Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 545: Puzzle solving and research go on at the same time

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As we all know, most of the people in the world of Ke Xue have serious bumps in the face.

For example, the first love girl who haunted Heiji Hattori, in Ye Genichi's opinion, is a girly version of Conan, Ayumi Yoshida without a headband, or Toyama who took APTX-4869 and leaves...

She's pretty... not to mention, she's really cute.

"Oh... so Heiji-brother likes this type." A certain Zhengtai, who was used to women's clothes, teased in a very ignorant manner.

"I want you to mind your own business!" Hattori Heiji blushed, carefully folded the drawing paper and put it in his pocket.

It seemed that he had thought of something, but he was not entirely sure.

Ye Gengyi was not ready to talk about this topic in depth, seeing that it was not too early, he asked directly, "Where to go next?"

"Ah? Oh, let's go to... Kurama Temple." Hattori Heiji was suddenly cooled down, and the whole person also recovered.


Kurama Honcho, Sakyo Ward, Tokyo.

When the three came here, the setting sun had already dyed the sky reddish brown.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be so late, let's hurry up... Let's take a shortcut, instead of going through the Niwang Gate, we will go directly through the west gate of Kurama Temple."

Hattori Heiji ran to the front to lead the way.

Go through the Myojin Gate.

A winding stone staircase appeared ahead.

There are no fences on both sides of the stone steps, and some are all trees with exposed rhizomes.

This environment is quite suitable for killing people and burying corpses... This idea just flashed in Ye Genyi's mind.

The next second, the hidden earphones received a dissonant audio.

Yes...footsteps, someone is following us.

Ye Geng remained calm, and casually reached out and touched his temples.


【Yes, sir. 】

In an instant, countless tiny nano-robots reorganized under the clothes, and then formed a 360-degree picture without dead ends, which was presented on his retina.


It was the first time that Ye Genyi tried this kind of perspective, and his preparation was a bit lacking.

Because the adjustment only took a few seconds, it seemed to others that he was tired from walking and stopped to rest.

see this scene.

With the hem of his clothes behind him, Conan, who was following the pace of the two, was stunned under the premise of ensuring that it would not go out.

Immediately he was moved for a while.

gap! This is the difference!

Although Geng Yi looks cold, he still cares about people in small details. On the other hand, a black skin is a little friend who doesn't care about short legs at all!


The three walked up the stairs, walked through the slightly strange woods, and finally came to the front of the gravel-paved hall.

"It is said that Ushiwakamaru met Tengu here and learned the art of war from him..."

After Hattori Heiji introduced the description of the monk Shang Gu Fudo in "Yoshitsune", he began to look left and right.

"This place is really suitable for practicing swords," he walked to a cedar tree and patted the trunk. "You can rest here if you are tired..."

"If you do that, I'm afraid you will catch a cold when you fall asleep." Ye Geng bent down and took off Conan's helmet, and while turning around, he threw it out.

On the top of the tree, the murderer who was about to take the arrow and pull the string was hit by a direct hit in the chest and fell down with a groan.

However, because the old and accumulated leaves buffered it, after the murderer got up from the ground, apart from looking a little embarrassed, it did not affect his ability to move.

"Who is it! Stop me!" Hattori Heiji shouted loudly, and ran after him.

Conan also did not care about personal privacy, and followed closely.

Ye Geng watched the three of them run away, and didn't mean to follow. Is catching the murderer as important as researching new discoveries?

He stood there and rubbed his eyebrows.

Not long after, the roar of an engine was heard from outside the temple.

Ye Geng took a deep breath and let Ye Xiaobai activate a 360-degree view again.

Immediately there was another dizziness.

But this time, Ye Gengyi didn't rush to adjust, but endured the discomfort and took two steps swaying.

"Fortunately, at least it won't fall, but there are too many details, which means that it has to be forced to receive and process a lot of useless information..."

Ye Gengyi thought about the pros and cons calmly, and while trying to keep things steady, he slightly quickened his pace.

Slowly, he began to get used to judging distance in this broad field of vision, and his actions became more and more calm.

ten minutes later.

Ye Gengyi leaned against the cedar tree, rubbed his swollen temples, and let out a long breath: "'s more tiring than staying up all night to do research, it seems that I can't use this perspective for a long time, Xiaobai, the data are all Did you record it?"

[Yes, sir; in addition, 4 strings of detective armband signals were detected 7 minutes ago, but due to the distance, specific positioning and tracking cannot be carried out. 】

Detective armband...Dr. Li took the children out to give away the heads again?

Ye Geng rubbed his eyebrows, "Where's Conan? Can you locate the signal of his detective armband?"

[Trying, please wait... The positioning is completed, sir, the connection has been established, and the target location is 534 meters away from you. 】

so close...

Didn't they go to catch the murderer, have they come back?

Ye Gengyi picked up the helmet on the ground and walked back along the way he came.

Then, he saw the parked taxi parked outside the temple gate.

(?_?)...Yes, Conan is wearing a kimono now, how can there be a detective armband in his pocket.

Ye Geng rubbed his eyebrows again, and after labeling the 360-degree viewing angle as "absolutely used with caution", he took a taxi directly back to Shanneng Temple.

Tea room.

Just like when he left, Kogoro Mori was still kneeling on the tatami, thinking about the password.

Noticing that Ye Geng came back, the tool man raised his spirits and put on a confident look.

"Drink coffee?" Ye Gengyi put a few packets of instant coffee on the table, and made a cup for himself without waiting for an answer.

"Uh... no."

Is this thing really so delicious... Kogoro Mouri sweated, and then asked, "Why is it only you, Conan?"

"Meeting Heiji, he took Conan to go racing." Ye Geng answered truthfully.

"Drag...Drag racing?"

Maori Kogoro's head full of big question marks immediately reacted, "Oh! I went to the arcade, right! Really, it really looks like something a child would do."

Ye Geng took a sip of coffee noncommittally and asked, "Mr. Maoli, how did you solve the code?"

Anyway, there are no other clues now, just listen to the analysis of the tool person, and it is not a waste of time to remove a wrong answer...

"Uh, this..." Maori Kogoro hesitated.

He sat for an afternoon, but he didn't have any ideas.

Even if it is nonsense, the wording must be feasible within the scope of one's own logic, but... If you don't say why, you might disappoint yourself even more.

What to do, what to do.

Just when a certain tool person was about to compile a theory, the monk Longyuan pushed open the door and walked in.

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