It’s a Scribble Eye

Chapter 395: perfect body

I want to hear it not so perfunctory skip! "

Moxie stood up, "What I want is more detail! More precise content! Let me understand all this completely! It's not some 'loot-giving' power transfer, it's everything that happened ten years ago! "

Moxie doesn't care about "looting-giving", she wants to know the whole process of that incident!

That was the deepest pain buried in her heart! The pain that is enough to distort the personality and turn it into a flaw!

Now these past events have been ignored by Mitsuba Hattori, even if she knows how to restrain herself, she can't continue to keep her composure!

Mo Qian's anger broke out completely, and her fists "roared". In the surprised eyes of Hattori Mitsuha, Mo Qian's iron fist came quickly!

This time, Mitsuha Hattori did not disperse as an elemental, because the fist stopped when it was near.

"Sister, stop! It's all over."

The strong wind blew Mo Yu's hair up, Mo Yu came between the two of them at some point, and Mo Qian's fist stopped in front of Mo Yu's eyes.

This punch was obviously not thrown, but Mo Qian's breathing was not steady.

Especially seeing the dark whites of eyes, Mo Qian felt more and more chest tightness.

She put down her hand and turned around, but she couldn't get rid of her sullen emotions.

Hattori Mitsuha breathed a sigh of relief and explained seriously, "Your Excellency, I'm really sorry. What you want to know is not clear to you.

That year, after receiving information from Zuo He, Yolande went to China alone.

When he returned, everything changed.

However, please listen to the following things, maybe, you can get the information you want from it. "

Mo Qian was not talking, Mo Yu also stepped aside, Lian's fingers were tapping on the keyboard, but Lian herself didn't know which key on the keyboard she hit.

"The power transfer system of 'Plunder - Endowment' has greatly improved the strength of our apostles, and the plan has been completely accelerated.

Yolande told us that to get rid of the demon wood born on Fusang, we need to use the power of the whole world.

We didn't think much about it.

We have experienced that disaster, and no matter how expensive it is to get rid of the demon wood, we all recognize it.

But now that I think about it, all of this is false. This is Yolande's selfish desire. He wants to make the whole world his own.

With Plunder - Grant, we started to expand, bringing in some outside staff.

Zuo He, the second pillar of the China Power User Association, and Xi Saben of the Freedom Conference are the secret chess that we have buried in disrupting the order of this world.

The lawless city Longyi is responsible for helping us secretly expand our combat power.

When the research results are completed, the tree will sweep the world.

This was Yolande's original plan.

You should know that this arrangement... something went wrong, and now it's all messed up.

Our plans were forced to advance, which led to the current situation. "

Hattori Mitsuha smiled bitterly, "Because of this, I discovered the clue and came to you."

"We still don't quite understand, what exactly is Yolande's research, or rather, his power?" Xiao Yang asked. The more you know, the better you can defeat the enemy.

"Yulante is very cautious, and only he knows many things, so I can only tell you some of the information I deduced.

First, let’s talk about Yolande’s ability, plunder.

Yolande can take away other people's abilities and make them his own.

But plundering takes time. The stronger the plundered ability and the deeper the development, the longer the plundering time.

Those whose abilities are completely plundered by Yolande will die immediately.

The ability has been plundered by more than 50%, and the vitality of the plundered will gradually fade away and die irreparably.

Another point, complete plunder, Yolande can inherit the strength of the plundered ability.

In other words, completely plundering, Yolande can save the energy spent on redeveloping the ability.

Because of this, Yolande is accustomed to stocking some promising power users, and is accustomed to calling his capture of power users "recycling".

He thinks that the reason why those supernatural beings can survive to this day is all because of his letting go..."

Such a narcissistic point of view, Xiao Yang sighed.

However, Xiao Yang also remembered one thing, the cloud crow who survived the incident ten years ago.

It turns out that in Yolande's eyes, Cloud Crow is a fruit that can be picked easily.

Cloud Crow is a smart person, and he knows his situation clearly, so under the huge pressure, his whole person is twisted.

"After leaving Fusang and arriving in China, Yolande used plunder to strengthen himself.

But he soon encountered a bottleneck - Yolande discovered the limit of the human body's ability to carry.

The human body can only allow up to five different powers to coexist. "

Speaking of this, Lian and Mo Qian all looked at Xiao Yang.

"What are you looking at me for?!"

Xiao Yang was hurt by their "don't treat him like a human" gaze.

"Yulante is engaged in scientific research. In order to break through the bottleneck, he thought of the demon wood on Fusang Island.

It was the most powerful creature he had ever seen.

