It’s a Scribble Eye

Chapter 247: Qiao Nima

After being screened by Xiao Yang, there are not many people who can accept the curse mark.

After all, Mithril Town is such a place, and those who are qualified will not stay here for a long time.

With a dream, they left Mithril Town and went outside.

Isn't that what orange his brother Chi is like?

As soon as he went out, he was abducted by the dark reunion and deceived into cannon fodder.

Besides, Xiao Yang didn't dare to mess around with people's lives and kill someone, or it might affect the subsequent gain of prestige.

After the test, Xiao Yang thinks that it is relatively second to middle school... No, Xiao Yang will be thrown into the pot if he is qualified.

Therefore, this group of people who entered are all acquaintances, Huang, Brock, and the three Mithril Libra dance team.

Xiao Yang walked out, followed by three Fei Liuhu.

Seeing this, the people on the street were stunned.

But it doesn't matter, Mithril Town never lacks commentary.

Orange can always explain his ideas to others well...


"Oh, Clone Technique!"

"Lord Fei Liuhu is really amazing!"

Look, the people of Mithril Town who have not been polluted by "hyaluronic acid" are so simple.

Although they once went down the wrong path of licking daggers, after Xiao Yang's correction, they have changed their ways...

Xiao Yang walked all the way to Mithril Town West Street.

The most popular attraction in Mithril today is West Street.

The big pit smashed by the road roller still remains, and the waste residue in the pit has been cleared and filled with water to become an artificial lake.

The wreckage of the road roller was moved to the lake, and Xiao Yang commissioned Snake to process it artistically.

Although Snake's original name is ordinary, it turns out that he is indeed a person with rich artistic cells.

The wreckage was welded, and it became a gentle crack, like the foot of a mountain.

The curved steel frame protruding from the road roller, after a little bit of rationale, has ingeniously formed a crow.

Put it on the edge of the pit, and put some gravel on it, like a crow falling on the foothills.

After Xiao Yang read it, he was very satisfied and wrote the inscription "Stone Lying Crow Silent".

Therefore, this scenic spot is called the Crow's Quiet on West Street by the townspeople.

Not straightforward, very artistic.

Everyone admired Xiao Yang even more.

They understood one thing, the leader of Mithril Libra is a literate person.

There are people here every day to watch Yaluji, after all, this is a place with a story.

Especially at night, couples who come here on a date will say that the moon and Yaluji are more compatible.

The silence of the crow under the moon is very beautiful, but no couples have come here secretly at night recently. Five wooden barrels were placed by the lake, which looked very infiltrating at night.

This was Xiao Yang's idea. After the illegal city was blown up, Mithril Town needed more miracles to keep everyone enthusiastic.

So Xiao Yang decided to put the wooden barrel here, so that people could see the power of the curse mark.

Then this morning, the barrels were smoking.

The black smoke lifted into the sky and exploded quickly, and Huang and the others burst out of it one after another.

When Cheng heard the news, he came to inform Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang looked at the one, two, three, four and five, all neat and tidy, and sighed that his judgment was indeed correct. Whether or not he could accept the curse mark should be screened like this.

Now that they are here, Xiao Yang asked them to show their abilities.

In state one, don't watch it, nothing has changed, mainly in state two...

With a strange cry, they completed their transformation, with dark skin and ghost-like appearances, their eyes were black and white, just like the style of the cursed state II in the past.

Meiya, Qingzhen, and Zinai are still the same except for their physical strength, soap, thunder, and beam, but the power of their abilities has been enhanced a lot.

Brock is also stronger, which may come in handy when encountering some troublesome enemies.

Xiao Yang is more curious about Huang...

Huang is an auxiliary power user, and his power is peeping.

Under normal circumstances, he can peer into a space up close. If the creature is not repelling, Huang can also gain the creature's shared vision and hear the creature's ear.

After entering the second state, to what extent can Huang achieve it?

"Within a certain distance, I can forcibly interfere with the enemy's sight..."

"Interfere with the enemy's sight? How to interfere?"

"It's deprivation of vision, but it doesn't blind the enemy, it just diverts and distracts the enemy."

"I still don't quite understand, can you set an example?"

As soon as the voice fell, the elder brother Orange took the initiative to call Brock, and he asked Brock to cooperate with Huang to demonstrate to Xiao Yang.

"No problem, won't you cooperate? Come on, attack me with all your strength!"

Brock has now gained new power, and is excited, agrees readily, and is quite imposing.

In the next second, Brock will become cross-eyed...

"Ouch?! What's wrong with my eyes? I'm not listening!"

"That's the power I get when I get into this state."

Huang was apprehensive, after all, he had little attack power.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yang understood, this is the skill of a yin person.

Huang's power is to distract the opponent's attention. Although he can't force the enemy to swing his head, it can make the opponent's eyes look in other directions.

This ability has no offensive power, but it is extremely convenient when plotting against others.

At the critical moment of the battle, the enemy was disturbed by Huang, and his line of sight drifted away, so his life was also far away.

All in all, Huang's new abilities after entering the second state are not bad, and it can even cooperate with Xiao Yang's writing wheel eye.

Just as Xiao Yang was thinking about how to use Huang's ability, there was another exclamation from West Street...

"Oh! Is this a transformation!"

Transform? It's too late for these people to exclaim, Huang and the others have already entered state two.

Xiao Yang thought it was caused by Huang and the others entering State 2, but he suddenly realized that people were looking in the wrong direction!

People are looking at Xiao Yang's back, behind Xiao Yang there is only...

Xiao Yang realized something and turned around immediately!

He found that a certain Fei Liuhu behind him held a magic card high, and a strong light burst out from "him"!

Transform? !

Coco, you are Fei Liuhu now, what kind of body have you changed? !

Do you want to be the brightest amber in Mithril Town? !

Although I don't know what Coco wants to do, as soon as she transforms, something will happen!

Xiao Yang hurried over.

"Unit 3" has already drawn a pink magic card and entered the battle state.

"Coco, what are you really doing?"

Xiao Yang, quietly.

"Sure enough, as you expected, this town is really filled with evil atmosphere. As soon as Coco came out, he saw these evil creatures. Coco, as a magical girl, must destroy them!"

"Unit 3" held a magic card in his hand and pointed straight ahead.

The words are also quiet.

Xiao Yang understood that Huang and the others were ugly enough to cocoa.

And five at a time, like a dinosaur team, can magical girls not be scared?

Coco treats Huang and the others as enemies, and Coco is going to transform into a magical girl and attack her own people!

But this is not the biggest problem Xiao Yang is facing.

The most serious problem now is...

In Coco's mind, the definition of "quietly"...

As long as Coco thinks that others can't hear it, even if it is heard by others, it is still quietly.

So, this Fei Liuhu was talking in a milky Lolita voice, and it was all heard by passers-by...

This is the first day she came to Mithril, is it about to be exposed?

Quiet Nima!

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