It’s a Scribble Eye

Chapter 258: car of 20

The last meeting with Charles is in the Labyrinth of Trees.

At that time, behind Charles, a group of fanatical Asan was chasing.

Charles shoulders a great mission and "covers" Xiao Yang to escape from India.

So Xiao Yang kept praying, hoping that Charles would be well and fly in the air forever.

However, there is a limited range in this air...


In the gap between the bones formed by Chakra, countless purple meridians poured out!

The meridian covers the bones, wraps them up, and generates flesh and blood, turning them into human shapes.

The purple giant transformed by Chakra raised his left hand, and the purple giant bow appeared.

Put the arrow on the left hand, draw the bowstring, aim, and let go!

Arrows cut through the sky like shooting stars, chasing after the flaming bird that fled the battlefield!

A huge spark exploded in the air...

Don't blame me, Charles.

You just keep flying in the maze of trees.

It's not right to fly out.

Especially when you flew to me.

Don't you know you're bringing trouble to me like this?

Looking at the sky dyed red by firelight, Xiao Yang was very affectionate.

Xiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

He ordered his subordinates to clean up the battlefield, and he took back all the little loli.

"Playing" with them is too exciting, even Xiao Yang needs time to rest and take a breath.

After returning, Yunluo sprang out of the "No. 1 machine", puffed up, glared at Xiao Yang angrily, and was losing her temper.

After all, she finally released a big move, but Xiao Yang made up for it at the end.

Her boss's lore was robbed by these cowardly members again.

Xiao Yang felt inexplicable, but he still had things to do, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

At this time, Xiao Yang had to send the little loli back.

Although Yun Yazhai instructed Xiao Yang to guide the three, he couldn't hold back.

After dragging the hall, a certain parent will bring a knife and find it.

Today's outing, Xi Wei is very satisfied.

She felt that outings were more interesting than studying leg techniques with a lady-like master.

Xiao Yang handed the sleeping cocoa to Bai Xinyan.

Bai Xinyan hugged Coco, but after Coco slept and punched, Bai Xinyan changed her back to her back.

"What happened to Coco?"

Looking at the sleeping Coco, Bai Xinyan asked.

"Too crazy to play today, Coco is exhausted."

Xiao Yang smiled awkwardly.

When taking care of Coco, Xiao Yang saw the contents of Coco's bag and knew the truth of "love".

The truth is such a thing, you just need to know it, don't expose it.

Bai Xinyan was suspicious. She opened Coco's bag and checked it. Seeing the unused magic cards, she believed Xiao Yang's words.

As for the big boss behind Mithril Libra, tonight he will have a secret meeting with the president of the Huaxia Power User Association.

Xiao Yang felt really tired after sending Little Loli away.

It's no wonder that a generation of masters, Jingsi, would say that little loli is annoying. (Kyoji: I never said such a thing!)

The next day, Xiao Yang was going to pick up Loli again.

Nothing is more exhausting than this.

Maybe yesterday had too much fun, and the little loli seem to be looking forward to a new day's "outing".

But Xiao Yang felt that he could spend the day peacefully.

Those idiots and reckless people who are slow to respond and cannot feel "pain" near the lawless city should die.

Xiao Yang thought about it like this, and the voice of orange came from his ears again...

"Lord Salman, a silver mask from Mithril Town!"

Xiao Yang was stunned.

Silver mask? !

Charles, didn't Susanoo almost kill you with a single arrow?

Does your life have to be so hard, why is it like Xiaoqiang?

Before he could think about it, Xiao Yang had to rush to the scene to check the situation.

Because after hearing Orange's cry, Fei Liuhu Brigade rushed out first...

Xiao Yang thought it would be like this...

A fool came from the southeast, with a group of fools.

But that was not the case on the scene.

Yes, Orange was talking about a silver mask coming from Mithril Town, not from outside the town.

West Street is very lively.

On the street, there was a man wearing a silver mask.

In his hand he carried a metal sword case, which contained several sharp swords.

On the other side, Bullock was confronting the man.

"Who is this person?"

"Report to Lord Salman, this person calls himself the 'Silver Sword Saint' and his name is Twenty Car."

The car of twenty?

Is it the same stage name as Snake?

Xiao Yang looked strange.

"What are these twenty cars coming to Mithril Town for?"

"He said he wanted to take refuge in our Mithril Libra, and named him to see you. Bullock thought it was impolite to name him to see Lord Salman, so he quarreled with Twenty Car, and wanted to teach Twenty Car a lesson. some time."

At this time, Brock had shouted in the field.

"Car of Twenty, if you want to see Lord Salman, it's not enough! Kill me first!"

Thinking of the endless number of Lord Fei Liuhu in the Mithril Libra, Brock has been very swollen recently.


Under the silver mask, the voice was low.

"Don't mother-in-law, fight! Let's see if you are qualified to meet our leader!"

"In that case, let's start..."

With a sigh, the car of Twenty waved its hand.

He held a piece of white silk in his hand, and the other end of the white silk was tied to a metal sword case.

As he swung it, the sharp swords in the sword box were scattered and scattered around like rain.

But none of these swords fell to the ground.

They were all inserted upside down, standing upright.

And I don't know when, a sharp blade has been held in the hands of the car of the twentieth.

The car of Twenty was really surprised. When Brock saw this, he immediately activated his ability, causing a gust of wind in the field!

Brock wants to blow all these swords away!

Everyone thought the sword would dissipate in the wind, but something amazing happened...

The chariot of twenty did not retreat, nor did the swords scattered around!

The car of twenty dances out of thin air, and the sword dance is elegant.

Dancing with him, the sword blades that were stuck on the ground all around trembled slightly, and then flew up!

The car of Twenty stabs forward, and the sword style is extremely This distance cannot attack Brock, but the car of the Twenty is a silver juggernaut, how can the attack fail?

Echoing the heart of the Juggernaut, the sharp swords flying all around shoot at Brock together!

This is the real sword of the heart!

Seeing the dense swords flying, Brock's scalp is numb!

Go directly to the second state, launch a storm!

But all this is still useless.

The sword is sharp enough to cut through the wind!

People exclaimed!

They feel that the next moment, Brock will be stabbed into a sieve!

"Am I qualified enough?"

There was silence in the field, and the question was clearly heard in the ears of everyone.

The sword is ruthless, and the human being is affectionate. The sharp sword hovered in front of Brock and did not move on.

"Enough, I admit defeat. I'll take you to see Lord Salman."

Brock can't do without admitting defeat. At that moment, he felt the spiritual power from the body of Twenty.

The Car of Twenty picked up the sword box, and those sharp swords returned to the sword box very spiritually.

Without the threat of the sharp sword, Brock breathed a sigh of relief, just when he saw Xiao Yang in the distance, he said to the car of twenty: "The car of twenty, that one over there is the leader of our Mithril Libra."

The Car of Twenty glanced at Xiao Yang, picked up the metal sword case, and walked over.

"I am the chariot of the Silver Sword Saint 20. I have heard the reputation of your lord for a long time. I want to join the Mithril Libra, and I hope that your lord will be successful."

Twenty Che said with fists clasped.

Looking at him, Xiao Yang didn't reply immediately, his face was strange.

The silver mask covered his face, and Xiao Yang's writing wheel eyes couldn't see everything clearly, but Xiao Yang still saw through the car of twenty.

Because of these twenty cars, there is a tuft of white hair on the head, snow-white and snow-white...

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