Song Meijuan was stunned.

Chen Fan full marks?

It was like a big slap in the face.

She couldn't speak with her mouth open.

She couldn't accept this fact.

A child who has never studied systematically has better grades than the child she has carefully cultivated for more than ten years

People don't want to believe it.

And Zhang Li on the side was already pale, and the whole person was shaky.

Chen Fan's grades are better than him?

No, it must have been accidental!

Zhang Li gritted his teeth and squeezed out a hint of a smile, "Then it seems that this year's topic is not difficult." "

Song Meijuan also took a breath, yes, it must be that the topic is not difficult.

Otherwise, how could someone like Chen Fan get a full score?

Zhang Min shook his head, "The questions in this year's entrance exam are very difficult, even more difficult than the final exam last semester, and Chen Fan's grades are very good." "

Zhang Min looked at Chen Fan and said with a smile, "Congratulations to you Chen Fan, you have passed our entrance exam, you can come with me now to go through the admission procedures, how about going to my class if you are in the class?"

Chen Fan nodded, "Okay, no problem." "

He followed Zhang Min away, and he didn't look at Song Meijuan, who had a wonderful face like a palette behind him.


When I got home after completing the formalities, it was already afternoon.

Qin Susu was painting in the living room, and when he saw him push the door in, he stopped the paintbrush in his hand, looked at him with concern and said, "How is the entrance exam, is it still smooth?"

He changed his shoes and was about to talk, when he saw the set of clothes on Qin Susu's body, he was stunned for a moment.

Qin Susu in front of him was wearing completely different clothes, and he looked like he had been carefully dressed.

The hair was draped down and made into a long wavy curl.

Under the white miniskirt, slender wicker-like legs were exposed.

He wears black silk on his legs and a pair of white high heels.

The lace-edged one-collar top looks delicate and cute, and the original pure and heroic little face has a little more ladylike temperament and femininity because of the careful dressing.

"Are you going on a date?" Chen Fan looked at the slender black silk legs, and subconsciously said, "If you want to go out on a date, remember to save your sketches, then I won't buy your share when I go grocery shopping?"


Qin Susu's face turned green, "Grandma, can I wear it out to buy vegetables with you?"

"Huh?" Chen Fan scratched his head, "Wearing high heels... Come with me to the wet market?".

Qin Susu: "I'm willing!".


Chen Fan glanced at the time, "Then hurry up, the time is just right now." "

Qin Susu looked at him with only vegetables and only code, and rolled his eyes angrily.

Straight man of steel!


Because of the imminent start of school, taking advantage of the last wave of holidays, Chen Fan is ready to make the trial version and put it on the Internet first.

After he and Qin Susu rushed to work for half a month, they finally made the trial version a week before the official start of school.

The demo version only opened 1-15 levels.

After clearing the level, you can get some of the simplest plants in the fifteenth level.

For example, sunflowers, pea shooters, potatoes, cacti.

And so on the simplest plants.

But despite this, only fifteen levels have already made Qin Susu have a lot of fun.

After Qin Susu played the demo version, he couldn't help but praise, "This game is too fun! I dare to say, this game is absolutely popular when it is released! But we don't have the money to do publicity, how can we publicize it?".

Chen Fan smiled mysteriously, "I've been ready for this for a long time, we just need to release the trial version on the official website, and the publicity will be on me." "

In this world, there is another thing called the water army!

Nowadays, there is no concept of a water army.

He has already registered an account in the major game forums, just wait for today!

He is confident in his game.

Although it's only 15 levels for free, it's definitely a heart-scratching experience.

After the free demo version was rolled out, it was much easier for him to take his things and talk to the store about consignment.

Now everything is ready!

It's just a matter of picking an auspicious day for the zodiac to release the game!

————————————- digression——————————————

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