Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1075 Vampire Mansion, the hidden secret!

After dinner at the orphanage, Li Xuehao called his family and told him that he would stay outside tonight. This did not cause Chiba Sayuri to complain, and she even said gently that with her at home, nothing would go wrong, and Koji-kun could just concentrate on doing "big things" outside.

Sayuri Chiba was such a considerate and considerate wife and mother, and she never even doubted whether he was fooling around with people outside. If the person she called was Mai Guaou, she would probably have to ask him what he was doing before she would let him go.

Seriously speaking, Li Xuehao really "fooled around" with someone tonight, and the person was Tingmao Nanako.

Tonight, the two of them are going to the "Vampire Mansion" to stay overnight. This is also the "trial" task of listening to Neko Nanako.

The agreed meeting place was at the entrance of the "Vampire Building". When Li Xuehao arrived, it was not completely dark yet, but almost no one nearby was seen.

As for the "Vampire Building", it actually has nothing to do with the kind of devil that sucks human blood. The reason why it was named "Vampire" is because the original owner of this building was a very stingy guy. What did he find? Employees' salaries will be deducted for any reason, and some employees may even have all their wages deducted to work in vain.

Finally one day, he angered an employee, and that employee killed him in the building one night. The method was extremely cruel. He cut his body into pieces and ran away to surrender.

But the strange thing is that all other parts of the body of the murdered boss were found, but the head was not found. The police searched every inch of the building, but still found nothing.

Later, the matter fell into disuse. The building was sold to another businessman by the children of the original owner, and then weird and terrifying things happened.

First, the security guard on the night shift heard strange screams in the middle of the night, and only heard footsteps but no one could be seen. Finally, it turned into a "homicide". Three security guards on the night shift died, and one returned late. The white-collar workers were also killed and their bodies were cut into pieces extremely cruelly.

The result was the same as that of the killed boss. There were many other parts of the body, but the head could not be found.

Such horrific and supernatural events happened one after another, and all the companies in this building moved out. Now there is only an empty building that looks like a ghost. No one dares to approach it after nightfall.

The building was also surrounded by a brick wall more than two meters high, as if for fear that something might escape from inside.

Only two iron doors were used to lock the main entrance. Because it had not been abandoned for a long time, the iron doors were not rusty and even the locks on them looked like new.

Li Xuehao first heard that Neko Nanako had arrived at the Vampire Building. He looked inside through the iron door. The whole building was actually not high, only thirteen floors. It was completely incomparable to those office buildings that were dozens of floors high.

But the strange thing is that the building is actually thirteen stories high. You must know that the number "13" is not an auspicious number, especially in the Western world. It is said that Jesus had his last supper with his disciples before his death. The thirteenth person who attended the dinner was Judas. Judas eventually betrayed Jesus for money, causing Jesus to be tortured.

Therefore, the number "13" is considered a symbol of misfortune and is synonymous with betrayal and betrayal.

Japan is deeply influenced by the Western world, so the number "13" is also very taboo, but now a thirteen-story office building has been built. This alone is worth pondering.

One is unless the other party doesn't care about the unfortunate number "13" at all; the other is that it is done deliberately to achieve a certain purpose.

Before entering, Li Xuehao used his spiritual consciousness to check the situation in the building. Surprisingly, he found something interesting.

The Vampire Mansion was abandoned because of the horrific supernatural events that occurred in the past, but there are traces of people living in many places inside. Although no living people have been found yet, there must have been people living in it for a long time.

And although some evil spirits were felt, it was not strong enough to threaten ordinary people. In other words, this "Vampire Building" was not related to the legendary horror.

But why do "supernatural murders" happen one after another?

Li Xuehao had previously read the contents of the "Top Ten Unbelievable Events" issued by Minako Suzuki. It was clearly recorded that a supernatural event had occurred in the "Vampire Mansion" last month. It was about a man who came home at midnight. An office worker, because the wife did not find her husband coming home the next day, she called the police and found out that her husband was dead. He died inside the iron door of the "Vampire Building". His hands and feet were cut open by some kind of sharp weapon, and he looked like he was dead. It's extremely tragic, and the head is missing, and it has not been found yet.

Last month...that is to say, not too long ago.

Based on what he observed with his spiritual consciousness, Li Xuehao was certain that the so-called supernatural events were not caused by dirty things, but were man-made.

But why do the people who commit these "supernatural" incidents use such brutal means to kill people? It depends on whether there is anything gained tonight.

"Sorry, Deputy Minister Manaka, I'm late." After waiting at the door for a while, Neko Nanako finally appeared. Compared with someone's ease, she didn't come empty-handed. She carried a big bag behind her, which was almost as tall as her. The bag was bulging with a lot of things, but it shouldn't be heavy, because She carried it easily, without any effort at all.

"Listen to Senior Cat, you should call me by my name." Li Xuehao was very unaccustomed to being called "Deputy Minister". As he spoke, he glanced at her backpack and guessed that it might contain sheets and quilts, so that's why So light. After all, girls will always be prepared if they have to stay outside for one night.

"Then I'll call you Koji." Neko Nanako was not polite at all and called you by your name. When she walked to the door, she put down the large backpack behind her that was definitely over one meter, wiped the completely invisible sweat from her forehead, and looked him up and down, "Did you come here empty-handed?"

"Yes." Li Xuehao responded softly.

Neko Nanako frowned, not sure whether it was dissatisfaction or displeasure, but she looked at him condescendingly: "Let me tell you first, I only brought one bed. Koji, as a man, you can only think of your own solution tonight." ”

"No problem, Senior Mao, I don't need a bed. I can rest anywhere." Li Xuehao nodded. There are plenty of resting places in the building, so there is no need to worry about it becoming a dusty abandoned place.

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