The battle between Zhu Bajie and the black bear spirit is evenly matched.

It seems that people in Buddhism did not expect such a situation, only Li Jue always had a calm and calm smile on his face.

He still knows Zhu Bajie very well. Although his strength is slightly weaker, his understanding of Taoism is not bad.

Especially during this period of time, he kept passing books to Zhu Bajie and others, instilling Tao Te Ching and Huang Ting Jing, which made Zhu Bajie's understanding of Taoism to a higher level.

Fomen wanted to use the black bear essence to defeat Zhu Bajie, which was tantamount to a fool's dream.

Moreover, Li Jue knows Zhu Bajie very well, and he belongs to the kind of people who can survive in a desperate situation.

as predicted.

Zhu Bajie and Hei Xiong Jing preached and talked about Buddhism, and it was indistinguishable. After three hours, Zhu Bajie finally ushered in the first round of outbreaks.

With his profound understanding of Taoism, he seized a flaw in the black bear spirit, and then criticized him.

Although the black bear spirit had a profound understanding of Buddhism and received guidance from two saints, it was still too short for him to join Buddhism and get systematic guidance.

Zhu Bajie had already followed Li Jue and joined the Journey to the West group early. He had a profound understanding of Taoism.

Under Li Jue's constant guidance, his moral foundation is not bad among the Journey to the West group. In fact, his naive appearance is his best protective color.

Under the fierce pursuit of Zhu Bajie, the black bear essence couldn't hold on for half an hour, and was quickly defeated, and even almost went into trouble.

It was the Tathagata who personally took action and recited a meditation mantra, which made the black bear spirit gradually come out of the state where the mind of the Dao collapsed and was about to go crazy.

Even so, he was still lethargic. When he looked up at Zhu Bajie, his eyes were full of fear and dodge.

Obviously, from now on, Zhu Bajie is his inner demon.

After Zhu Bajie won a big victory, he returned to Li Jue's side and began to brag to his brothers and sisters.

"It's really boring to make the black bear spirit go wild in just a few words without using all your strength."

Sun Wukong and others knew Zhu Bajie's temperament and that he liked to show off and brag. After he also won, everyone followed him.

After Zhu Bajie won, Li Jue directly sent Jin Chanzi up in the next match.

On their side, Jin Chanzi’s Taoism is actually not as good as that of Sun Wukong, but his understanding of Buddhism is far higher than that of everyone on their side, and for Buddhism, Jin Chanzi’s Buddhism is also extremely profound and can be compared with others. There are very few of them.

At this time, he personally came forward, which meant that the victory had already been locked.

3 out of 5 people won, which is already considered a regular victory.

So when everyone saw the appearance of Jin Chanzi, they all believed that Buddhism would definitely lose.

Everyone in Buddhism also frowned, and everyone's face was a little ugly.

Even the Tathagata couldn't help frowning. Obviously, according to the plan, the black bear will win this round, so even if Li Jue sends Jin Chanzi out in the third round, they can still have some chances of winning. .

But none of them thought that the Black Bear Spirit would actually lose to Zhu Bajie. As a result, Fomen became 10 points passive.

When Jin Chanzi appeared, there was a commotion in the Buddhist community, and no one dared to come forward.

Many Taoist people outside the Daxiong Palace and those watching the fun couldn't help but smile. They felt that Li Jue's side had already won.

On the Buddhist side, Jigong and Fahai looked at each other, and they all came out one after another.

Others think that Jin Chanzi is already winning, but they are the only ones who still want to compete.

Seeing Jigong and Fahai's first love together, Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong couldn't help but ridicule.

"Why do you guys plan to fight 2 against 1? Bully my junior brother to be honest and honest?!"

"Although my junior and junior brothers also have the ability to fight 1-on-2, but on your Buddhist sect, send your two strongest Buddhas to deal with our little junior brothers, right?!"

Just when Tathagata was about to call Jigong and Fahai back, Jin Chanzi said bluntly: "If you fight 2, you can fight 2, let me experience the strength of these two Buddhist monks."

The people of the Buddhist school were suddenly a little angry, but after thinking about it carefully, they could dispatch two Buddhas, and they would be able to win this match.

How could Jigong and Fahai endure this kind of insult, so they planned to quit one, but the voice of the ancient Buddha burning a lamp came from their minds, and they wanted to make the two of them bite the bullet and deal with Jin Chanzi together.

In desperation, the two could only bite the bullet and confront Jin Chanzi.

It has to be said that Jin Chanzi's comprehension of Taoism and Buddhism is extremely profound, especially his comprehension of Tao Te Ching and Huang Ting Jing, which is even higher than Zhu Bajie.

And his understanding of the Dharma made many Buddhas feel ashamed. When the two were combined, they were able to handle the Buddha's teachings with Jigong and Fahai.

When everyone in Buddhism saw this, they were immediately stunned.

Jigong Fahai is already two of the strongest people in their group of studying Buddhist scriptures. He has an extremely deep understanding of Buddhism. There are not many people in Buddhism who are their opponents.

Especially after receiving the guidance of the two saints for half a year, their deep understanding of Buddhism is enough to rank in the top 10 among Buddhists.

Moreover, it is said that the two saints also instructed them on Taoism.

But Jin Chanzi is really amazing. He has all the memories of the Dharma in his previous life, and his understanding of the Dharma in the past life can be ranked in the top 5 in Buddhism.

In this life, he was the first to follow Li Jue and Sun Wukong to practice the Tao Te Ching and Huang Ting Jing, and his understanding of Taoism was second only to Li Jue and Sun Wukong.

Although Jigong and Fahai are both powerful, Jin Chanzi is even more powerful.

Originally, the Buddhist people thought that the victory was in their hands, and even if they lost, they would be able to fight evenly.

But he didn't expect Jigong and Fahai to fight against Jin Chanzi for only an hour, and UUkanshu soon discovered the flaws, so they broke them one by one.

Jigong and Fahai, their hearts collapsed, and their eyes were scarlet.

Fortunately, the Tathagata Buddha himself came forward to recite the Dharma, which allowed the two to gradually stabilize their Taoism.

After Jin Chanzi won, he laughed and turned around to celebrate with his brothers.

After the great victory, Li Jue laughed: "It seems that my disciples have a deeper understanding of Taoism. The Qin Empire does not need your Dharma to go to Purdue for the time being."

"Please remember, from now on, without my Li Jue's permission, the Great Qin Empire will not be bald and will not recite the Dharma."

The people of Buddhism suddenly burst into anger and anger, and everyone felt extremely aggrieved.

And right now.

A hearty laughter came from a distance, and then a dark shadow appeared in the Mahavira Hall.

When everyone saw the figure clearly, they all frowned.

The person who came was Mara Wutian, he laughed heartily, "Tathagata, it seems that Buddhism has no successor, and the consequences of all this should be borne by you, the Buddha."

"I don't think you are worthy to sit on the throne of the Buddha from now on, so I will take charge of Lingshan instead of you!"


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