Chapter 9:CHAPTER: 7

Issabelle woke up in the morning with doubts in her mind. She questioned herself whether wasn't she too young to fall in love with men and that too forever. She was planning to commit herself to a relationship for life and beyond. It was not too late for her to change her mind, she thought to herself. She was very worried, " What if Ryan would betray me just the way Sam did?" She comforted herself with the thought that there was still time for her to think about it. But right now if she got delayed, she would be late, as Ryan had called up to inform her that he would be there in the next 10 minutes to pick her up so that they could go together to college.

While Ryan was driving, she started casually discussing the weather, as she was at a loss for words, all the while thinking about Ryan's confession's the previous day. She was thinking to herself that, was he telling her the truth? As he had told her that he had fallen completely in love with her? Once during the journey when she turned to look at him, he asked her not to look at him like that, or he would stop the car and take her in his arms, and kiss her wildly. Issabelle shyly looked the other way, as her face started to burn with the feeling's, because of what he had said to her. She felt a thrill of feminine power, thinking that she could have such an effect on him. They reached college very soon, and bid farewell to one another, promising to meet at lunch break. After college, he dropped her to work as usual.

Issabelle was very happy. She was waiting to share the good news with Mrs. Baker, Emma, and how could she ever forget Ryan. That night after dinner she gave the good news to Ryan about the pay hike at work, he was very happy for her on hearing that. He told Issabelle that this news called for a celebration, and the next day being a Sunday, they would spend the whole day together. He promised her that he would take the necessary permission from Mrs. Baker.

The next morning Issabelle woke up very excited. She wore a long floating white silk dress, it had a mixture of blue color in it. It complimented her blue eyes and fair skin. She had covered her shoulders with a bluish-white silk wrap. She was looking very royal and elegant. Ryan was also very elegantly dressed in a suit, he appeared more like a Greek God, with his tanned good looks, and blonde hair. His green eyes were but sexier than him, Issabelle thought to herself. She wholeheartedly approved his sensual male elegance. While Sam gave her glance, which gave away his wicked intention, what he intended to do, once they would be alone. They bid farewell to Mrs. Baker, but not before she told Ryan that she trusted him to get Issabelle home at a decent time.

It was about two hour's drive to the hotel where they planned to have an early lunch, followed by a movie date, Ryan declared. After driving for an hour Ryan parked the car in the parking area. He took Issabelle in his arms and kissed her deeply. Issabelle trembled with pleasure and returned his kiss. He then caressed her gently with his own mouth, and then gently parted her lips, his tongue was stroking her lips, his body pressed against hers, while his hands caressed her back. Issabelle shivered with motion and also due to arousal, at that moment she was willing to give him anything that he demanded. But then suddenly he whispered, "I am sorry, I am feeling like this, but it is all your fault, you are so beautiful that even an angel would get tempted."

For the next hour or so they drove in silence, giving an occasional loving glance to one another. They reached the restaurant by twelve noon. She ate very little, she was a very poor eater, but Ryan coaxed her to at least have some dessert. He actually lifted the spoon to her mouth and fed her like a child. All the while his eyes were watching her as if he were caressing her with his eyes. Issabelle's face was flushed with color, her body and her senses were both recognizing the intimacy of that moment. Issabelle knew, that how much she yearned and ached, to be alone with Sam at that moment.

After lunch, they walked for a short distance until they reached the theatre. Ryan had already booked two tickets for the show. What she had not known though, or was rather surprised, was that he had booked a private box for them. She stared at Ryan, but he gave her an assuring glance, his green eyes were filled with warmth. They were shown to their seats. Ryan asked her whether she was comfortable. She nodded blushingly to that. Very soon the curtains went up. he held her hand, gently caressing it. He placed a tiny kiss on her wrist. During the interval, he took her in his arms and very gently caressed her lips with his own mouth. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed her, his mouth hard and hot on hers. His tongue started stroking her lips, coaxing them apart. Issabelle gave a tiny moan of pleasure and arousal. In the heat of that moment, they both ached and yearned for one another.

Issabelle couldn't remember seeing the rest of the movie, she couldn't also remember their journey back home. She knew she wanted Ryan to take her to bed then. She realized then, that she had fallen head over heels in love with Ryan. He safely dropped Issabelle, at her home in the evening.

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