It’s a Scribble Eye

Chapter 308: Clouds fall in chaos

For the tree, there are two more troublesome power users.

Yun Yazhai and Liu Wuyan.

The height of their strength is destined to become an obstacle to the development of the tree.

The wandering spirit possessed by every member of the tree was originally set up to guard against Liu Wuyan's Venerable Yueming.

Fortunately, Yunyazhai and Liu Wuyan have different ideas.

The contradiction between the two can be exploited by the tree.

The thirteenth apostle Zuo He exists for this reason.

He is a key that sets the tree in China, and opens the Pandora's Box at a critical moment that can cause civil unrest in China.

The original plan to release Liu Wuyan was when the tree reappeared.

Helpless, what was going on in the lawless city was discovered by Lian Gi.

In order to contain the actions of the Huaxia Power User Association, Zuo He could only advance everything.

He contacted the radical remnants who had been lurking in the Huaxia Power User Association, and took the elevator down to the knife saw under the column.

Because of this, he now appears in the night sky...

The plan that Zuo He and Nangong Yi agreed to is this.

Nangong Yi used the golden iron law to help Liu Wuyan carry out the first wave of attacks.

If the attack is ineffective, Zuo He will fight with Nangong Yi as an obstructer, making Yun Yazhai mistakenly think that he is one of his own, and looking for an opportunity to make a sneak attack.

This plan is good, but Nangong Yi is still too young to understand the horror of Yunyazhai.

Nangong Yi's sneak attack failed, so Nangong Yi died.

Zuo He couldn't make a move at all.

Therefore, this plan has to be changed. After all, there is only one chance...

Zuo He punched Nangong Yi's chest with a punch, and took this cover to detonate Nangong Yi's body in front of Yun Yazhai!

Anyway, Nangong Yi is dead both vertically and horizontally, why don't you make some contributions before you die!

Red Blood Sand Crane, Zuo He's ability.

It is an elemental body composed of red sand grains.

Zuo He can fly with the help of the wings of the elemental body.

But the most special thing about the red blood sand crane is the blood sand that composes it.

These blood sand will attract or repel the blood of living things, and Nangong Yi was blown up by the repulsive force of the blood sand.

The blood mixed with sand, rushed towards Yunyazhai at close range, and bombarded Yunyazhai directly!

Ice and fire were also born at this time and rolled towards Zuo He!


Another huge elemental explosion appeared in the night sky!

Nangong Yi made a sneak attack and formed a pincer attack with Liu Wuyan. Yunyazhai repelled Liu Wuyan, and Zuo He killed Nangong Yi. After killing Nangong Yi, Zuo He launched a sneak attack on Yunyazhai. Hard against blood and sand, Yunyazhai meets it.

It all happened so suddenly that many people couldn't react in time.

When they returned to their senses, the results were already revealed...

On the horizon, blood and sand collapsed.

Zuo He fell from the night sky, leaving only the remnants of his upper body.

Yunyazhai's clothes are only broken.

The sturdy upper body was revealed.

Perhaps because of the impact at close range, Yun Yazhai's skin turned slightly red, but he was unharmed.

With one enemy and many enemies, Yunyazhai doesn't need help from others at all.

People cheered.

Zuo He has planned so much, but it still doesn't work. Their president is really strong!

Jingji breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Zuo He who fell, he sighed again.

Zuo He fell to the ground, blood flowed from his mouth, and he smiled bitterly at the sky.

Yun Yazhai responded too quickly.

In other words, after he used Nangong Yi as a cover, Yun Yazhai still took precautions against him.

Zuo He: "How did you know?"

Yun Yazhai: "I'm wary of you. You and I are the same generation, so it's very likely that you have had contact with them."

"So you had doubts about me for a long time? Yun Yazhai, you really are amazing."

Zuo He sighed, there was a hint of sadness in his sigh, but he was not lamenting that he was about to pass away.

"It seems that you already know about trees, but how much do you know about trees?"

Suddenly, Zuo He laughed.

At the same time, at the fracture of Zuo He's body, numerous granulation sprouts grew out, entangled with each other, repairing his body, super healing!

Yun Yazhai's expression changed slightly.

After listening to Lian's report, Yun Yazhai has learned that the tree can give power to others.

Now that Zuo He uses abilities other than the red blood sand crane, his identity is very obvious!


Shu attaches great importance to Liu Wuyan and Yunyazhai. In order to guard against Liu Wuyan, they have prepared wandering souls that can restore their minds. Naturally, they must deal with Yunyazhai.

But how do they fight against the nearly invincible Yunyazhai?

They thought a lot, and then gave everything they thought to Zuo He who stayed in China.

Therefore, Zuo He was also responsible for dealing with Yunyazhai from the very beginning.

