Jean Of Bright City 13

Chapter 2316: construction

"Can you two be careful?"

Li Chu looked at Gene and Deguna as they were dismantling the shell of the host computer. Many parts were dismantled a bit rough. Li Chu was afraid that if the alarm defense mechanism was triggered, it would be troublesome.

Now Li Chu has only one thing to do, disassemble the host directly, then disassemble it layer by layer, and cover some parts that will trigger the alarm mechanism with some fog programs, so as to be able to crack passwords, tamper with core programs, etc. Once everything is fixed, these alerting mechanisms will work for them.

"Don't worry, although we are not good at the program, but in the mechanical circuit structure, we are very clear that we will not destroy the part of the functional output connection."

As Gene said, Deguna stood up, took out a cigarette, lit it, and handed it to Gene.

The two plan to rest for a while. This is the third day. They have already understood the situation in the base. Some of the research rooms below still retain some original equipment, which is very good for them. of.

Now they have to start planning the planting, because some parts of the ground are concrete, and they have to shovel the concrete first, then get some soil from the forest outside, and then use fluorescent lights to illuminate.

The power generation is also a little unusual. There should be some problems with the external solar panels. Gene and Deguna plan to go out for maintenance tomorrow, and take the materials to overhaul all the solar panels on the mountain.

"Hurry up when you have enough rest. The machines in here are all running, and it consumes too much electricity."

Li Chu now just wants to quickly change the core program of the base, and change it to the AI ​​he developed, and then find a way to put some equipment management in the base into the AI ​​program, and use AI to take care of the large scale in the base. part of things.

The raw materials here can be managed by AI, because many devices have smart chips, but only the old-fashioned intelligent processing system. Now, if you only need to connect everything, the entire base can be fully automated immediately, otherwise the eight people of their manpower And energy is limited.

The entire transformation will take at least two months, and it can be completed with the cooperation of AI machinery. If there are dozens of people now, the process will be shortened to half a month. Unfortunately, there will be no one here.

There are very few people who know the location of this base, no more than 20 people, Gu Yi is one of them, and even the soldiers who served in it in the past do not know where they are.

In fact, everyone originally wanted to bring some people here, but it was obviously unrealistic, because most people were uncontrollable, so they decided to wait for the base to be built, and then go outside to bring a group of children back, and then educate them to Some knowledge is taught to them as much as possible, and they are trained as scientists, so that human beings can continue.

All aspects of the experience and cognition of adults have been frozen. Gene and the others have also tried to win over some people, but it is a pity that in such an environment, there is nothing they can do.

Especially those human beings who have survived from the apocalypse to the present have become extremely selfish in order to survive. Such selfishness will lead to many problems, and their selfishness is normal in such an environment.

Since there is no way to change it, we can only start with children. If we cultivate them, human beings can continue to survive.

They are not too young, and they only have twenty or thirty years of life left at most, so now they have to go all out.

After a while, Jean and Deguna continued to dismantle, and in the hall outside, Tang Rao, Werther, Rose, Ellie, and Gu Yi were driving construction vehicles and were destroying some concrete floors.

Now the entire cement floor in the hall must be completely smashed to expose the soil layer below, and then the smashed cement can be smashed again through the furnace in the base and used.

The rumbling sound of machinery, fortunately, the construction vehicles here are very complete. This base was originally to be expanded and improved, but because of the construction of the Dragon Lighthouse, this base can only be temporarily abolished, because in the mountains, many things are It's not very convenient, but it would be a pity if you want to dismantle or blow it up.

Therefore, when the base was abolished more than ten years ago, only some important research equipment was taken away, and some less important objects were left, and the base was maintained in a state of water and electricity maintenance. maintain this base.

Soon a core computer center was disassembled. Li Chu went over immediately and looked at the dense lines and some circuit panels. He watched it carefully, and then followed the memory to record and search on the computer, and then began to take pictures.

The physical structure of the system and the working conditions of all aspects must be clarified, so that the system can be transformed well. The whole work is too complicated, and other people only understand part of the program, so only Li Chu can come alone.

"It's alright now."

Deguna asked a question, Li Chu nodded, it was already past 5 pm, Gene and Deguna planned to go directly to the warehouse, take out some solar panels, and start installing them. When they are ready, they will bring them tomorrow. Go out with the solar panels, and restore the overall power of the base first.

They have checked the electric energy storage device, and there is no major problem. Now, collect as much electric energy as possible, and then transmit the electric energy to some electric energy storage equipment to ensure the use of electric energy in the next few years.

When the sun completely disappears, they can only use chemicals to generate electricity, or use water to build a hydroelectric power plant. The whole transformation project is huge and time-consuming, but they have to plan for everything that can happen at the beginning. take into account.

The base should be planned for at least 100 years. Only in this way can there be enough time for human beings to survive completely.

After a while, Jean and Deguna came to a warehouse where solar panels were stacked. This new type of solar panel, which is only 1 square meter, has excellent power generation capacity. Many panels have not been disassembled. The parts are all assembled manually.

"so many."

Gene laughed awkwardly. The two of them could only start to check. First, they had to figure out the structure of this solar power panel before they could start assembling. They had been to the top of the mountain yesterday. The giant elevator on the top of the mountain is more than 30 square meters and can be taken up by a helicopter.

"What do you think about Werther?"

