Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1045: Gradually changing mentality, swapping offense and defense!

After the warm-up exercise ended, the referee also arrived. He was a football coach from another university named Junpei Kaneda, a chubby middle-aged man.

"It's time to go on the field. I hope everyone will remember the tactics arranged by Coach Manaka. In the first half, we focused on defense. If there is a chance, we can also choose to attack, but the most important thing is defense!" Yukito Shimajima As captain, he takes on half the responsibilities of a coach.

"Understood!" All the women's football players seemed to have high morale.

"We must win!" With everyone chanting in unison, Yuki Majima walked onto the field with his players.

"Come on, sister Yougui." Li Xuehao made a cheering gesture, which attracted the sideways glances of the women's football players.

Majima Yuki glared at him "viciously". He had already "warned" this guy not to call her "Yuki-san" here, but he still dared to call her, huh!

Li Xuehao didn't care at all about the threat in her eyes. In fact, he was even very happy to see her expression of shame and anger, which directly exposed her strong appearance as the captain of the women's football team.

On the other side, in the "coaching area" of Fukushima Polytechnic, Coach Kawaguchi was also arranging tactical arrangements. At the end, he warned: "Don't be anxious after playing, cooperate more, especially on the wing, don't give the opponent any chance, and , watch Yuki Sumimajima carefully and don’t give her a chance to speed up easily.”

"Understood!" Headed by captain Mochizuki Minoru, all the women's football players nodded heavily.

"Don't underestimate that Coach Manaka..." When Coach Kawaguchi said this, he glanced at a certain boy who was standing on the sidelines and seemed to be doing nothing. He was definitely not an ordinary boy to be officially hired as the assistant coach of Tsurugai High School. .

"Don't worry, coach, we will definitely win!" Mochizuki Minoru vowed, not only showing strong confidence, but also ignoring someone in the "coaching area" on the other side. A high school student just like them, what kind of tactical training can he have?

The game officially started with the whistle of referee Junpei Kaneda.

More and more people are gathering on the side of the football field. Although students have to participate in club activities, the team of our school is competing with the team of another school at the moment, which cannot stop everyone's enthusiasm at all.

Especially since the two sides of the match were women's football teams, it was even more attractive. Gradually, the football field was surrounded by a circle of people.

Because the tactics were arranged in advance, Heyi Fugao's side focused on defense and almost retreated to its own half. Fukushima Engineering High School was not affected by the attack and did not feel any pressure. The morale of the players was even more boosted, and they felt that the top four in the country were no more than this.

Coach Kawaguchi on the sidelines stared at the court with doubts and vigilance in his eyes. Is Tsurugao Prefecture preparing for a defensive counterattack? This is undoubtedly the safest way to play.

He looked at the young assistant coach on the opposite side of the court again. Today was the first time he had met him, and it was even the first time he heard that a high school team had an assistant coach. However, he was always cautious and did not dare to underestimate the opponent.

Twenty minutes passed like this, and the suspicion in Coach Kawaguchi's eyes grew stronger and stronger. Our side had been attacking for almost 20 minutes, and the opponent was still shrinking in their own half, as if they were setting up in front of the goal. Bus, even Tsurugao Uichi failed to seize several opportunities to attack, but insisted on defending as always.

Although those few opportunities were not very good, after all, there was a chance. If we had played defensive counterattack, we should have attacked, but the opponent was still indifferent.

Coach Kawaguchi's thoughts gradually changed. He took another look at the "acting" coach who was doing nothing on the sidelines and seemed about to fall asleep. Since the beginning of the game, he had not given instructions on the sidelines once, nor had any excited reaction. It was as if the game on the field had nothing to do with him.

Could it be that that young man had no ability at all and everything was just his own guess? Heyi Fugao's side is not playing defensive counterattack at all, but is it to prevent their own side from scoring?

Thinking about this, he became more and more sure of his guess. He couldn't help but feel ashamed for being too cautious just now. He was just a young man. No matter how capable he was, could he still be the opponent of a former professional athlete and now a professional coach? ?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly walked to the sidelines and shouted at his players to signal them to press forward.

With the coach's command, Fukushima Institute of Technology no longer deliberately suppressed them. Originally, they listened to the coach's arrangements, so they didn't attack with all the pressure. They were all simmering with anger.

Now that the coach asked them to press forward and attack, they were naturally unceremonious.

The intensity of the game increased instantly. Players from both sides ran more frequently and had more contact. During strenuous exercise, their physical strength was consumed faster and faster.

Heyi Fugao felt that the pressure was greatly increased. In fact, the strength of the two teams was not much different, and could even be said to be on the same level.

But one side mainly attacks and the other side defends, and the defense consumes a little more.

Suddenly, Tsurugao's goal was hit several times in a row. Fortunately, we defended with all our strength. With the help of the goalkeeper and other defensive players, we managed to get through without any danger.

Shimajima Yuki saw that this situation was a bit dangerous. After all, only half of the first half had passed. If it continued like this, the opponent might score.

As the captain, she naturally would not allow this situation to occur, so she decided to take the initiative.

At a chance to touch the ball, Yuki Majima started and rushed towards the opposite half.

The Fukushima Koko players, who were seizing the opportunity to attack the goal, were stunned when the opponent actually launched an attack.

"Idiot, rush up and stop her!" Coach Kawaguchi on the sidelines was startled and hurriedly directed the stunned players. I was too focused on attacking just now, but I ignored that the opponent might launch a counterattack.

One by one, the players from Fukushima Engineering High School woke up from a dream and immediately chased after them.

With Majima Yuki's height, she is actually a center forward, suitable for inserting into the opponent's penalty area, but she happens to play as a playmaking midfielder. Instead, Hata Meme, who has thick legs, a thick waist, and thick arms, plays as a center forward. s position.

"Catch the ball!" Seeing someone coming to block the ball, Majima Yuki stopped sticking to the ball and kicked the ball to Hata Meme who was further ahead, and he followed suit.

Hatamenme is only about 1.7 meters tall, but she is very big, with muscles all over her body. She is a real manly woman, and her running speed is not slow.

Before most of the opponent's players could catch up, she rushed forward for a while, then flew up and kicked the football hard.

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