Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1017 Guests and Food

"Manaka-kun, didn't you go to class?" After walking into the convenience store, Mrs. Sawai greeted her with a smile behind the cashier. Now that they are familiar with each other, she rarely says welcome words such as "Welcome" .

"Hello, Mrs. Sawai." Li Xuehao greeted politely, and Alice walked in behind him.

Just as Mrs. Sawai was about to say something, she saw a blond beauty suddenly come in. She immediately swallowed her words and stammered: "Hello, welcome, welcome!" It was said in English, but the non-standard phonetic symbols and intermittent pronunciation really seemed very different.

"Hello." Alice understood her words. After all, it was just a simple spoken language. To show respect, she also said it in Japanese, which she was not familiar with.

Mrs. Sawai couldn't help being surprised, and she changed back to her familiar language and asked: "Do you speak Japanese?"

"..." Alice was confused this time. She only knew spoken Japanese such as "say hello". If it really involved a specific conversation, it would be a cakewalk.

Li Xuehao looked on with amusement: "Mrs. Saijing, she can only say 'hello', but can't understand the rest."

Mrs. Sawai was a little embarrassed and smoothed down her hair to hide her unnaturalness. Then she looked at him in surprise: "Is this foreign lady a friend of Manaka-kun? Or does it mean that Manaka-kun has a new date?" ?" At the end of the sentence, his tone became ambiguous again.

Li Xuehao was slightly embarrassed. Fortunately, Alice could not understand Japanese: "Actually, she is my father's student and plans to stay at my house for a while."

"That's it." Mrs. Sawai nodded, but her tone was still a little ambiguous, "She is really a beautiful lady. So what do you want to buy? Do you need my help?"

"No, madam, I just brought her to buy some daily necessities." Li Xuehao declined Mrs. Sawai's kindness. When it comes to his familiarity with convenience stores, he is definitely no worse than Mrs. Sawai.

Take Alice to find the daily necessities area, and leave the rest to her to choose.

Alice was a little excited. It was probably her first time shopping in a convenience store in a foreign country. It was very fresh.

Li Xuehao found Mrs. Hosoya in the convenience store. She was introducing the products on the shelf to a customer in a distant place and did not see him.

Li Xuehao did not disturb her. After Alice picked out her daily necessities and paid the bill, the two left the convenience store together.

Alice kept chattering along the way. She was completely unlike a college student from the United States. She seemed to be very new to everything, as if she had never traveled far away. But this is almost impossible, probably because of her personality.

As the host, Li Xuehao talked with her and occasionally told interesting things, not wanting her to feel left out.

After walking some distance, we finally arrived at the door of our house.

"We're here, Alice." Li Xuehao said, carrying his suitcase and walking into the courtyard.

Alice followed, curiously looking at the courtyard and the Japanese-Western style house: "Is this right here?"

"Yes." Li Xuehao took out the key and opened the door. He had already rushed out of the living room at 6:30 after hearing the noise. He was now standing on the dining table with bright eyes, as if he was welcoming his master back.

"Wow, do you have a pet? Is this an Akita dog?" Alice saw the image of half past six at a glance, and she didn't know whether it was surprise or surprise.

"Yes, it's called half past six." Li Xuehao let her in and brought her a new pair of slippers at the entrance. These are always available at home, just for the guests who come to visit.

"What?" Alice was changing her slippers and didn't hear clearly what he said specifically. She subconsciously glanced at the time on her watch, "It's 10:35 now."

Li Xuehao didn't realize why she said the time at first. He glanced at Six-thirty, who was completely pretending she didn't exist, and then he realized: "I'm sorry, its name is Six-thirty, I don't mean the time."

"Six-thirty?" Alice looked at the majestic and funny Akita dog with a strange expression. She held it in for a long time before saying, "It's a very unique name."

Unique? Of course, Li Xuehao knew that the name of Six-thirty was indeed too "unique". Alice probably couldn't find any words to praise it with "unique".

Leading Alice into the living room, Li Xuehao was going to let her take a rest and help her tidy up a room.

Alice sniffed the air deeply, with an intoxicated look on her face: "Since I came in, I smelled a very fragrant smell. Speaking of which, I'm a little hungry. Is there anything to eat?"

"Sorry, let me go take a look." Although Alice was not polite at all, Li Xuehao, as the host, could not be rude. And he also knew what was going on with the scent that Alice smelled. It was leftover from making chocolate chip cookies that morning and it hadn't completely dissipated yet.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw that the breakfast I had made in the morning had been eaten, and even the bowls had been washed. However, there was still a little white rice left in the rice cooker. When I opened the refrigerator, there was still the leftover "big meal" from last night. Although it wasn't much, it had cooled down completely and the aroma didn't come out.

Thinking of having to tidy up the room later, and then going to school, it would be best to do it before lunch time. Li Xuehao didn't plan to make it again, so he just stir-fried the leftovers. It wouldn't be rude to have leftovers from the feast he made with white mushrooms last night.

Of course, in case Mai Guasheng came back in the evening and found that there was less "treasure" left in the refrigerator, he was only going to add a little bit, not a lot.

However, as it was put into the pot with rice and stir-fried, the high temperature created a strong aroma, and the smell spread throughout the kitchen and living room.

"What a wonderful taste, it's so unbearable... Oh, my God, I want to eat it right away. Really, this is no joke." Alice walked into the kitchen at some point, her eyes shining brightly. Looking at the fried rice that was not completely formed in the pot, just smelling it made her appetite whet her appetite.

"It will be ready soon." Li Xuehao stir-fried a few more times until every grain of rice was covered in soup, and then put it on the plate beside it.

Alice couldn't wait to pick up the plate, and Li Xuehao handed her the spoon. She couldn't wait to get to the table and tasted it with the spoon.

"Wow -" Alice exclaimed exaggeratedly while being intoxicated, "This is the most delicious food I have ever eaten. Even three Michelin stars are not as delicious as this. What is this called? Oh my god, I don't think I can eat anything else in the future. Something!”

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