King of Hollywood

Chapter 149 Official Launch

After the release of "Tomb Raider 2" last year, Stephen Sommers, who directed and produced it, said that he would not make a sequel. The current Universal is much better than the Universal in Adrian's previous life, and the Universal in the previous life was only slightly better than the unlucky MGM. Except for "Tomb Raider" and "Bourne Shadow", there are basically no series of movies that can be sold. , The role won from Marvel is also the cheating Hulk, so Mina had to restart these two series, of course, the results were not very good.

But now, with the support of the media, especially the support of Adrian, and his quick start, the most profitable series after the millennium, such as the Harry Potter series, such as the superheroes of Marvel Comics, are all It was written in the hands, so high-grossing movies were launched one after another. Now Universal is reclusively at the top of several major film companies, so it is not very eager for the sequel of "Tomb Raider".

However, they did not give up developing the peripherals of this series, and no film company would give up, so "The Scorpion King" was born under such circumstances. He initially showed his talents, and then the Scorpion King in "Tomb Raider 2" also had a very interesting appearance, so Universal had the idea of ​​tailoring a rumored movie for him.

The screenwriters designed a mysterious female wizard in the script. Although they didn't say where she came from, they still vaguely revealed that she was from the East, so an actress of Asian descent or Asian descent was needed. And Xilei Lin is in this situation. In the constant running around, he won this role for Lin Chiling.

Adrian didn't know about this until after the role was finalized. Neither Xilei Lin nor Chiling Lin had mentioned it before. No doubt, they wanted to surprise him and increase their presence. Although Lin Xilei was able to get this role for Lin Chiling, Adrian standing behind her still played a role, but most of it was due to her own ability. It is no wonder that Adrian sighed that she was a duck to water as an agent up.

"Call Xi Lei over when I get back later, I will reward you well tonight." Adrian took advantage of the darkness at the beginning of the movie. While kneading Lin Chiling's soft body, he blew in her ear.

Although Lin Chiling is not as good as Kate and the others in his favorites, he is obedient and good at catering, especially with Lin Xilei planning next to him, which makes Adrian very satisfied with Shuanglin. So I also prepared a lot of good characters for her, such as Yuriko in "X-Men 2". But now it seems that this role can be handed over to Yukie. Although the positioning given to Yukie is completely different from that of Lin Chiling, it is not bad to try an action role occasionally. Yukie also needs to have a commercial blockbuster. Besides, she also had experience in action scenes in "Rush Hour 2" before.

In this respect, Jack Chen is very good at pleasing people. Yukie does not have many action scenes in "Rush Hour 2", but every time there is something that makes people shine. But at the same time, it didn't affect Jack? Chen himself. The same is true for Lin Chiling in "The Dragon of the Western Regions". She also has several action scenes in the back of this movie. Same with Yukie in "Rush Hour 2".

To be honest, Adrian also thought about trying to cooperate with Jack Chen at the beginning. It's a pity that his witty fighting style is too strong, it has completely become his label, and as time goes by, Adrian has a new plan, basically there will be no action movies for a long time , so I had to forget it.

It doesn't matter, the big deal is not to squeeze him so urgently. This was the last thought he had in his mind.

Not to mention the nightly drama with Shuanglin, nor to mention the excellent box office of "Western Dragon" in the first week, although the competition for the summer vacation is about to begin, most of the media are attracted by a piece of news released by Universal in early June past. After negotiating with Hasbro, Universal will invest 150 million to produce a live-action movie version of "Transformers" and invite James Cameron to be the producer and director!

For many people who were born in the late 1970s and early 1980s, what "Transformers" means is self-evident. Hasbro launched this toy and animation was all the rage, and it is the best for many people who have started working now. One of my favorite childhood memories, it is quite popular all over the world. Even if you think about it with your knees, you know that as long as the plot of the film is slightly reasonable and the special effects are extremely realistic, Universal will not worry about recovering the cost, including Hasbro.

What's more, it was directed by Cameron. Everyone knows that this madman is obsessed with huge machinery and doesn't care about anything when he burns money. Rumors of him being invited to make a movie. Although the well-informed media knew that this did not conform to the facts, many film companies approached Cameron to discuss cooperation after the big ship, but they were all declined by him. However, since readers like to watch, they are also happy to use exaggerated reports to attract attention. Coupled with the interspersed with various tabloids who are too lazy to collect facts, many people think that it will be difficult for Cameron to make a super-large production like "Titanic" in the future.

