatehouse finally opened, but Adrian couldn't help being stunned when he saw the person who opened the door. He had a similar but obviously different face, which made him almost call the wrong name.

"Ed? Why did you come here?" Keira asked in surprise, then glanced back thinking of something, then narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

"I should be asking you this sentence. When we talked on the phone two days ago, weren't you still in London?" Adrian asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, I was indeed in London at the time, but I had nothing to do recently. The interview parties were not interesting, and there were no good scripts. However, those producers were always pestering me. The remaining two "Pirates of the Caribbean" "It will take some time to start filming, so I just came here for vacation." Keira spread her hands and said, her expression was full of indifference, well, it fits her character.

"Who's ringing the doorbell, Kayla?" A familiar voice came from behind Kayla.

"Why, didn't you know he was coming?" Keira immediately turned her head and said in surprise.

"Who... Ed?" When she saw Adrian outside the door, Natalie took a deep breath involuntarily, and then showed a proper surprise.

"If possible, can you go in and talk?" Adrian smiled slightly.

"I'm so sorry, Natalie, I thought he got you done?" After entering the living room and sitting down, Keira, who was relieved, took Natalie's arm and said teasingly.

"Maybe I should just let him handle me." Natalie gave her a blank look.

Adrian, who saw it in his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth meaningfully, and then returned to his previous smile after Natalie turned his gaze.

"It's a good thing you didn't go out, I will call you first next time," he said, and then changed the topic, "Do you remember what I told you on the phone a week ago? I will bring you the complete script gone."

As he said, he handed over the document bag in his hand. Natalie took it and just opened it. Before she could see clearly, Keira snatched it: "Ha, the new script that Ed gave you is intentionally flattering you. Yours? Let me see first."

"Kayla!" Natalie could only shout with emphasis. It seems that she also has some headaches with Keira's personality.

But Kayla is not an idiot, she knows enough is enough, so she put it on her lap and opened it again: "Okay, okay, let's do it, right?"

Natalie shook her head, glanced at Adrian as if she wanted to say something, but finally flipped through the script with Keira. Adrian was not in a hurry, just sat there drinking coffee and waiting. During this period, Natalie raised her head several times, but she never spoke. After nearly twenty minutes like this, she only took a rough look at it.

"You want me to play Johnny Cash's wife Joan?" Natalie asked after closing the script and pondering for a while.

"Is there a problem?" Adrian asked with a smile.

"Well...Frankly speaking, I'm not ready to play a real person, and..." Natalie considered the words, "Am I a little too young?"

"Isn't this just right, Nada," Adrian waved his hand. "Do you know what is your most outstanding point? You can always display acting skills that do not match your age, starting from "This Killer Is Not So Cold", to "Flying With You" to "Love Stunner" and "Bones in Winter" ", the characters you play are very mature, and Lucas chose you to play Queen Amidala because of this."

"Speaking of which, I don't seem to have read all of your works. But Nada, your acting skills are really good. I believe Ed's words are not exaggerated, so you should be suitable for this role." Keira helped Then he raised his head and thought for a while: "That's right. Who is Johnny Cash?"

Natalie wanted to cover her head for a while, but then again, as a Brit, she didn’t know that the Beatles were abnormal. Although Johnny Cash had greatly influenced the development of American country music, relatively speaking The limitations are also great.

"A fairly famous country singer in the 50s and 60s in the United States. Influenced many people and country music. At the peak of his fame, he could even rival the Beatles. When he passed away last month, many people mourned him... ..." Adrian explained to Keira, and gave a rough description of Johnny Cash's life.

"I was wondering, could it be that he couldn't bear the blow because of his wife's death. So he passed away too?" After listening to his general explanation, Keira quickly grasped a key point.

"It should be so. This is a sincere and beautiful relationship, so I want to put it on the screen. To be honest, I finally got the right to adapt it," Adrian clicked twice exaggeratedly, and then he He turned his head and looked at Natalie, who was thinking about it: "I believe that you can play this role well, Nada, and I also believe that this role is suitable for you. Remember what I once said, if an actor can play everyone If the role that she thinks is not suitable for her is well interpreted, then what else can trouble her?"

"Hey, Ed, if Nada doesn't want to, how about letting me come?" Kaila rolled her eyes and suddenly said with a smile.

You did a great job, Kayla. Even though he knew that she said this as a joke, Adrian couldn't help but praise in his heart, just like he just said that Natalie should be suitable for this role.

But Natalie heard something else from the words in Adrian's mouth at this time: "Are you planning... to direct this movie yourself?"

Adrian couldn't help raising his eyebrows. It's not appropriate to give an answer now. Keira is still here, but after a pause of two seconds, he nodded and replied: "Of course."

"Wow, director Miracle plans to direct it himself?" Keira opened her eyes wide in surprise, then raised her chin, and moved back and forth between him and Natalie with playful eyes.

In this way, Adrian was relieved instead, and Keira's thinking was as expected, after all, he had always shown in front of her that he couldn't handle Natalie, and Natalie also acquiesced to this for various reasons.

"Of course, as I said, I like the story of Cash and his wife very much, so it's normal to put it on the big screen." Adrian spread his hands.

"I see..." Kaila pursed her lower lips, and then smiled triumphantly, "I see, I understand, you want to impress Nada's heart like this!"

She immediately grabbed Natalie's arm, and showed a nervous expression: "Nata, you must think about it, if you agree, you may fall into this guy's trap, don't you want to be called a miracle girl? "

"Okay, okay, so let me give you this role?" Natalie deliberately made a helpless look.

After she asked the question, she didn't speak anymore, and she knew she shouldn't ask as soon as she said it. This was almost obvious. Adrian came over without notice, obviously wanting to surprise her. But I can’t blame Natalie for being like this. She has spent far more time dealing with Hollywood than Keira, and she has attended Oscars in the past few years. How could she not understand what it means to be the leading actress in a movie directed by Adrian himself.

This news disrupted her thoughts in an instant. Adrian promised could it be so fast...this year he is not...unbelievable, it is only natural for her to ask that question. Fortunately, Keira didn't realize anything. She giggled until her eyes were bent into crescents, and a small canine tooth was also shining brightly.

"Stop laughing, Keira, you don't look good when you smile." Adrian snorted and teased her, then thought of something and said: "If you want to say, Nada was in my movie almost ten years ago. So she's already a part of Wonder Girls."

"Wow, you're disgusting." Kayla immediately showed an exaggerated expression of disgust, but blushed when she thought of something.

Fortunately, Natalie smoothed things over: "Well, Ed, leave the script here for now, and I'll give you an answer after I read it a few times in detail, okay?"

"No problem, then I'll leave first." Adrian nodded, then stood up, it seems that Keira will stay with her for a few days, so it's better to go back and play with the Olsen twins a few more times . (To be continued..)

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