If the human body has limits, what about the demon wood?

So Yolande returned to Fusang Island, and the experiment was fully launched.

The first stage of the experiment - that is, the prototype of the "shrine of the tree".

The direction of Yolande's research was not to break through the carrying limit of powers at the beginning, but to extend lifespan.

Only by surviving will Yolande have more energy for research.

I don’t know how long it took, but Yolande succeeded, and the finished product was a piece of meat with cells proliferating to a deformed shape.

As long as it is "fed" reasonably and supplemented with sufficient nutrients, the meat can maintain its life characteristics.

But this kind of deformed thing cannot be used as a form of survival for Yolande himself in the future.

But this phase of research is not useless.

It became the carrier of power preservation.

At that time, Yolande had already started to capture all kinds of power users, but after the plunder, Yolande suffered five powers, and it was a waste to catch too many.

With these deformed pieces of meat, Yolande's ability to save is much more convenient. "

"What do you mean by that?"

Lian asked suspiciously.

Hattori Mitsuha said that the first stage of Yoland's experiment was called the prototype of the "tree shrine". Lian had seen the tree shrine in Shantong Town. Lian believed that the deformed meat was an "expansion of the power carrier". ".

But the time of the first stage of the experiment should be very early. At that time, Mo Yu was not born. How did Yolande save the container he plundered into the "container" he made?

"It's preservation, Yolande has obtained a way to preserve various abilities.

It is to capture the captured power users and make those power users into immortal pieces of meat, so that the "power" can be preserved, which is convenient for Yolande to use at any time. "

Hattori Mitsuha said horrifying words, and Lian became nervous when he heard it, "What about the president?"

"You said Yunyazhai, he is now imprisoned in Senyuan Shangcheng by Yolande.

When the results of this research come out, Yolande seems to want to use Yunyazhai to conduct an experiment, so he should be fine. "

Hearing that Hattori Mitsuha said that Yun Yazhai was all right, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I understand some of your words, but I still have a question.

What did Yolande use to complete his research?

In other words, what was the starting point of his research?

More generally, what are the raw materials for his research? You know, I'm not asking about those little guinea pigs..."

While questioning, Lian rummaged through the information in the computer. There was a lot of experimental data, but he did not find any relevant information.

This time, Mitsuha Hattori didn't answer immediately, as if thinking about something, the only eyes in the night suit were slightly squinted, making them narrower and longer.

"The cells of the demon wood... Yolande tried to transplant the demon wood cells into the human body. Those deformed pieces of meat are the phenomenon caused by the loss of control of the demon wood cells."

God tree?

Looking at the mountain-like sacred tree in the distance, and contacting Yolande about returning to Fusang Island, I felt that Hattori Mitsuha's answer sounded reasonable.

But because of Mitsuha Hattori's hesitation, Xiao Yang always felt that Mitsuha Hattori was hiding something.

But at this time Hattori Mitsuha has continued to explain...

"The first stage of research was completed, and Yolande obtained a simple 'container' to preserve his abilities, so Yolande started the second stage of research.

I don't know how long, Yolande's research aimed at controlling cell proliferation was successful, and that was the technique that Yolande called the white leaf pattern.

That is the bargaining chip when Yolande called us back to Fuso.

Because the cells developed by Yolande are transplanted into the human body, the human body will have a frost-white, leaf-like markings, so this technique is called white leaf pattern.

With the white leaf pattern, human beings can easily break through the carrying limit of the number of abilities, and their lifespan will be extended accordingly, and they will gain an almost invincible recovery ability.

However, there is still a defect in the white leaf stripe. The possibility of uncontrolled proliferation still exists, and this process will also kill the gods. Once the white leaf stripe infection rate reaches 100%, there will be a phenomenon of out of control, and self-consciousness is likely to disappear in the out of control.

In order to prevent the white leaf pattern from running out of control in the body, Yolande will check on us regularly.

This is why we apostles spend most of our time on Fusang Island.

For this matter, Yolande was very enthusiastic at the beginning, and I am very grateful.

Thinking about it now, Yolande probably just wanted to get research data from us.

In Yolande's eyes, we apostles are tools and special experimental subjects.

Due to Yolande's "maintenance", we didn't have any adverse reactions, and over time, we gradually forgot about it.

The research on the second stage of Yolande's white leaf pattern has also been ongoing, including after being granted, it is still in progress.

The 'looting-giving' system was completed, and Yolande did two things.

Using the technology of the first stage of research, a power container named 'Tree Shrine' was created.

