Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1009 Depression and Excitement

"This is my sister's fault. Don't worry, I will compensate her for the production costs of those advertising flyers." Li Xuehao wanted to protect Yuko Sawai, but she was caught doing bad things. Seriously, there's nothing we can do about it. Moreover, we must also cultivate her correct values ​​and not engage in "conspiracies" at every turn.

"No, as long as Sawai Yuko apologizes, I will forgive her behavior this time!" The girl with twin tails waved her hand, looking very responsible.

As expected of a "eldest sister", Li Xuehao saw that she could make sense and save him the trouble. He turned his head, looked at Sawai Yuko and said, "Yuko, do you know what to do?"

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Sawai Yuko apologized to the girl with twin tails. Although she seemed a little reluctant, she was probably doing her best.

"That's it." When the girl with twin ponytails saw her apologizing, the resentment in her eyes also subsided a lot, but she was probably still a little unwilling. After all, the pursuit from the academy to here ended with an apology. It was too easy for this junior.

Li Xuehao also knew that the matter would not be settled that easily. He took out a 10,000 yen note from his pocket, walked up to the two girls, and handed it over: "This is the cost of making advertising flyers that I will compensate you on behalf of Yuko." , you can re-make the advertising flyers, I guarantee that Yuko will never do boring things again."

The two girls looked at the 10,000 yen note and were a little at a loss. 10,000 yen is definitely not a small amount of money, especially for junior high school girls, it is very tempting.

But because of this, they did not dare to accept it easily. The cost of making advertising flyers was not so much at all.

When Li Xuehao saw that the two of them didn't move, he couldn't help but put the money into the hands of the girl with twin tails. In this way, even if they still had objections to Sawai Yuko, they would be too embarrassed to trouble her again if they met her in school.

"Then, let's say goodbye." Li Xuehao.

The two girls looked at their retreating figures and were stunned for a while before they woke up. The girl with two ponytails pinched the banknotes in her hand, folded them carefully and put them in her pocket, then turned and left with the girl with one ponytail.

On the way back, Sawai Yuko seemed unhappy, and even took the initiative to let go of someone's hand.

"What's wrong, Yuko, aren't you happy?" Li Xuehao knew that his actions just now had indeed "hurt" her. After all, he was pulled by her to support him, and in the end he did such a cowardly thing as "ceding territory to pay compensation." Lift it up.

"Brother Koji doesn't like me at all." Yuko Sawai said with a flat mouth and deep dissatisfaction.

"Why do you say that?" Li Xuehao handed the white mushrooms and matsutake to his right hand, leaving his left hand free to rub her head.

"Treat others better than me." Sawai Yuko said dissatisfiedly and slapped his hand away.

Li Xuehao pressed it with another hand: "If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. Think about it, if I don't do that, when you arrive at the academy the next day, they will definitely not let you go. At that time, I didn't If I follow you, you will be severely punished.”

"Hmph, they don't dare to teach me a lesson in the academy." Sawai Yuko said unhappily, but her tone lowered and she did not swat his hand away again.

Li Xuehao knew that she had actually agreed with his statement in her heart, and he didn't want to irritate her anymore: "Okay, don't be angry. Come home with me now, and we will have a big dinner in the evening."

"Hmph!" Sawai Yuko snorted, but her eyes couldn't help but glance at the thing he was holding in his right hand.

"Do you know what this is?" Li Xuehao deliberately took the white mushrooms and matsutake and handed them to her.

"I don't know!" Sawai Yuko was still showing off her temper, but her eyes were fixed on the matsutake mushrooms in the plastic bag.

"This is not a mushroom." Li Xuehao placed the matsutake in the most conspicuous position.

"Matsutake!" Sawai Yuko said its scientific name first.

"Do you actually know him?" Li Xuehao asked exaggeratedly.

"It sounds like I'm an idiot. Of course I know him. He's not a kid who doesn't understand anything." Sawai Yuko said angrily, but the next moment, she switched to foodie mode, "Do you want to eat matsutake mushrooms at night? I saw on TV that a portion of grilled matsutake mushrooms costs 50,000 yen when eaten outside. It seems like there are only two or three."

"If you don't like eating, we can eat mushrooms at night." Li Xuehao placed the white mushrooms in a prominent position.

"I never said I didn't like it!" Sawai Yuko's voice suddenly became high-pitched, but she soon realized that she had been tricked, "Koji-nii is an idiot!"

"Okay, I'm an idiot." Li Xuehao followed her words and said, letting the little girl vent her anger, he didn't mind at all.

"Hmph!" Sawai Yuko was arrogant again, but she didn't know what she thought of, and her mood dropped again.

Li Xuehao noticed it keenly: "What's wrong? You really don't like matsutake, do you?"

"No!" Midori Sawai glared at him, and then his voice became deeper, "Brother Haoji, our ikebana club may be abolished."

"Abolish the club?" Li Xuehao was shocked. If a club is abolished, it means it no longer exists. He didn't expect Sawai Yuko's flower arrangement club to be so serious. It's no wonder that as a minister, she had to do it herself. Something happened.

"Yes, many people quit the army and went to that woman's Tachibana Club." Speaking of that woman, Sawai Yuko seemed indignant.

"Is that Sato?" Li Xuehao thought of the girl with twin tails who just left.

"That's right, that woman Sato, by virtue of her being a third-year senior and the eldest sister of the 'Yu no Tree Sisterhood'... Apart from me, there are only Tamako and a few others left in the flower arrangement club. If If someone else withdraws from the club and fails to meet the minimum number of members, the Ikebana Club will be abolished." Sawai Yuko frowned tightly and said with a dejected face, and at the same time there was jealousy towards someone in her words. .

Li Xuehao rubbed her head, thought for a while and said: "Whenever I have time, I will go to your academy to take a look and help you think of a solution." She established the flower arrangement club by herself. Looking at her current appearance, I know that after she is really ruined, she will definitely be even more decadent.

"Really?" Sawai Yuko, who was originally in a low mood, couldn't help but brighten her eyes and looked at him expectantly.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded.

"Then Brother Koji has to promise me something." Sawai Yuko became excited again. The worries of the waste department had long been forgotten, and she seemed to be full of confidence in him.

"Say." Li Xuehao didn't know what she wanted to ask for.

"Brother Koji wants to go as a couple with me." Sawai Yuko looked excited, and her little baby face turned slightly red with excitement.

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