Therefore, many diehard movie fans expressed their dissatisfaction and support for Cameron through various channels, and some even launched the "King of Saving the World" operation, which made people feel a little ironic. But it is precisely because of this that when the news that he is about to direct the live-action version of "Transformers" was confirmed, it aroused strong repercussions among movie fans, and the media also chased him fiercely at the press conference.

"Well, to be frank, when Adrian first asked me to talk about this matter, I didn't take it to heart. I thought there was something good about adapting children's toys, but he kept pestering me, In addition, a lot of conditions were mentioned, and a lot of ideas were mentioned, and I was gradually aroused by him, so I finally appeared here. However, I really want to complain, this guy signed the contract with me Afterwards, I pushed everything to me, and I had to fulfill all the promises I made. It's really irresponsible." Cameron was quite funny at the press conference.

As a result, ordinary people's expectations for the live-action version of "Transformers" were instantly ignited, and the major film companies lamented again, even without Cameron's words, they would have known. All of this was planned by Adrian. Thinking about the situation when the media acquired Hasbro, they were obviously already preparing at that time.

Do the math, the Lord of the Rings series, the Matrix series, the Harry Potter series plus the superheroes of Marvel Comics, how many valuable things have they mastered? ! And always attack before everyone reacts! Let's see, if the "Transformers" live-action movie is a big success, it is inevitable that someone will fight for the copyright of Hasbro's other toy movies, and at that time they will have to promise the media. Like a superhero who shares wonder, that guy always seems to see very far.

However, although other film companies envy and hate, they don't know that the film will be finished very early. Universal did this just to hype up the atmosphere. When it is released in two or even three years, a series of marketing methods will definitely make the movie a remarkable box office result.

That's right, Adrian gave the crew two years to make it from the beginning. You must know that there are dozens of important roles in Transformers. Just deciding who to star in and how to look in the movie requires a long discussion, not to mention that there is no script so far, only an outline that is not an outline.

"Simply put, this is the story of a boy and his car." In Cameron's own office. The somewhat unkempt guy, still with the beard, had his feet on the table. She shrugged with her hands behind her head, and then added: "The story of his talking car."

"You can say that." Adrian smiled and spread his hands.

"It sounds very similar to "Knight Rider". Why don't we just take their script and modify it." Cameron said half-jokingly.

"It's absolutely fine," Adrian nodded leisurely, "Anyway, I'm in charge. Speaking of which, "Knight Rider" is also a childhood memory of those who grew up in the 1970s and 1980s. Maybe I can ask someone to make a "New Knight Rider". "Ranger" or TV series like "Knight Rider 2002"."

"Okay, okay," Cameron immediately raised his hand, "I knew it was impossible to count on you, and I have to do everything myself."

"I just want to show my respect. As you said at the press conference, I will push everything to you, and of course I will do what I say." Adrian laughed.

"Really, how about removing the restrictions on character design?" Cameron sat up straight and hummed.

"That's not okay," Adrian waved his hand immediately, "Actually, you agree with me in your heart, don't you?"

"Yes, but I think you came up with such an idea out of fear that I would spend money indiscriminately." Cameron said very seriously.

Adrian couldn't help laughing. His proposal was very simple, that is, when making Transformers characters, the robot must look very thick and powerful, rather than the light and fluffy feeling of the original version. The original Transformers are indeed very gorgeous and have a metallic texture, and even thousands of parts were used in the CG, but although it looks good in this way, it also gives people a feeling that it is not real enough.

In short, the more gorgeous things are, the more fragile they are. Even if the screenwriter tells the audience through the mouth of the characters in the camera, their bodies are made of a special alloy, which is light and indestructible at the same time, but when the camera changes When there are various exciting plots appearing, who cares about those? Then, the audience will feel a little awkward subconsciously. Even after watching it, they will still be affected when they watch the movie. That's why Adrian doesn't care about anything else, and first emphasizes making the robot thicker.

"Come on, I've left room for you. I never thought 150 million would be enough to get rid of you." Adrian laughed.

"Ha, can I take this as a compliment?" Cameron raised his hands with a smile.

"Of course—you really don't plan to sign two more movies, just for me?" Adrian said suddenly.

"Hey, Ed, I've said from the beginning that I'm only going to direct one," Cameron replied seriously, "You know what I want more. The new camera I commissioned from Sony, 3D , has made good progress, and may be put into practical use in another year or two. I can't wait to use it."