The 'Shrine of the Tree' has stored many abilities collected by Yolande. After being stimulated with powerful spiritual power, it can also give certain feedback, that is, take the initiative to give the stored abilities to others.

But the 'Shrine of the Tree' endows others with an ability that has no future, that is, an ability that has a fixed level and cannot progress.

This defect was deliberately created by Yolande.

The creation of the 'shrine of the tree' is only to facilitate the expansion of the organization.

Give some incomplete abilities with no future, enough to buy off those peripheral members.

After obtaining the 'Plunder - Endowment', the really important thing is to strengthen us apostles.

We gain real power, power to grow.

The experience of a sudden increase in power is beautiful, so some of us are lost...

The eighth apostle Chai Qi Kongdou lost himself in the power and forgot Yolande's warning. After using the power of the white leaf pattern, the infection rate of the white leaf pattern reached 100%, and he was completely out of control.

We witnessed the miserable appearance of Chai Qi Kongdou after he lost control, and only then did we realize what the white leaf pattern was.

The out-of-control Chai Qi Kongdou was rescued by Yolande. He didn't turn into that deformed body, but fell into a terrifying slumber of consciousness.

Only when stimulated by special drugs, Chai Qi Kongdou will wake up.

Everyone was terrified of this, but they noticed a strange excitement in Yolande's eyes looking at Chai Qi Kongdou.

I didn't realize what it was at the time, but now, I have a general idea.

Yolande found a breakthrough point in Chai Qi Kongdou's body, and the research entered the third stage - the development of the ideal body.

In order to further study, Yolande quietly started to us.

Physical exams are still going on, but Yolande isn't taking care of our bodies like he used to.

The infection rate of white leaf stripe has begun to increase, and we have no doubts about him.

Akabane White Leaf Pattern is mentally abnormal due to the high infection rate. "

"That... Akabane Toru is he a normal person?"

Mentioning Akabane Toru, Xiao Yang couldn't help interrupting Mitsuha Hattori's words, mainly because he couldn't imagine the Dark Fire Envoy as a normal person.

Think about it, Akabane Toru looks very normal... It's not normal no matter how you look at it!

"Cough cough!" Hattori Mitsuha suddenly coughed a few times, "Akaba's usual behavior is a little weird."

Feeling Mitsuba Hattori's slightly embarrassed gaze, Xiao Yang felt much more comfortable.

But suddenly, Mitsuha Hattori came to a seat in front of everyone, "But he is the kindest person among the apostles, and all the dirty work that Yolande arranged for him was done for him, so there was a ruthless one. Please, if this campaign goes well, I hope you can bring Akabane back to Huaxia for treatment, and I present the information you have collected, which also means saving Akabane."

"This... it's not impossible. But Akabane Toru's disease, we may not be able to cure it."

Thinking of the Dark Fire Envoy who was still naked, Xiao Yang had a headache.

Let's not talk about the white leaf pattern first, even if the negative effects of the white leaf pattern are resolved, this Akabane Toru wakes up and is still sick.

Who called him Toru Akabane of Darkness?

"It doesn't matter, if you can agree, it is a favor."

Hattori Mitsuha continues to thank you.

"Listen, I didn't say yes."

Moxie didn't want to, she still has anger in her heart now.

"It doesn't matter, send it back first and let the scientific research department try to rescue him. If you are not satisfied then, just send him to Mithril Libra."

Xiao Yang thought to himself, I, Salman, are also a big landlord now.

After Mitsuha Hattori heard this, she thanked him again.

"Stop doing this, you continue to say, hurry up!"

Xiao Yang had to urge Hattori Mitsuha, because he had just disobeyed the wishes of the eldest sister, and the eldest seemed to be about to beat him.

"Ullant used us apostles to do experiments, collect data, develop the ultimate body, and got some results.

Now, Yolande is cultivating his ultimate body with instruments in the upper city of Senyuan.

Yolande refers to those two bodies as the Ultimate Body One and the Ultimate Body Zero..."

"Ultimate Body One and Ultimate Body Zero?!"

Xiao Yang thought to himself, what does this mean? !

How can Yolande be studying "Ultimate Entity One" and "Ultimate Entity Zero"?

Shouldn't Yolande be the Yolande who used the ultimate injection of the ultimate hyaluronic acid to trigger the ultimate evolution to become the ultimate body?

Could it be that Yolande is taking the route of Dragon Ball Risharu? Do Ultra One and Ultra Zero correspond to androids 16, 17, 18?

"I don't know about

But that's really what Yolande is doing now.

He's not working on any agent to change his own body, but is making a new body, what he thinks is the perfect body..."

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