Jun Jiuling

Chapter 747 Who is to blame

"It's my history."

Miss Jun said with a smile on her face.

The spoon that Lu Yunqi handed to her mouth paused.

"That girl is very powerful." He said, "At that time, the soldiers and horses in the entire Suning Pass obeyed her orders."

"She has a pure heart and doesn't have any distracting thoughts. If she wants to kill the enemy, she will remember this." Miss Jun said, "I am not afraid of life and death."

Lu Yunqi pinched her cheek and fed a spoonful of soup and rice.

"Okay, I'll eat by myself." Miss Jun turned her head slightly to shake off his hand and said.

Lu Yunqi withdrew his hand and only fed her with a spoon.

"Her Majesty is pleased," he said.

Miss Jun let out a laugh.

"Happy?" she said, with a mocking look on her face, "He still has the face to be happy!"

Lu Yunqi smiled and did not refute or deny it.

"It's all because of him." Miss Jun continued, tightly clenched the hands tied in front of her body, "Because he is ignorant, expels loyal ministers and good generals, and appoints traitors and trash, why did the Jin people suddenly The reason for the attack is that the Jin people also know that there is an opportunity to take advantage of the northern land without Duke Cheng."

Lu Yunqi carefully stirred the soup and scooped up a spoonful.

"You didn't say that before," he said.

At that time, he told her about the outside world, she never commented on it, just stopped it as a joke, she told him about family affairs, what books he read today, how many words he wrote, new The flowers bloomed.

Is it changed now?

"No, I've never changed." Miss Jun looked at him and shook her head with a bit of arrogance, "It's just that the me you know is not the real me."

The Jiuling princess who married him is a down and out princess.

It is obedience, helplessness, obedience, and numbness, just like a bird with its wings cut off, or a flower dug up from the ground.

He didn't know the real her, also because she didn't let him know, because he didn't deserve it.

Lu Yunqi looked at her expression and smiled.

"It's getting cold," he said, holding the spoon to her mouth.

Miss Jun took a bite.

"I don't know if the emperor can still eat." She gritted her teeth and said.

Lu Yunqi looked at her.

"Qing Hebo verified that the officers and soldiers of Junziguan were instructed by others to open the city gate," he said.

Miss Jun was taken aback.


The one who can instruct the gentleman to close the officers and soldiers is naturally the person they trust.

What Uncle Qing He meant by these words is anyone's guess.

He clearly meant that Cheng Guogong was a spy, and the officers and soldiers of Junziguan were all dead, and there was no proof of death.

Those officers and soldiers died in battle, but they still have to be stigmatized like this.

Miss Jun gritted the spoon with her teeth.

"Coward," she said.



The emperor drank the soup bowl in front of him in one gulp, put it down, sweated slightly on his face, and looked radiant.

"Thank you Queen Mother for me." He said to the servant, "Go and see Queen Mother when I'm done."

The servant bowed again and again.

"Your Majesty can eat, so your Majesty will be relieved." They said excitedly, "My Majesty said, Your Majesty must take care of the dragon's body. Urgency will not solve the problem."

The emperor nodded yes, looking into the hall.

"You also have to remember the Queen Mother's advice," he said.

There were more than a dozen officials sitting in the hall, and they were all eating at this time, and they all bent over and answered yes when they heard the words.

"Everyone has worked hard these days." The emperor said, "It's hard to sleep or eat."

"Your Majesty has worked hard." Ning Yunzhao said.

Everyone got used to it, and no one looked at him after hearing the words.

"Your Majesty has worked hard." They followed suit.

"However, the current situation still cannot be relieved." The emperor said again, putting down the brocade handkerchief that wiped his mouth.

The servants immediately removed the table, everyone retreated, and the discussion resumed in the hall.

"The main reason is that the Jin people came too suddenly. Everyone was caught off guard for a while, but it's not that they couldn't stop them." An official said.

It's really ridiculous to say this, it's like before the Jinren called and greeted you specially.

Many officials moved their mouths, but thinking that a few days ago, several officials were imprisoned by the emperor for disturbing the morale of the army and the people because of their noisy accusations that they should not discuss and change generals easily, and everyone swallowed their words again. go back.

Hearing the word "suddenly", the emperor's face suddenly sank.

"I really never dreamed that Cheng Guogong would do such a thing." He said.

"Your Majesty, he already intends to rebel, so it's not surprising that he did such a thing." Huang Cheng said, "Speaking of which, someone said it at the beginning, and it was clear that he wanted to negotiate a peace and let the troops withdraw, but Cheng Guogong went to the Jinren's Yizhou. , who knows if it was negotiated with the Jinren at that time."

The emperor slapped the memorial on several cases.

"How could he do this? How can I feel sorry for him?" He said, with a sad and indignant expression when he said this, "Even if I can't forgive him and he is dissatisfied with me, please see what the first emperor and the elder brother of the prince treated him back then. En Yu, how could such a thing be done."

He said standing up.

"Go and ask him, what exactly does he want me to do? As long as the Great Zhou Taiping can be changed, I, I will admit my mistake to him."

"Your Majesty, don't say such things." Huang Chengsurong said, taking a step forward, "For such villains, benevolence and kindness are useless to them, and will only make them gain an inch."

