Jun Jiuling

Chapter 451 Who Did It?

Reward spirit beast eggs for Tianyu and Tianyue (5.4)


She killed a man, and a man died at her feet.

Miss Jun didn't lower her head and cover her face with her hands and let out a scream.

Liu'er, who stood aside and didn't pay attention to this side, only looked at the excitement over there, was taken aback. She didn't see what was going on, so she also yelled, hugging Miss Jun.

All this happened in the blink of an eye.

From the time when the girl asked if the person was dead, to when she asked if she needed help, and stepped on the knife, to the time when the girl threw the knife and died, it was just a breath.

They have no extra words, no extra thoughts, just like that... It's over.

Miss Jun was like those frightened girls in the streets and villages she had seen, covering her face and covering her ears, stamping her feet and screaming.

Everyone was taken aback by the shouting here.

"Damn it, that little bastard is dead."

Seeing the girl with the knife on her neck on the ground, the members of the Huang family cursed angrily, and they also rushed over.

The screaming and frightened Miss Jun's master and servant were driven aside by them.

Even if you are a doctor, you are a girl after all, you will be afraid when you see someone die in front of you, right?

The Huang family ignored Miss Jun and bent over to sniff the girl.

One of them looked at Miss Jun unwillingly.

"Miss Jun, is there any help?" he asked.

Miss Jun was still covering her face, and only took a look when she heard the question.

"No more," she said.

The servants also knew that there was no way to save them, so after asking this confirmation, they stopped asking.

"Dead." He said fiercely, and kicked the girl fiercely, "It's cheap for her."

Miss Jun took a few steps back and knocked down a person.

Liu'er called out again.

Miss Jun stood still and looked over, her body froze slightly.

The stump-like Lu Yunqi was looking down at her.

His expression was dull and his eyes were dark.

In this chaos, he and the Jin Yiwei were wedged into the ground like wooden stakes and remained motionless, making them look even weirder.

Others didn't pay attention to what happened just now, but he must have seen this little move of his own.

Miss Jun looked at him with his face still in his hands, his expression unchanged.

"Pretend." Lu Yunqi smiled suddenly, and said a word.

Sure enough, he saw it, so what.

Miss Jun watched him silent and put down his hands.

"Miss Jun, Miss Jun." The Huang family rushed over to grab her, "Look at our master."

Miss Jun took the opportunity to quickly walk towards Master Huang, leaving Lu Yunqi's gaze behind.

Master Huang was lying on the ground motionless, with blood splattered under his body.

"Miss Jun, Miss Jun." The people around cried and looked at her expectantly.

Miss Jun didn't bend over and reach out to check.

"Don't look at it." She said, "It's gone."

The last hope of the members of the Huang family was shattered upon hearing these words.

"Aren't you able to bring the dead back to life? Aren't you able to end the death of a person and bring them back to life?" Several family members shouted fiercely.

This was the first time he had encountered a family member who was so rude to Miss Jun.

Liu'er hurriedly stood in front of Miss Jun.

"What are you shouting about! My lady is not the Lord of Hell. She can cure diseases and prevent people from dying. Besides, it's not our lady who killed people." She also yelled fiercely.

Although this little girl was not polite, what she said also reminded the members of the Huang family.

Sitting on the ground with a dull expression, Mr. Huang, who seemed to be ten years old in an instant, suddenly raised his head.

"Who is it?" he said hoarsely.

"Who could it be, that woman." Liu'er said without the slightest fear, pointing to the side, "That woman's death is considered a life for a life."

One life for one life?

Is his son's life worth one life?

Besides, his son wouldn't have died in the first place, if Miss Jun had been able to treat him.

But he was trampled to death by a startled horse.

Startled the horse, well, how could the horse be startled?

There has never been a coincidence in this world, only man-made!

"Who is it?" Elder Huang shouted, and he stood up from the ground, looking at the dead horse.

Everyone's eyes also looked over, there was a bunch of soldiers standing there, as if they were mourning the dead horse.

Hearing the shouts from here, the soldiers did not disperse, but someone stretched out his arm to push a few soldiers away, while pointing at the dead horse on the ground.

"It's it."

The voice was angry and seemed to be filled with grief.

Zhu Zan?

Miss Jun looked surprised. She started the horse too fast just now, and there were many people running and avoiding in front of her. She didn't notice anyone running over.

Of course, Ma Jing was indeed too coincidental, and it was so coincidental that one had to doubt it.

But she really didn't expect it to be Zhu Zan.

Why is he here?

It's him?

Zhu Zan stood among the soldiers, his body was covered with blood, the knife in his hand was still dripping blood, the black horse under his feet was dead, the blood was still flowing, spreading on the ground, it was dazzling under the sunlight.

Mr. Huang shook his body, his eyes narrowed and then widened.

"Zhu Zan, it was you!" His voice was hoarse, "You killed my son!"

Zhu Zan let out a cry, as if he had been kicked by a donkey.

"Master Huang, what are you talking about?" He said, staring and pointing at the dead horse on the ground, "This horse will hurt people if it is startled, I killed it to save people, you don't have to say it is you just to protect it Son?"

The scene froze, and I don't know who couldn't hold back a snort.

This is the right time to laugh.

This occasion is even more inappropriate to say such ridiculous things.

Yes, this is ridiculous.

Everyone knows that Zhu Zan, the son of Cheng Guogong, is bold and reckless, and he is the most troublesome and unscrupulous. He dares to beat the prince, and even if he beats the prince, the emperor dare not do anything to him.

But that was hitting the prince, not his son.

The emperor didn't dare to do anything to him, he Huang Cheng dared to take his life.

The anger that Mr. Huang had tried to suppress could no longer be controlled.

This bastard, this beast, this madman.

How dare you kill someone in the street!

"Zhu Zan, don't pretend to be crazy and foolish with me." He shouted, and people also rushed towards Zhu Zan, "It was you who shocked the horse, and it was you who deliberately killed my son. You will take your life today!"

Mrs. Huang, who was in his dying years, was naturally not a threat in front of Zhu Zan, but all members of the Huang family were strong and strong, and they all rushed towards Zhu Zan when they heard the words.

"You guys are crazy! Is it wrong for me to act bravely?"

Zhu Zan shouted angrily, raising the knife in his hand.

His expression was agitated, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he stared straight at Mr. Huang through the rushing Huang family members.

Master Huang's eyes were angry and crazy, but Zhu Zan's eyes were calm.

But this silence is even more terrifying.

The general standing aside held down the knife in his waist, and his body tensed involuntarily.

Those were bloodthirsty eyes, those eyes of a real beast.

One is enough, there can be no more trouble, otherwise there is really no room for maneuver.

"Stop!" shouted the general, "No fighting in the street!"

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