It’s a Scribble Eye

Chapter 44: look at my eyes

Spiritual power runaway is a phenomenon in which spiritual power is out of control.

After the rampage, the spiritual power will pour out in a blowout trend, and its intensity is related to the ability user's own spiritual power and the ability user's current mental state.

In the state of berserk, the power of the power user will become difficult to control due to the loss of spiritual power, but the power of the power will be greatly enhanced due to the outpouring of spiritual power.

Therefore, running rampant is not all bad. Some power users can even fight by running rampant themselves, thus changing the unfavorable situation.

However, the three genius associations were different.

The huge spiritual power and irresponsible desire to vent in their bodies is the reason why Wu Guang is afraid of them.

This fear is not unfounded, but a lesson from the past...

Back then, there was still a martial arts hall behind the "Devil Forest".

One day, an accident turned the martial arts hall into ruins.

After that, the school built a garden on the ruins according to Xi Wei's preference, and built a villa according to Yunluo's preference, and the new residence of the genius association was completed.


Coco had not yet entered school, but after Wu Guang read the introduction of Bai Keke's prodigal resume, he couldn't let go.

However, Wu Guang is not worried about Han Yuxin, who is running wild on the field now.

After all, ordinary students are different from petty perverts, and the runaway of spiritual power cannot cause disaster.

It was just that Han Yuxin would run wild, which surprised him.

Generally speaking, power users with excellent control power rarely enter a rampant state. Han Yuxin was personally taught by Bai Xinyan, and her ability control was definitely not bad.

It's a pity that Wu Bai doesn't know how much pressure Han Yuxin has accumulated in his heart in order to win...

Han Yuxin has been tying her nerves since she came to power, but now she is frightened, the flow of spiritual energy in her body is completely disrupted.

Xiao Yang was stunned. He had seen Han Yuxin's appearance when he was cultivating, and admitted that Han Yuxin was indeed a little expert at artificial snow making, but he didn't bring anything like that!

With the cold wind blowing, the ground was no longer just thin ice, but a thick layer of white snow instantly piled up.

What's even more terrifying is that in this cold environment, not only the cold, but also some sharp ice thorns come with the wind. And this blizzard covered the entire arena, and Xiao Yang had nowhere to hide.

When the ice thorn fell, Xiao Yang was inevitably injured, and the extremely strong recovery ability of the cells between the pillars began to take effect...

Xiao Yang stood firm against the wind and snow, falling into the eyes of the audience, and his reputation increased a lot.

But Xiao Yang was still very upset!

Those ice thorns kept poking and poking, not to mention how painful it was!

Besides, what happened to Han Yuxin before? His attack missed again, what is the ghost of Han Yuxin called? And after the ghost call, why did Han Yuxin control the ice and snow as if he was hanging up!

Xiao Yang felt that the battle had to be resolved immediately. If the wind continued to blow like this, he couldn't stand it.

"The Shadow Snake Hand!"

Xiao Yang usually doesn't shout slogans when he uses his moves.

Although he was very imposing while shouting, did he shout less when he was stalking loli in the Genius Association? He was already tired of calling the name of the move.

The reason why he is yelling now is mainly because Xiao Yang is in pain from being stabbed by the ice thorns and has nowhere to vent.

How embarrassing would he be if he vented his pain on stage with "Ahhhh!"


"The latent shadow... ah... snake hand!"

The ferocious white snake rushed out from Xiao Yang's cuff once again, facing the wind and snow!

After being frightened, Han Yuxin's spirit was not stable, and her expression was always in a trance, when she suddenly heard Xiao Yang's shout, she subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

As a result, she looked at it this way, and saw those terrible things again, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Ah! Snake!"

Following her exclamation, the wind and snow between heaven and earth stopped instantly.

But in the direction where Xiao Yang was, there was a huge cold current, Boom!

Being sprayed by the cold current, Xiao Yang, who was sprinting, was directly blown to the ground.

And hearing Han Yuxin's screams, Xiao Yang finally understood why Han Yuxin broke out.

The audience also understood this, and could not help but despise Xiao Yang. Because using snakes to scare girls is really despicable.