"Yes, to deal with such thieves, we must repel them fiercely." Other officials also said one after another.

After some persuasion, the emperor recovered and sighed.

"I really can't bear to see the lives of the people in the Northland go to waste." He said.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty." Huang Cheng said, "Uncle Qinghe has already gone north to repel the gold thieves who invaded Hejian."

As he spoke, he motioned to the officials of the Ministry of War, and the officials stepped forward and pointed to the emperor on the map that was spread out on the side.

"... Just yesterday, news was sent that the gold thieves from Baozhou have retreated to Xukou, and the gold thieves from Bazhou are also retreating to Changfeng."

"...The three-way army has assembled, and the gold thief will be driven back in one go..."



At the end of the first lunar month, although spring has already begun, the northern land is still ice and snowy and desolate.

The sound of the drum suddenly sounded between the sky and the earth. This is the general drum. For a while, the soldiers and horses moved together, and soon tens of thousands of people gathered outside the city. The ground decorated with various flags and military uniforms was solemn and gorgeous.

In the camp, Uncle Qinghe was wearing a thick armor with old leaves, and the cloak behind him was stained with blood.

"In this way, the generals will obey the order, divide the troops into four groups, and drive the gold thieves out of my territory." He said, although his voice was not loud, his eyes were sharp and majestic.

Under the tent stood more than a dozen generals and officers, who heard the words and responded in unison.

But one general just moved his lips with a worried expression.

"Uncle." He endured and endured, and finally stood up, "The general believes that the poor should not chase after them, and the golden people are retreating so badly, so as not to be cheated."

The generals around him were not surprised when he said this, and even Qing Hebo looked calm, obviously this was not the first time he said this.

"Mr. Yang." Qing Hebo said, "You are very thoughtful. These days, the sentries from all sides have gone to investigate and pay close attention to whether the golden man has moved."

Zongbing Yang nodded, looking a little embarrassed.

"Uncle, the last general is not greedy for life and afraid of death." He said. "It's just that the tactics of the Jinren should not be underestimated. They are strong and fast, and they are best at surprise attacks."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Uncle Qinghe looking at him and his eyes turned cold, he couldn't help but smiled wryly in his heart, he still said the wrong thing.

Uncle Qing He has always regarded himself as a veteran of the North, and he hates them the most for treating him as a newcomer, especially he doesn't want to hear that he is not familiar with the Jin people.

Mr. Yang lowered his head.

"Uncle knows best." He added.

Of course he knew, and he wanted to let the world know that he, Zou Jiang, deserved the credit of the Northland, and that he, Zou Jiang, should have been Lord Qinghe.

Uncle Qing He didn't look at Yang Zongbing anymore, he raised his hand and swung the long saber.

"Gold thieves rampantly killed my people and destroyed my homeland. All the people of my Great Zhou Dynasty should serve the country by killing thieves with the same hatred." He said.

The generals under the tent raised their arms one after another.

"Kill thieves and serve the country."

The shout spread out, and soon the soldiers and horses outside the city raised their arms and shouted.

"Kill the thief and serve the country, and kill the thief and serve the country."

Sweeping the earth for a while, the momentum is like a rainbow.



Because of successive good news, the capital city in the first lunar month has returned to its usual bustle, even more lively than before. People seem to want to make up for the festive excitement that was missing in the first month.

Even with official guards clearing the way, Huang Cheng returned home much slower than before.

He got out of the carriage tremblingly, and the servants at the door rushed up, and one of them approached and handed over a letter.

"My lord, there's a letter from the shop." He bowed his head and said.

Huang Cheng has many industrial shops, but none of them will write to him.

This shop is synonymous with Yu Chihai.

Huang Cheng opened the letter as he walked into the house.

"I'd like to see what this dog slave has to say." He said with a bit of hatred, but his eyes fell on the letter paper, but he was stunned, "Grandpa?"


Who is he calling? Those who can be Huang Cheng's grandfather are all dead. The servants on both sides were a little puzzled.

Huang Cheng was also very puzzled, looking at the two words on the letter paper.

There are only two large characters written in thick ink on a piece of letter paper.


grandfather? What's the meaning? Huang Cheng couldn't help but read it again, and suddenly thought of something, his face turned red, and he tore up the letter paper three times.

"Dog slave, how dare you tease me." He cursed, turned around and raised his hand, "Come here, I will execute all the dog slaves named Yu on the spot."

The servant who understood this sentence immediately responded and ran out with people.

But at this time in Bazhou, Yu Chihai, who was surrounded by a group of soldiers standing on the gate of the city, suddenly raised his hand to make up his mind.

"Hey." He said, "Good grandson."


Did he miss his grandson? The generals around looked over in puzzlement.

A smile appeared on Yu Chihai's red face from the wind.

"Next, I don't have to pretend to be a grandson." He continued, "You should be real grandsons."

After saying that, he raised his hand and waved.

"Boys, the enemy has been lured deep, let's gather the net and hunt."

Following his words, the generals on both sides bowed their heads and responded, watching groups of people rushing in all directions, only then did Yu Chihai, who was standing on the city gate, turn around.

"It's time for me to go see that bustling place." He said, took the cloak and cloak handed over by his entourage, covered his head and face and strode away.

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