The great Lilith goddess.

Lilith said: "The old man wants to care about me, and Adam, who doesn't look good, I don't want to marry him."

Lin Xiao smiled.

This means that the belly is married.

Lilith said again: "Later, I left the Garden of Eden, wandered around in the realm of God, and created my own race. It has been a matter of years."

"When I am strong in the future, let the old man of God bring me footwash."

You girl.

The idea is too crazy.

Let the Purifying Devil bring you footwashing water.

Do you have that qualification!

Anyhow, people are also one of the creation gods.

Lin Xiao nodded: "Okay, Grandpa will satisfy your wish in the future."

Lilith looked at Lin Xiao.

She knows the power of God.

Whatever fights against God for three days and three nights, it is all blown out. It has indeed been against God, but it is only a clone.

A clone whose strength is less than one percent.

Lilith was dubious.

Tucao in my heart: You are more bragging than me.

Lilith begged for mercy: "Grandpa Lin, don't seal it up anyway, can I help you deal with enemies in the future? Even in God's Domain, I'm on your side."

Arrived in God's Domain.

Once merged with the ontology, it may not be obedient.

Lilith begged for mercy.

Lin Xiao nodded: "Well, for the sake of your sincerity, you won't be sealed off, and there may be places where you can be useful in the future."

Lilith was overjoyed.

"I have something useful to me. Whatever you call me, I will listen to you."

The big yellow dog came over; "Really, fake, if I tell you to undress!"

Lilith was stunned.


The live broadcast room exploded.

"My dog ​​brother is out again to sit on the demon."

"Haha... Brother Gou, you made a big joke this time."

"This courage is getting bigger and bigger. I dare to tease Grandpa Lin and Lilith. People are gods anyway."

"The dog can't spit out ivory. It's going to be over today."

"As expected to be my dog ​​brother, why is it the same as I thought."

"Brother Gou is awesome, I actually think so too."

Lin Xiao glanced back and said, "Rhubarb, you have become more and more presumptuous recently. You have been silent for three months, and if you dare to talk nonsense, you will be stewed in the evening."

Wang Wang...

Wang Wang...

The big yellow dog lowered his head.

Lie down to Lin Xiao's side.

"It's no use begging me. You guys are getting more and more dishonest. Don't punish you well, lest you get into trouble in the future. Can you pretend to be something else in your heart."

Lin Xiao was shattered for a while.


Mute, unable to speak at all.

"Be obediently mute for three months!"

Lilith returned to her seat: "What do you think of this dead dog! Believe it or not, I will **** you up, but the blood is definitely not good, so forget it."

Lilith asked: "Do you always know the identity of God? I have been in the domain of God for a long time, but I don't know the identity of God. Who is his father?"

"In the early days of the universe, it already existed. What do you ask this for?"

Lilith responded: "I'm just curious, since God can create everything, who created it!"

"It was not created by God, but before the birth of God's Domain, God existed."

"Existence is the theorem."

Lilith was taken aback.

Did it exist in the early days of the birth of God's Domain?

"So what did God's Domain look like before it was born?"

Lin Xiao stopped asking this question.

Before the birth of God's Domain.

"Have you heard of the Big Bang?"

Lilith was blinded.

The Big Bang?

Lilith shook her head, never heard of it.

"The Big Bang, wouldn't it be real?"

"That is the theorem of the three-dimensional universe. Scientists once said that the Big Bang was 13.9 billion years ago when a singularity exploded."

"Fuck, it turns out that the Big Bang theory is true."

"Grandpa Lin said it was true, and it must be true."

"Then the question is, why does the universe explode?"

"Should it be a certain critical point, the universe exploded, and then the entire God's Domain was born?"

Where did the universe come from?

It is still a mystery today. Many people believe that the universe exploded from a singularity 13.9 billion years ago. Today, the universe has expanded 13.9 billion years and is still expanding.

This is one of the most powerful theories of modern science.

Lin Xiao said: "You can understand that the universe is like an egg shell. This egg is very big, and many creatures are derived from it, and finally the universe exploded to form the universe."

"Whether it is God's Domain, the high-latitude world, or the entire three-dimensional universe, it is the energy produced by eggshells, evolved, and God already existed before the explosion."

Lilith nodded.

"No wonder God is so powerful, it turns out that it has existed a long time ago."

Lilith complained for a while.

Lilith looked at Lin Xiao.

I want to ask, how do you know.

Then think again.

Could it be that Grandpa Lin was born before God's Domain was formed?


How can this be?

It is impossible.

But how does he know so clearly.

Lilith looked suspicious.

Lin Xiao asked, "What else do you want to ask?"

Lilith shook her head.

"Don't ask."

"Don't ask, that's fine. Go back to Houshan and catch some game. Remember to follow the trend and learn to cook at noon. From now on, Grandpa's food will be handed over to you."

Lilith nodded: "Oh, I see, you are always a god, do you still need to eat!"

"God is hungry too."

You are a lie!

God doesn't need to eat at all.

Lilith turned around and flew to the back mountain, and grabbed two pheasants.

"Do you have any instructions?"

Just then.

The entire Blue Star Mountain collapsed and the ground shook and the mountains shook.

Except for the guarded city, all high-rise buildings collapsed in an instant, and the entire Blue Star was like a trembling ping-pong ball, constantly tumbling and shaking violently.

"what happened?"

"It's such a strong earthquake, is there another strange animal coming out."

"Look at the sky, there seems to be a giant coming out of a dimensional what is that, it seems to be a human."

"Fuck, is it such a tall giant, how tall is this, a thousand-meter-high giant?"

"Could this be the Titan Titan."

"Look at the sky, the goddess Athena appeared."

At this time, Athena appeared in the sky wearing a golden armor and holding a golden spear.

Did the Titans appear so soon?

Just ordinary Titans.

They opened the Sealed Land and fled from the Sealed Land.

Lilith was taken aback.

"They are the Titans, the Titans of the Olympus God Realm, born to be powerful warriors, with infinite power. These people contain the essence of the ancient Titans."

Lilith licked the corner of her mouth.

Looking at the Titans is delicious food.

Lilith looked at Athena in the golden armor in the sky.

"This woman seems to be Athena, one of the twelve gods of the Olympian realm, Grandpa Lin, do you always know Athena?"

"Knowing that when I was in God's Domain, I had a fate, and this girl has grown up."

Lilith was dubious.

"Really know?"

"Nonsense, Grandpa never lies."

Lilith smiled evilly: "I really want to try what the blood on Athena smells like?"

"Don't think about sucking blood, can you?"

"People are of the blood race. After eating the fruit, they have the urge to **** blood. This is natural and cannot be changed."

"Don't think about the idea of ​​hitting Athena."

Lilith looked at Lin Xiao and smiled badly: "Hey...Is it your good old friend?"

Lin Xiao frowned.

This girl...

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