Xiao Yang naturally knew what the audience would think, he got up, looked at Han Yu and said righteously: "In the battle of life and death, the enemy will do everything in his power, if you can't even overcome the fear in your heart. , you don't deserve to win my Xiao Yang to win the championship!"

There was an uproar in the audience, everyone didn't expect Xiao Yang to have raised this final to such a height!

Xiao Yang is not only in battle, but also uses his survival experience in Amazon to guide his opponents!

It was because he had misunderstood Xiao Yang just now!

That's right, a noble person like Xiao Yang disdains to use those despicable methods!

The audience felt ashamed.

Xiao Yang confirmed his rising reputation and knew that his image had been successfully restored.

Xiao Yang didn't know if it was despicable or not, but Xiao Yang was ready to throw the snake to Han Yuxin.

Xiao Yang believes that Han Yuxin's sudden increase in strength may be because of her mental stimulation.

Mental problems can only be solved through mental attacks. So Xiao Yang decided to let Abaishe cooperate with him to perform illusion to affect Han Yuxin's mental state.


That woman has gone completely crazy!

The blizzard stopped at the beginning, but the cold current did not recede, on the contrary, it became more violent. Han Yuxin raised her hand, and the ice and snow kept rushing towards Xiao Yang!

This attack is similar to Ice Pulse, but even more terrifying!

Xiao Yang felt that as long as he was accidentally sprayed, he would freeze in an instant, and then it would all be over.

Xiao Yang dodged a cold blast, wiped away the blood pierced by the ice thorns, and used the psychic technique!

boom! A white smoke, Abo Snake appeared!

With a bag of potato chips wrapped around his tail, Arbor was puzzled.

who I am? where am I? what am i doing?

Why does the temperature here make me want to hibernate?

Xiao Yang never expected this silly snake to immediately understand his position, he reached out and grabbed it, picked up Abo Snake and ran!

"Hey! My potato chips fell off!"

Abe exclaimed.

But it stopped talking for a second.

I saw a cold current rushing past, and the package of potato chips froze directly into icicles.


"You said let me bite her?"

Abai Snake glanced at the terrifying woman in the distance, her little head shook like a rattle.

At this time, how could Xiao Yang care about its opinion?

It was decided that it was you!

Come on, Arbor!

Bite attack!

The hidden shadow snake hand casts to **** the Abo snake close!

But how could Han Yuxin let such a terrifying creature get close to him?

The cold wind became more and more violent, and the hidden shadow snake hand was cut off halfway.

However, at the moment when the hand of the hidden shadow snake was cut off by the cold wind, Xiao Yang threw Abai snake out with shuriken.

Although Abai Snake is stupid, Xiao Yang knows that A Bai Snake will become smart when he is afraid of death, so A Bai Snake will definitely complete the task.

Han Yuxin stared at Xiao Yang, but did not pay attention to the others. The snake was thrown flying through the wind and snow, and landed on Han Yuxin's fragrant shoulders.

In order not to be noticed, Abai Snake didn't even let his body touch Han Yuxin's skin.

It opened its big mouth and bit down on Han Yuxin's neck!

But at this moment, Han Yuxin suddenly sensed something and turned her head quickly!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yang was surprised and confused at the same time, why was Abaishe so cautious, yet discovered by Han Yuxin?

Actually, Xiao Yang and Abaishe both overlooked one thing.

When Abaishe opened his mouth, Han Yuxin smelled a strong smell of potato chips...

"Ah! Snake!"

Han Yuxin screamed and threw Abai Snake out, and then raised her hand to catch a cold current, Abai Snake was completely blown away!

Xiao Yang didn't have time to rescue him, so he could only vaguely hear the words left by Abai Snake in the sky, "It feels so annoying—"

However, seeing Han Yuxin's right arm, Xiao Yang knew that Abaishe had successfully completed his mission - Han Yuxin's white arm now has a tooth mark on it!

Then, now it's Xiao Yang's turn to take action!

Flashing past the oncoming cold current, Xiao Yang made a sudden stop and looked at Han Yuxin, the writing wheel eyes became more and more scarlet!

Look into my eyes, God Extinguishing!

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