"Yes, I know, I just..." Adrian gestured and then sighed, "I still have to find you a successor..."

"Don't worry, maybe someone can do it better than me." Cameron comforted him.

"Maybe..." Adrian stood up, "Okay, that's it. Everything is left to you."

"No problem... By the way, the investment you promised..." Cameron said suddenly after standing up.

"You bastard!" Adrian waved his fist to hit him, "I promised you something, when did I never keep it!"

"Don't get excited. I just want to remind you." Cameron laughed and made a dodge movement.

"I think I still have some credibility," Adrian sneered with his collar straightened, "So, I warn you, James. Don't smash your own signboard."

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Cameron put away his smile and gave him a high five.

What a pity. Adrian was still regretful until he got out of the building and got into the car. He really wanted Cameron to direct the live-action Transformers trilogy if he could. But Cameron is only willing to sign a contract anyway, although he verbally promised to talk about it later. But it was actually because of another thing.

That's right, it's the super juggernaut seven or eight years later. In 1999, Cameron started to conceive, and then did a lot of preparation work, and then turned his attention to 3D movies-in this regard, his vision is very forward-looking. And long before that, Adrian promised to support his idea and invest, and it was precisely because of this that he readily agreed to take over the job of directing "Transformers".

It's okay, that's it, you can't force it. Adrian sees it openly. Of course, this is on the premise that Cameron gave him an elaborate "Transformers". It can be regarded as an outline, such as the sub-line idea of ​​a boy chasing a girl by his car, or the fragments of madly sending robots to wipe out a US military base.

As for the rest, I will leave it to Cameron to edit it himself. Will there be some original versions? The robots will appear later, and finally fight in the city. Forget it, anyway, it would be pretty good to be able to get ready for the shooting before the end of this year.

Think about that vicious girl again, she worked very hard, and the crew of "Big Liar" spoke well of her, I don't know if she is ready...prepared in every way.

Compared with the sensation caused by the preparation of the live-action movie of "Transformers", another movie that also started preparation at this time is relatively much more low-key.

"I'll leave everything to you, Peter, don't let me down." After the meeting, Adrian patted Peter Jackson on the shoulder and said.

"No problem, I will try my best to do it well!" Jackson said with bright eyes in an excited tone.

Yes, "King Kong", this movie that has been remade many times is now going to be remade again. Since Adrian promised Peter Jackson, he will not keep it. Moreover, although he didn't spend 200 million US dollars in his previous life this time, it was only 50 million less, which was the same as Cameron's "Transformers" budget. Of course, if Cameron feels that 150 million is not enough, it is definitely not difficult to make additional investment, but Jackson only has this 150 million.

Even so, this fat man from New Zealand—well, he's not fat anymore, he's lost weight well—is still very excited, gearing up for a big fight. In this time and space, although he participated in the production of "Lord of the Rings", he has never directed a movie with an investment of over 100 million yuan, and Adrian decided to let Universal delegate power to him, so he inevitably felt like meeting a confidant .

These factors, plus Adrian's subtle influence on him, and promised that if "King Kong" sells well, he will support him in directing "The Hobbit Adventure" or "The Silmarillion", so the version of the previous life was excessively lengthy and lacked. Issues with pacing, excessive use of slow motion, etc. should be curbed.

"That's why you want me to play the leading role?" Adrian met Naomi's eyes after talking to Jackson.

The slightly petite girl pursed her lips and tried her best to look at Adrian with calm eyes, but the turbulent emotions behind her eyes were not completely covered up. The people in the conference room had almost left at this moment, and the rest also slipped out with Jackson at this moment, giving this place to them.

"Is there any problem?" Adrian smiled gently.

"No, it's just..." Naomi made a gesture, then turned her head to one side, biting her lip as if she might cry at any moment.

"I'm sorry," Adrian said, immediately embracing his arms, "I didn't know... well... I didn't know this would make you sad... If you think this offended you, I apologize and let them Revise the script..."

"No!" Naomi whispered, she finally stabilized her emotions, raised her head and looked at Adrian again, her blue-green eyes were shining brightly, "This is very good, Ed , that's good, it reminds me that when the gray is all over my life, that one color is there, and I hold on to it and never throw it away."

As she spoke, she wrapped her arms around Adrian's neck, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him lightly on the lips. (To be continued..)

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