To deal with an existence that is close to invincibility, Zuo He is under enormous pressure.

So over the years, he simulated his situation with Shangyun Yazhai over and over again in his mind, and this has continued until today.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} The red blood sand scattered from the air is flowing back to the left crane.

The sand and soil gathered together in a bundle, squeezing them cluckingly.

A drop of bright red liquid was born in the friction and fell on Zuo He's palm.

Zuo He smiled.

He stuck out his tongue and licked.

Yun Yazhai couldn't understand the meaning of Zuo He's actions, the ice and fire turned into a destructive energy and rushed towards Zuo He!

"Wait! Yun Yazhai, I want to show you something, I hope you will decide whether to do it after you see it!"

What Zuo He used to defend against Yun Yazhai's attack was just a call.

He thought that Yunyazhai would be curious about trees.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't stop, but the results will be more heroic later.

If possible, Zuo He doesn't want to be like this.

The surging elemental flow rushed down, arrived in front of Zuo He, and finally stopped.

Because Yun Yazhai didn't understand why Zuo He gave up struggling and stood still, he felt a great sense of crisis.

Seeing Yunyazhai stop, Zuo He breathed a sigh of relief, and then said something inexplicable, "It's finally stopped. I don't want to die, and I don't want you to die. After all, you are very valuable to our organization."

Zuo He doesn't want Yun Yazhai to die?

People were amazed.

Can Zuo He kill Yunyazhai?

Perhaps knowing that everyone would be confused, Zuo He used his actions to tell everyone everything.

The blood sand turned into a sharp blade, and cut a hole in Zuo He's left hand, and blood flowed out.

Self-harm? !

Zuo He's behavior made people very puzzled.

But soon, they understood why Zuo He did this.

Yun Yazhai, who had never been injured, suddenly had a hole in his left hand, and blood was sprinkled from the night sky!

Symbiotic blood curse, take blood as a pact, and apply a symbiotic blood curse to the blood source target. When oneself is injured, the blood curse target will also suffer the same amount of damage.

This is what Shu thought of dealing with Yun Yazhai!

Super healing, in fact, is also in conjunction with the symbiotic blood curse.

The Symbiotic Blood Curse is disgusting, but the key lies in taking blood.

Obtaining blood from the extremely powerful Yun Yazhai is as difficult as killing Yun Yazhai.

For this matter, Zuo He has been simulating in his mind for many years, and now he has finally done it!

Release Liu Wuyan, let Liu Wuyan and Yunyazhai fight against each other, and then take advantage of Nangong Yi's attack to launch a sneak attack on Yunyazhai!

On the surface, the blasted blood mist was aimed at Yunyazhai, but the actual situation was much more complicated.

When the blood sand broke through the elemental protection and arrived in front of Yunyazhai, its power was only enough to destroy Yunyazhai's clothes.

After touching Yun Yazhai's skin, the impact was so weak that it had no power.

Moreover, Yun Yazhai has practiced Lingquan for many years, and his body is not so easily injured by the impact of blood mist.

But this is enough, Zuo He's purpose is to send the blood sand to Yunyazhai.

Blood sand attracts!

The blood sand makes the blood in Yunyazhai seep out through gravity!

If it were an ordinary person, Zuo He would definitely be sucked into a mummified corpse with this move.

But Yunyazhai is different, the body surface is only slightly reddish.

This subtle red has completely receded now.

But Zuo He's hard work was not in vain, he still gathered a drop through his own efforts.

Xuesha escorted this drop of strong blood back to him, helping him complete the symbiotic blood curse, so many traps, it was not in vain!

"I think, you already know the situation now. Yun Yazhai, I don't want to kill you, you can just capture it."

After the symbiotic blood curse was completed, Zuo He breathed a sigh of relief.

Unlike Zuo He, people became nervous.

The life of the president is in the hands of the traitors, so what should they do? !

Yun Yazhai took a long breath and glanced at Jingsi.

Jingsi was stunned for a moment, a trace of sadness and intolerance flashed in his eyes, he understood Yunyazhai's thoughts.

After a while, someone grabbed the handle and threatened the association, and the association would become chaotic, so the decision Yun Yazhai could make at the moment was very clear - while there was still fighting power, try to eliminate the threat in the field as much as possible.

Yun Yazhai moved, facing Liu Wuyan with a palm!

He wants to kill Liu Wuyan's faction first, and then make a break with Zuo He!

With Yun Yazhai's palm, the flames and frost plummeted, and the sky seemed to collapse.

Yun Yazhai just wanted to grab Liu Wuyan back under the pillar and saw it, but now he can't let him keep his hands anymore!

Liu Wuyan had been severely injured before, and seeing the elemental brilliance that filled the sky, he felt an extremely strong aura of death.

