The wind and snow are very sensitive.

"These people are a little strange, these two days are indeed a lot of newcomers, and there are a lot of abnormal, and even the level and education of the members who came to the interview are very high, according to my visual observation, even if our first game is very popular, but after all, the financial pressure is here, the general high-tech employees are afraid to come to our company to bet on fate, if the bet wins, it's fine, but if the bet loses..."

The meaning of wind and snow is very obvious.

Although the first game made by our company is awesome, it doesn't have much money after all.

Some of the big bulls are still waiting.

It is absolutely abnormal for such a small company to attract so many people to apply for the job at once.

Qin Susu next to him also reacted, "What do you mean... Someone wants to target our company? "

Chen Fan nodded, "It's Xu's Group, these days, those projects of yours will be put on the first place, those new employees will be divided into separate areas, and they will be monitored in an all-round way, and I will go abroad to buy imported cameras, it doesn't matter if they are silent, they are installed in a hidden place in the office, and tomorrow you will find a way to call all the new employees to the mobilization meeting, transfer out of the company, and make these preparations." "

Chen Fan's expression was very serious.

This is no joke.

He never underestimated any of his opponents.

And this time, he won against the prophet.

Qin Susu was a little nervous, "Is it so serious?" "


Chen Fan also told them what he heard at Zhang's house.

Feng Qingxue and Qin Susu's loyalty is very high, especially Qin Susu, who is already full value, and there is no need to hide it from them.

Feng Qingxue and Qin Susu originally didn't understand the reason why Chen Fan arranged this, but after listening to Chen Fan's words, they all understood.

"Don't worry, I'll call all employees to participate in the outreach movement tomorrow!" Qin Susu said seriously, "As for the camera, we have prepared to set one in the office before, and it should be available in these two days, and when all the employees go to participate in the outreach movement, we will install the camera." "

"Well, privacy and game data won't be leaked, and I'll arrange for them to do some less important links these days."

Feng Qingxue's tone was light, "I know these in my heart." "

After discussing the countermeasures, Qin Susu hurried away without even having time to eat.

Chen Fan also returned to the room, skillfully tapping on the keyboard, and began to check the IPs of all the newly registered people in the irrigation sticker bar.

On the computer, the English letters of the brush brush beat very much.

The system has rewarded hacker skills for so long, and it is the first time that Chen Fan has used this skill.

Soon, he locked several newly registered accounts in Tieba.

He wrote down the IP addresses of these accounts.

After finishing all this, Chen Fan and Qin Susu also started to wait patiently.

Sure enough, after a few days, there was finally movement in the irrigation area.

[Trick me into falling in love, send me text messages in all kinds, just to trick me into transferring money, tricking me into playing Plants vs. Zombies, saying that fucking two people playing together can cultivate feelings, thinking that it is a woman, but it turns out to be a money scammer. 】

[Here's the thing.,I'm usually just an occasional post in the irrigation area.,Some time ago, someone in the irrigation area replied to me under the post.,We got acquainted with each other after coming and going.,And then we exchanged phone calls.,As a result, I found out that the other party was a girl.】 She texted me every day, and tricked me into buying game discs for her, which is a thousand discs. I was wondering, who has collected so many CDs at home this year, I just kept an eye on it, and it turned out to be... Good guy, I found out to be a man at the end!! Grass!! 】

As soon as this post in the irrigation area came out in this title, the people who followed the post at the bottom swiped and flipped up.

[Hahahahaha 】

[Is there anyone still cheating on game discs these days?] Is Plants vs. Zombies so popular now? 】

[Damn, I happened to the same thing, but I was only deceived by five hundred plates. 】

[I also encountered the same thing, and the process is exactly the same, it's really sad, can't there be any conspiracy in it? 】

There were a lot of follow-ups at the bottom, and they said that they had also encountered such behavior, which made netizens stunned.

How is this... Are so many people cheating on CDs?

What's there to fool about discs?

And suddenly, there was a person who said, "It's not a conspiracy of the game company, deliberately letting employees get close to us who posted, and then tricking us into buying CDs, disappearing after buying them, and increasing sales for their company, if that's the case, this company is disgusting.] 】

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