Deguna asked, and Jean looked at Deguna and said after thinking for a moment.

"Maybe we are all different from before, you should feel the same way."

Looking at Deguna's body, she has become young again, everyone has tested their cells, and did not see any difference, but such changes exist in everyone's body, they work for a long time. Will feel tired, eating for them, just to satisfy the taste.

There was less and less to eat, Gene said with a smile.

"Maybe we were already dead when we fell."

Deguna sighed and looked at her hands. Her skin had become more and more delicate, and many of the old problems on her body had disappeared. Her long-term military career had already caused her legs to suffer from serious problems. The muscle damage that Deguna would endure many times, but now the pain has disappeared.

"Whatever this change is, it's generally a good thing for us."

After a while Ellie ran over.

"time to eat."

Gene and Deguna were assembling the solar panels. The two got up and returned to the hall. Nearly one-third of the ground in the hall has been shattered. It will continue to be shattered tomorrow, and the whole ground will be cleared out. The helicopters were moved to another room to park.

Today is another rich canned food, with meat and fruit, and wine.

"Are we eating a little extravagant?"

Gu Yi said with a smile, everyone raised a glass of wine in their hands, and Li Chu sat tiredly on the reclining chair, he felt too tired.

"How's the situation outside?"

Tang Rao muttered, and Deguna said.

"When we got to the top of the mountain yesterday, we made observations, and the speed of cloud cover is getting faster and faster."

The situation is still getting worse, and after it gets worse, people can only move towards the place where there is still the sun and the mountains, so that they can survive.

"By the way, tomorrow we have to find a way to put the helicopter in the warehouse. If it doesn't work, we have to disassemble the helicopter first."

Rose muttered, it is actually a pity to dismantle the helicopter. After all, the use of helicopters in the future is very large, and the most troublesome thing is that many helicopters will have problems if they continue to be placed like this, but If you want to take off, you will waste a lot of gas.

"Disassemble it."

Deguna said, everyone nodded, many equipment on the helicopter can be used, dismantling it is the best for the base as a whole.

"Everyone, let's continue working for a while after eating."

Werther took a swig of wine after speaking.

"Your body hasn't fully recovered yet, drink less."

Li Chu reminded, Werther laughed.

"I don't know why, but my body is in great shape now, and I feel like I'm fine even if I don't sleep for days and nights in a row."


At 7 p.m., the sun was setting at the end of the grassland. Allen sat quietly on a chair, surrounded by people. Today, many people came from the road, nearly 200 people, and they all escaped all the way. Yes, the situation in the city below is already extremely bad.

But something happened today, which made Allen very angry. The thing he was worried about happened, and so many people around were extremely angry, and there was a woman crying.

In front of them are a few men kneeling on the ground. Although they are not Allen's henchmen, they are also the better fighters in their group. Last night, they took advantage of the night to pull a woman to the lawn far away from the camp.

This kind of thing didn't ferment until the sun was about to end. The woman's husband killed two people with a lot of people, and there were four people left. Allen knew very well that no matter how he handled things now, there would be no success. .

Several confidants also persuaded Allen to just drive away the few who killed them, but Allen did not agree. Now people's hearts are scattered, and doing so will only deepen the anger in many people's hearts.

And if the people under his hands are executed, the people on his side are the same.

As long as this matter is not handled properly, the situation will become very serious. Although many people do not speak up and remain silent now, it does not mean that they will remain silent in the future.

"How do you guys think this is going to be resolved?"

Allen got up and shouted, and the group was furious for a while, saying that these **** should be killed.

Allen knew for a long time that this was the result. The men behind him held their guns, and the noisy crowd calmed down for a while, and Allen didn't want to use this method.

This kind of thing is actually very common in the cities below and along the way, but now it is urgent to establish a stable order.

"That's good, both sides take a step back. Taking advantage of this incident, I hope to announce several laws to everyone. Anyone who violates them will need to be punished. Serious cases will be expelled or directly shot."

As Ellen said, the woman's husband roared angrily.

Immediately, the men beside Alan went over to hold him down.

"We're not happy to see such a thing happen, but you can come to us and tell us what happened. There's no need to kill people directly."

Allen soon gave a solution. The four people were not allowed to set foot on the grassland, and could only live in the defense facilities at the end of the road. The man who killed the person needed to help other people with farmland unconditionally. The land that he has cultivated himself is invalid.

For a while, many people protested angrily. Allen listened to them quietly, and then fired a shot into the sky with a pistol.

The crowd calmed down again.

"Tomorrow, I will officially promulgate the law, and I will set up an incident handling committee, not only our people, but I will also select people from you to join the committee. If there are any problems in the future, private fights are not allowed, and they must pass Committee to deal with it."

The crowd began to disperse. Although many people were still dissatisfied, that was all they could do now. After a while, many people began to go back to where they lived, and Jed came over.

"I think that's the best way to go."

Alan smiled and shook his head.

"It's only temporary, if this committee doesn't hold everything together, it's going to collapse here."

Allen has actually thought about it for a long time. It is impossible to establish a stable base. Conflicts will break out. He now understands why the eight scientists chose to leave.

Now the planting area has produced a lot of food, but as long as the food production reaches a certain amount, if it is still impossible to integrate everything, Allen intends to only build a small base with a relatively small number of people, and isolate everyone else from Outside.

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