But the falling ice and fire suddenly stopped.

Like the beautiful clouds floating in the night sky.

After that, the clouds dispersed, and a figure fell from the sky...

"Don't ignore me..."

Zuo He fell to the ground and vomited blood.

The blood sand cut a huge hole in his chest.

Zuo He deliberately avoided the key point, but he was so badly injured that he could no longer move.

However, under the super healing effect, the granulation in the wound is dancing happily...

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  …


Yun Yazhai fell to the ground.

But this sound hit people's hearts hard.

It felt as if the **** who had been guarding all living beings suddenly fell in front of him.

A lot of people were stunned, they couldn't get over it for a long time.

After that, some people had subtle psychological changes because of this...


A tiger roar was born from the team!

The eighth pillar Datian's body suddenly swelled and became extremely burly.

Snow-white hair grew out of his skin, and black stripes appeared on it.

Da Tian's arms turned into animal claws, and his nails also became sharp, shining with a cold light.

Daejeon's supernatural beast transformation, swallowing tigers!

It is still unclear why Daejeon suddenly entered the fighting state.

Da Tian has already rushed to Hua Yu's side, and he waved his arm with a claw!

At this moment, Lian beside Hua Yu reacted the fastest.

The silver light flashed and turned into a strong shield!

But Da Tian's blow was fierce and abrupt, and Hua Yu was still knocked out by him, fell to the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yun Yazhai lost his combat power, and the opponent hadn't attacked yet. He didn't expect that the Huaxia Ability User Association would usher in a civil war first.

"Da Tian, ​​what are you doing?!"

Lian shouted angrily, then recalled what happened before, "Could it be you!"

"Oh, it's not like that."

Facing the glares from the crowd, Da Tian waved his hand and looked indifferent.

"I'm different from Nangong Yi and the others, I'm not a traitor.

But... Before coming here, Liu Wuyan had approached me, and he wanted me to explain his point of view.

Abilities are supreme, very good.

You know, I've always hated the weak. "

"So you finally chose to betray?!"

"No, I said I wanted to impress me, so I just showed me the feasibility of this.

Because I don't think Liu Wuyan can really defeat the president.

But now it seems that it is really feasible..."

Datian looked at the direction where Yunyazhai fell, and smiled bitterly.

Datian listened to Yunyazhai's words in the association because Yunyazhai was strong enough. If Yunyazhai was defeated, it would not be the Yunyazhai in his mind.

And Daejeon didn't like Yunyajai and kept restricting him to fight.

If the power user is supreme, China will usher in innovation, and there will be many battles at that time.

Those colleagues around you will also become opponents.

Thinking this way, standing on Liu Wuyan's side is more suitable for him.

Because Daejeon is essentially a passionate battle maniac!

So as soon as Yunyazhai fell, Daejeon came out and stood up.

"Daejeon, you're belligerent, but you're very smart. As soon as you make a move, you will first abolish the troublesome medical unit."

The seventh pillar Jiang Tai pushed his glasses and walked out.

"What, do you want to fight me?"

Datiansi was not afraid, even eager to try.

"Haha, as soon as you praised your brain for being good at it, your brain was so funny.

If the radicals are looking for you, they naturally contact me.

You know, my interest is not in fighting or being a pillar.

So they promised me that after Liu Wuyan came to power, the funding for scientific research increased greatly.

Of course, I am also on the sidelines.

However, after President Yun was defeated, my position became clear. "

Jiang Tai walked out and stood beside Daejeon.

"Miss Jiang, are you really as emotionless as a machine!"

Lian couldn't bear it any longer and cursed angrily.

"Lian, stop yelling!

I have no feelings?

Do you know how eccentric President Yun is!

It is clear that Wang Jiajia is more suitable for our seventh brigade, but the president has put her into your team. No matter how I ask, the president will not agree.

President, he doesn't pay attention to the field of scientific research at all! "

Jiang Tai rarely got angry once.

However, he pushed his glasses and regained his composure.

His glasses were like some kind of emotional charge switch.

"For the sake of past relationships, I would like to analyze the current situation for everyone.

Zuo He has an ability that allows the enemy to take the same damage.

Zuo He is now incapacitated.

The president didn't die, but he couldn't fight.

And under the restriction of this kind of ability, the president has no chance to turn around.

Liu Wuyan was different. He had fought with the president for a long time, but he still had the strength to fight.

After watching that battle, everyone should understand that although Liu Wuyan couldn't defeat the guild leader, he was truly a strong man of the same level as the guild leader.

We cannot defeat him, and obedience is the best choice.

It's just that the upper levels are alternated, whether it is for us or the whole of China, it is the most peaceful solution..."

Mrs. Jiang pushed her glasses again and said what he thought was the most rational choice.

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