It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 710: not something


A black Volga 21 Type III galloped by on the street. The modified engine gave it more powerful power, and its outstanding appearance attracted people's attention.

"Haha! This car is capped!"

Inside the car, Shi Lihang stepped on the gas pedal, looked excitedly at the rapidly reversing street scene, and said loudly to Chu Heng next to him, "This car must have been improved, the speed is really fast!"

"Change, change, give me a few laps!" Chu Henghou, who had already been itchy, urged him urgently.

"Come on!"

Because it wasn't his own car, Shi Lihang was finally generous this time. He raised his foot and stepped on the brake, parked the car on the side of the road steadily, and handed over the driving seat to Chu Heng.

In this situation, it's like two brothers going up to the third floor together, and I'll wash you up.

"Sit tight!"

With a yell, Chu Heng clenched the steering wheel, kicked the floor oil hard, the engine roared violently, the tires started spinning rapidly, a puff of green smoke rose, and the car shot out like an arrow!

The strong push back made the two guys in the car howl with excitement.

Even Shi Lihang, who has always been fond of cars, doesn't care about tires anymore.

Speed ​​and passion have always been men's stimulants, otherwise why do so many people like to drive sports cars and play poker?

Chu Heng drove all the way through the streets and alleys, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes hard, sometimes gently, and returned to the Diplomatic Compound not long after.


After getting out of the car, the two brothers watched this elegant and noble black beauty for a while, and soon after hearing the news, the driver of the small car came to appreciate the most luxurious car at the moment, and expressed their enthusiasm for winning the prize. Highest respects from someone in the car.

"Awesome, buddy!"

"Go Xiao Jin, Lao Huang, take the guy."

After watching for a while, Shi Lihang, who already regarded the car as the property of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, waved his hand, called two colleagues, brought brushes, buckets, and various tools from the warehouse, and prepared to brush the car and check it by the way.

Seeing this, Chu Heng blinked, silently put away the key, and took out the agreement from his bag to look at it. He glanced at the energetic people, smiled and handed over a pack of cigarettes, and walked around He went to the guard's room for a walk, and when he came out again at the end of his socially obsessive disorder, he was holding in his hand the enamel jar that the guard had used for ten years, and in it was the Longjing that the old man had been reluctant to drink.


This guy sipped his tea, wandered over to Shi Lihang and the others to have a look, saw that everyone was working hard, left a cheer, and wiped himself off to the conference room, waiting for the leaders to come back. meeting.

After more than ten minutes.

Cars entered the hospital one after another, and the employees of the ministry who got off the cars were all beaming with joy.

Cheer up!

Brother Meng is actually a car lover. After getting out of the car, he went straight to the Model 3. After walking around a few times, he thought it was for his pocket, nodded with a smile, and praised: "It's a nice car!"


Seeing this, Xie Jun smiled coldly.

Maybe you haven't seen the agreement that the kid signed with Andrew?

This car is only lent to Chu Heng!

Ninety-nine years!

I hadn't expected that someone would be jealous!

at this time.

Chu Heng had already had his second drink in the conference room. It was light yellow in color, astringent in taste and sweet in aftertaste.

"Da da da!"

A series of crisp footsteps sounded, and Li Jiangqi, Little Zaohe, walked in with small graceful steps.

The two looked at each other, but neither paid attention to the other.


Li Jiangqi thought of the nickname of the little jujube stone, and cast a cold glance at the **** drinking tea, turned around and walked to the other wall, chose a bench and sat on it.

The square stool couldn't bear her two round and plump buttocks at all, and a lot of hip meat overflowed the stool. Li Jiangqi frowned and twisted her body, feeling a little uncomfortable.

It wasn't like this last time!

Fat again?

In the silence, other people soon entered the room.

"Comrade Chu Heng!"

The person who came was an old man in his forties, with thick hair and bright clothes. He didn't look like a big leader at first glance. He approached Chu Heng very enthusiastically. The two chatted happily and praised him for a while. .

What wins glory for the country, praises our country's Weibalabala.

Gradually, the number of people in the room began to increase, and the big guys chatted in a hurry, but the topic always couldn't get around Chu, who was unparalleled in the limelight.

After a while, a few bosses came over, spent more than 20 minutes, assigned a task, and immediately waved their hands, everyone dispersed, busy with their own affairs.

Chu Heng, who drank Wupao tea, touched his swollen belly, and hurried to the toilet to drain the water. First it was splashing, then ticking, and finally shivering.


Coming out of the toilet with a refreshed face, he glanced at the Type III that had been wiped and overhauled in the distance, and then happily walked over.

"Thanks, Scott!"

Chu Heng took out another pack of cigarettes and handed it to Shi Lihang, then stretched out his hand to open the car door, trying to get into the cab.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Shi Lihang grabbed him, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"I'm going home." Chu Heng looked over suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Why do you get in this car when you go home?" Shi Lihang twitched his face, handed him the keys of his own car, and pointed to the Model 1 parked in the corner with aggrieved words: "You drive that one!"

"I already have a car, why do I drive that, let go, I have something to do when I go back." Chu Heng broke away from him, bent down and was about to get in.

"Why is it your car? It belongs to the Ministry!" Shi Lihang was not willing to let him drive away, and hurriedly pulled him back.

Chu Heng quit immediately, and with a stiff neck, he yelled at him: "Why did you get it in the ministry? I made an appointment, I drank the wine, and I signed the agreement. What does it have to do with the ministry?"

As he said that, he took out the agreement and almost hit Shi Lihang in the face.

"Look, look, take a good look, it's clearly written on it, if I win that grandson, this car will be loaned to me for ninety-nine years for free!"

"I..." Seeing the words in black and white, Shi Lihang was speechless for a while, why is this grandson so courageous? The things in the department dare to black!

"What's the noise?"

At this time, Big Brother Meng came over with Xie Jun.

"Uncle Meng, it's just right for you to come, and you can judge me!" As if seeing the backbone, Chu Heng hurriedly walked over with an aggrieved face, and shouted the agreement in front of Mr. Meng, "Look, It's written in black and white, this car is specially lent to me, he has to say it belongs to the Ministry! He's bullying people!"


I already knew you were not a good pie!

Boss Meng stared blankly at the terms of the He really couldn't bear to grab something from a junior. After taking a few deep breaths, he said lightly: "If this is the case, then you can drive away." .”

"Hey, thank you leader!"

Chu Heng immediately smiled, wiped himself and got into the cab, fearing that they would regret it, he kicked the accelerator and drove away.

"Leader, this is against the rules. We always have to hand in things that are given outside!" Shi Lihang said sadly.

"Go ahead." Boss Meng waved his hand impatiently, then squinted at Xie Jun: "This kid is not a good guy!"

"Not a good thing? Then what do you say he is?"

"Not a thing!"


Le Wen

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