Island Fishery

Chapter 45: Enrollment (2)

  One of the benefits of being a boss is that even if you just express what you want to do, and don’t ask employees to do it, many employees will voluntarily help the boss to do it.

   Although Li Sha is not an employee of Li Shu yet, he has put himself in the position of an employee.

   Li Shu just expressed that he wanted to put his friend's registered permanent residence on Shar Phi Island, so he asked for help.

"Well, hard work, the village chief. Li Sha and I will pick up my friend first. We will go to Shar-Pei Island at noon, and we will talk again. The village chief "talked on the phone.

   "It's good to ask for it, you can come and talk about the specific situation." Village Chief Sha said on the phone.


   Hanging up the phone, Li Shu smiled and said, "Thank you Li Sha, you help me ask your village head in the morning for your hard work, let's go, let's pick up my friend at the port in Danguan."

   "Hey, okay, this is what I should do." Li Sha laughed.

   Take the ferry to the Danguan pier. Before getting ashore, Li Shu saw the "Jing Boss" sitting in the corner of the wharf at a glance. Li Shu, who was still worried that Jing’s boss could not find a place, instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

   "There was no accident on the road, right." Li Shu said.

   "It's an accident. On the shore, I can't find the boss where Pier 6 is, so I asked other people and found it." Jing Boss said dumbly.

   Li Shu: "-_-||"

   "It's not bad, just knowing to ask other people for directions, I'm still worried about you, haha." Li Shu rubbed his face awkwardly.

   After filling up the fuel, the ferry boat returned. The sky was high and the sea breeze was blowing all the way. Li Shu was sitting on the ferry boat with a white light in his eyes.

   The marine fish within a radius of 1 km could not hide in his eyes, and a colorful ocean world appeared in front of him in an instant.

"The reason why my eyes can see through the sea water, and see through the fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, corals, aquatic plants, etc. in the sea within a radius of one kilometer, should be related to the fact that I have taken a lot of chalcedony spiritual water. The essence of chalcedony spiritual water is concentrated. In my eyes, I can see the fish in the sea." Li Shu thought lightly.

He saw the seabed not far from the ferry boat. A "black sea bream" weighing three to four pounds was fiercely attacking a group of sea crabs. The usually arrogant sea crab did not have the power to fight back. Dapada ~ bite and eat, the shells shattered for a while, and the crab meat floats in the surrounding seawater.

   The black sea bream with a hard backstab wagged its tail and left after a full meal. Some small shrimps that were originally crab food began to gather around, devouring a little bit of crab limbs.

   Li Shu's gaze moved with the movement of the ferry, and he saw a flat "electric ray" on the seafloor with a stabbing discharge, which electrocuted a slightly smaller sharp-mouthed sea bass and then ate it.

"His ~ the amount of discharge." Li Shu's scalp was numb, and he thought: "In the magnificent sea, survival and hunting are happening all the time. It's completely like the barbaric era. Hey, I saw a super big A bread crab~ It's a pity, I can't go down and catch it now."

   Li Shu looked back, Li Sha was chatting with Jing Boss.

   A bread crab weighing seven or eight pounds on the bottom of the sea is using large tongs to squeeze the algae and eat it.

At noon, the ferry boat docked at Shar-Pei Island. This is a poor island. The houses on both sides of the bumpy road are mostly made of mud, straw, and broken tiles. They look gray, as if they have a layer. The dust that can't go down.

   At noon, Li Shu, Jing Boss, and Li Sha ate at the house of "Village Sha" and had three cups of homemade local wine, and the atmosphere gradually heated up.

"Oh, our Shapi Island is poor. I want to build a small villager square on the island, but I haven't built it for three or four years... "Although he is old, but his eyes are very bright, "Village Sha" sighs NS.

   Hearing the song of the string, Li Shu, who was sitting across from the head of the village Sha, heard the extraneous words, slowly put down his chopsticks and said, "I don't know how much it costs to build a small square?"

   Village Chief Sha's eyes became brighter in an instant, and he slowly extended a right index finger.

   "RMB 1 million!?" Li Shu's spirit was shocked, this old man wouldn't speak loudly, would he?

   "No, no, it's 10,000 ringgits." The old village chief even explained, and then explained that labor and material costs have become expensive now, and the cost of building a small square is 10,000, which may not be enough.

   Li Shu didn't fill his head with garlic. He was worried that if he agreed too soon, the old village chief saw that he was a big fish, and then suddenly changed his mouth and slaughtered him.

   This is entirely possible.

  Most of these indigenous islanders are very simple, kind and enthusiastic, but they also have their own part of careful thinking and petty treacherousness, fraud, abduction, and robbery.

   Li Shu deliberately showed a look of embarrassment, saying that 10,000 ringgit was too much, and after a lot of trouble, he finally agreed to donate 10,000 ringgit to Sapi Island.

   Li Shu’s consciousness suddenly entered Boss Jing’s body, and controlled Boss Jing’s mouth and said, “I must first become a citizen of Sharpi before I can donate 10,000 ringgits.”

  In an instant, the dinner table fell into a strange silence.

   Li Shu's consciousness returned to his body, pretending to be angry, frowning and scolding boss Jing: "How can I say it!"

"Don’t don’t, UU read, don’t quarrel~" The old village chief even persuaded: "This stupid, stout little brother also makes sense. This little brother can be naturalized in three days to three days. Phi Island."

   Li Shu smiled satisfied and toasted with the others.

In fact, it only took two days before Jing Boss’ ID card came down. The speed can be said to be astonishing. From Li Sha’s mouth, it was learned that Jing Boss was called "a distant nephew of mentally disabled" by the mayor of Sha. Now move to Shar Phi Island to live with him.

The personnel of the relevant government departments directly accepted the statement of the head of the village Sha. After all, they generally do not spend manpower and material resources to investigate. Even if the superior requires a careful review, the grassroots personnel will often slack off, fill in the questionnaire and approve it. Passing "finish things-after all, taking a few hours in the summer to take a boat trip to a small island is definitely a chore."

As for whether it’s strange for people in their 30s and 40s to have no Hukou-this is totally impossible, because it costs money to register, and some people don’t know where to go or are too lazy to deal with government officials, so Malaysia There are a group of people who do not have a hukou, and there are also many who do not have a hukou for a lifetime.

  Malaysia’s grassroots organization is much weaker than China, and it is unable to conduct a large-scale census.


   Li Shu, Jing Boss squatted by the beach, watching the little girl build a sand castle not far away, brushing with a small shovel ~ digging out the moist sand, very decompression.

"Malaysia’s ID card has a chip embedded in it, which can be used as a bank card, shopping card, bus card, and virtual information card. This is quite convenient." Li Shu looked over and over again. The front of the card has the portrait and name of Boss Jing. , And age—36 years old and so on.


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