Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 786: People who like to travel will not have bad luck in money

Ye Geng picked up the coffee and took a sip, softly "um".

It's just that the voice is too vague, making it impossible to hear whether this is an affirmative answer or a negative answer.

Haiyuan Ai was also straightforward, and directly ruled out the negative option: "You must know what you said, tell me quickly."

"Oh?" Ye Gengyi asked, "How much are you going to pay me for the answer?"

"How about returning the wallet to you?" Huiyuan said with sorrow for Banyueyan, "I'll take the money inside."

This girl has learned badly...

Ye Genyi pretended to take out the jar of hot spring water from his pocket, "Here, help me to study the ingredients in it when I go back, and I will treat it as a reward."

Hai Yuanai took it, looked at the small pot of liquid and asked, "What is this?"

"Strictly speaking, it's bath water." Ye Gengyi said.

Haibara Ai almost slipped her hand and dropped the glassware on the ground. After a moment of silence, she tentatively said:


"What do you think?" Ye Geng asked back.

(?へ?.) Huh~

Haibara Ai showed a look of disgust, and the look in his eyes seemed to are really perverted.

"Have you been reading a book with any strange content recently?"

Ye Geng flicked Hai Yuanai's forehead, "...Hongzhi Hot Spring, although I don't know if it is circulating water, but I got it from the water outlet."

"Oh...then you didn't make it clear."

Haibara Ai rubbed her forehead, and after confirming that the lid of the glass jar was intact, she put it in the handbag she was carrying, and then put on a 'you keep talking' expression.

"In that one, you are wearing tracking glasses, right." Ye Gengyi said.

"Well, since the dock incident," Haibara Ai nodded, "When necessary, wearing this can also be used for disguise."

"Then put it on and open it, and the answer you want is in it."

Ye Gengyi didn't want to emphasize that he had the ability to locate the detective's armband, and was too lazy to make up another lie, so he didn't further explain the reason for doing so.

Therefore, although Haibara Ai didn't know much about it, she still took out the tracking glasses and pressed the switch.

Current is on.

The surface of the left spectacle lens slowly turned black, and lines covered with a milky white halo flowed, outlining the coordinates and positioning map.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a spot of light that kept flashing, positioned about 8 or 9 kilometers away from the open-air hot spring.

"What's going on?" Hai Yuanai couldn't figure it out and asked directly.

"Apart from you and the little detective, those three children especially like to hang armbands on their clothes," Ye Geng glanced across the table and said, "Ayumi's is gone."

Hearing the words, Haiyuan hurriedly adjusted the positioning range of the tracking glasses. Sure enough, this open-air booth could only detect 3 signals.


"How can you be sure that Ayumi's armband must have been picked up by the Kudo family?" Haibara asked sadly.

About 20 minutes ago, when a few people met near Ichino Onsen, Ye Gengyi noticed that Ayumi didn't have a detective armband on her body.

Although at that time, he immediately performed signal positioning on the detective armband, and also judged the target location from the direction, which was indeed in line with the direction of the stone bridge in front of Yanagi Onsen.

But it is still impossible to rule out the coincidence that the armband was picked up by tourists...

Ye Gengyi shook his head slightly and said rigorously, "I'm not sure, but in terms of probability, a little girl who ran away from home and a big girl who chased after her for unknown reasons would have almost zero chance of going to Fenggang to buy a bag. ."

"Well, you're right."

Haibara Ai agreed with this speculation, and turned to ask: "So... are you going to stay here to soak in the hot springs?"

"Otherwise? Go to a crowded place to suffer, euphemistically call it a view of the scenery, then take a few pictures and take them back to show off to your peers? Sorry... that's an activity that only young people will be interested in." Ye Gengyi said .

"Hey, are you already an old man!"

Haiyuan Ai slandered secretly with his forehead: I always feel that the mentality of the first brother is more aging than I thought.

"I'm just stating the facts," Ye Geng said with an expression of Gujing Wubo: "Actually, you don't need to go, just call the little detective directly about the armband. I think they should be very grateful for the clues you provided."

"No matter how smart you are, if you always like to imprison yourself somewhere, it is also a constraint on the innovative thinking of scientific research?" Haibara Ai continued to actively persuade.

"Inspired?" Ye Gengyi declined to comment.

"Otherwise?" Haiyuan Ai imitated Ye Gengyi's tone and asked: "Otherwise, why do you say that people who travel frequently will be more likely to achieve success?"

"It may be that their families are relatively wealthy," Ye Gengyi offered an idea: "Ordinary people don't have that much free time, right?"

"I can't tell you." Hai Yuan grieved, "In short... I think if you continue like this, your mentality is likely to have problems. This will be confiscated!"

Saying that, she leaned over to get Ye Gengyi's hot spring coupon, but a slender and powerful palm pressed her on her head first, and was brutally suppressed.

Ye Geng yawned and rubbed the head of a certain loli. After successfully tucking off a few brown hairs, he put it on his mouth and blew lightly, saying:

"I don't have a fever, why did you start talking nonsense, and before you prepare to grab something next time, don't sound a warning in The success rate may be higher..."


Hai Yuanai was even more angry.

But at the same time, she also found sadly that the attempt to force Ye Genyi by force was indeed a bit too taken for granted.

Given the difference in physique between the two, even if he succeeded in taking the hot spring ticket just now, he might not be able to take it back in the next second.

"Okay, I'll go to the hot springs and call if I have something to do..."

Come here, although other hot springs do not have the healing legend of 'Stork', it does not prevent Ye Geng from experiencing them one by one.

Seeing someone leave without looking back, Haibara Ai also lost her temper completely.

Going to Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta, and using the detective armband to bring up the topic of Maorilan's clues.

Pay the checkout.

The four little people called a taxi and drove towards the coordinates of the tracking glasses.

"Eh? Peak station? You mean Xiaolan... sister went there?"

Conan's slightly surprised voice came from the telephone receiver in the back seat of the taxi.

"We're not quite sure either..." Haibara Ai said, "Because Ayumi's detective armband was missing, I tried to locate it with my tracking glasses, and found that the coordinates happened to be near the summit station."

"Did you try to get in touch?" Conan also opened the tracking glasses, and took out the detective armband from his pocket and was about to call.

"I tried, but no one responded. Well, we'll be there soon, and I'll contact you when I find clues."

After Hai Yuanai finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

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