Soon, the Germanic state began to carry out the Holocaust, and the mustache began to persecute the Jews on a large scale, which was also an atrocity in the outbreak of World War II.

Also known as ethnic cleansing, this outbreak According to history, the cleansing of six million Jews would bring great havoc to the Jews.

On the eve of the Second War, the European battlefield will also officially ignite, and with it, the Mustache will begin a new stage of persecution of the Jews.

These Jews were deported, including all to concentration camps, where slave-like labor and wanton slaughter awaited.

According to what Yuan Tian knew, hundreds of Jews would be forcibly stuffed into several broken boats and sunk into the rough Aegean Sea, with outrageous cruelty and resentment.

Fortunately, the migration on Yuan Tian’s side was relatively fast, and on the eve of the mustache massacre, a large number of scientists and most of the Jewish refugees were transferred.

It’s just that six million people are too large for them to be transferred all at once, plus some Jews do not believe in the heinous torture of them.

So he remained in the Germanic country, and now that ethnic cleansing has broken out, it is only too late to leave.

After the Australasian Empire accepted the Jews, the internal members of the Institute of Atomic Energy ranged from fifty people at the beginning to a team of several hundred people.

After a large number of scientists joined, their research progress increased by leaps and bounds, with the assistance of these two top scientists, Heisenberg and Bohr.

In the future, atomic bombs will be manufactured soon, this is definitely their big killer, when the time comes, there will be atomic bombs in hand, and other neighboring countries will not dare to invade them.

If Xiao Rizi dared to really invade them and bomb the Australian Empire, they wouldn’t mind letting Xiao Ri taste the power of the atomic bomb.

At the same time as the development of the Australian Chinese Empire, it was already June 1939, and there were only three months left before the mustache blitzed Ranlan, and the whole of Europe was already like a barrel of dynamite, which exploded at one point.

And the mustache reached its peak of power within the Germanic state, enforcing an autocratic system, under one person, above ten thousand, on the ruling side.

In the future, World War II may begin to break out in full force, during this period, Yuan Tian also held a military conference again, and was about to face the wave of World War II.

In the future, if they want to preserve themselves in this catastrophe, military strength is indispensable.

Inside the conference room, the Minister of Intelligence and the commander of the three services had already reported at the beginning.

Army Commander Chen Xingzhou smiled: “Your Majesty, at present, our total strength has exceeded one million under the development of recent years. ”

“Among them, the army has more than 600,000 troops, and a modern steel lion has been created, and the King Tiger tank has reached 5,000!”

The commander of the navy also reported on the development of the navy: “Our navy has also exceeded 200,000, and four Awa-class battleships have been built, including the Ding Snapper-class submarine and launching, and the halfway navigation mother is about to be built.” ”

The air force commander also reported: “Your Majesty, our B29 bombers have reached a thousand vehicles, and can perfectly carry out bombing missions. ”

“These million troops are all equipped with the most advanced equipment and weapons of our Australasian Empire.”

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Tian was quite satisfied, their Australasian Empire had the strength to compete with other countries, and the navy already had four Ahhua-class battleships and ten Ding-class submarines after this period of development.

Their first aircraft carrier on Midway Island was immediately ready to launch, and these reports made Yuan Tian have to sigh at the speed of their development.

Now that their military strength has exceeded one million, they can survive this war.

Not only to defend themselves, but also to seek benefits, just like Eagle Sauce Country, the reason why they rose in World War II was because they were able to sell arms in World War II.

The same is true of their Australian Empire, and now their Australasian Empire’s production capacity is quite fast, with the addition of scientists from this Jewish country, plus the drawings given by the system.

It has cultivated a large number of scientific reserve talents for the Australian Chinese Empire, otherwise it would be difficult for them to have such an efficient development speed.

Yuan Tian smiled: “At present, our three armies have millions of troops and strong strength, and we have to thank the Germanic country far away in Europe.” ”

“If it weren’t for their sending talent, our military strength would probably be at least twice as weak as it is now.”

As soon as the words fell, the commanders of the other three armies and Zhang Yihang couldn’t help but laugh

“It can only be said that the policy of the mustache has completely lost the high-ranking talents of their Germanic countries, which is a stupid move.”

If it weren’t for the persecution of Jews by the mustache, there would not have been so many scientists in the Australian Empire now.

At present, their military strength is also among the top ten in the world, and their strength is strong.

Yuan Tian’s face was solemn:

“We have to continue to develop, increase our weapons stockpiles, and in the future, the Australian Chinese Empire must not only preserve itself in World War II, but also make profits.”

“We can sell these surplus weapons and equipment to Europe, and when the Germanic countries and European countries start a war, this is our opportunity to send some weapons for sale.”

When the commanders of the three armies heard this, they were all impressed by His Majesty’s foresight, and they had only done so to protect themselves and make the Australian Empire no longer invade by the British state.

I didn’t expect His Majesty to look so far, not only to protect the Australian Chinese Empire, but also to make a fortune in the war, you must know that smuggling arms is the most profitable business, especially weapons are consumables.

No wonder His Majesty let the military factory produce weapons in full force before, and more than a dozen warehouses have been piled up, and when the battlefield on the European side fights, they can sit on the profits of fishermen and sell weapons and equipment.

After speaking, Yuan Tian ordered Zhang Yihang:

“Director Zhang, we must detect the movements of the Germans at any time, if they start to attack, our Australian Empire will also send troops at the same time, this is a golden opportunity.”

“With the Germanic state to contain European countries, our Australian Chinese Empire can also take the opportunity to wave its troops north and deprive them of their colonies.”

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yihang said with a smile: “Don’t worry, Your Majesty, we have arranged intelligence officers, and their every move is watched by us.” ”

Then Yuan Tian arranged the battle plan: “In the future, if nothing else, the Germanic country will attack Gelan in September, and we can also take this opportunity to defeat New Lanci and occupy it as quickly as possible to solve our worries!”

“In the future, we don’t have to worry about New Zealand making small moves behind our backs when the Australian Chinese Empire sends out.”

“Your Majesty, we are fully prepared, as long as the time comes, with an order, our navy, land and air forces will seize power and completely occupy New Lanci.”

Now everyone is rubbing their hands, some expectations, His Majesty’s overall view is really terrifying, as long as His Majesty’s leadership, winning this war is easy!

PS; The first change arrived, the evaluation votes reached 100 plus one change, broke 200 plus 2 more, the evaluation votes broke 300 plus three changes, flowers broke 1000 plus one change, and there was a gap of 80 evaluation votes plus more.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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