Island Fishery

Chapter 438: Xu Qian to Danguan City

Li Shu opened the door of Rolls-Royce on the side of the road and got into the car.

Xu Qian is sitting in the back seat of Rolls-Royce, with long legs in light blue jeans, she looks very ladylike.


"Haha, I thought you were playing a prank with me before. I didn't expect you to come to Danguan City. Did you come by yourself? When did you arrive?" Li Shu laughed.

I didn’t see Xu Qian for half a year. She felt a little strange, but Li Shu’s warm and relaxed words made her relax. She smiled and said, “I got off the plane at Danguan Airport at 6:32 in the morning, and then I went to the hotel. I am also 18 years old and grown up this year, so I came here by myself.".

Li Shu looked up and down Xu Qian, his upper body was light yellow round neck sweater, the lower body was light blue skinny jeans, his feet were on straight shoes, his trousers knees, and his thighs were cracked.

A ponytail is tied behind his head, and he wears large round-lens glasses. The huge lenses directly cover most of the palm-sized face. The eyelashes are long, and the eyes are full of shyness and curiosity.

"Are you looking at what I am doing?" Xu Qian tucked her hands in her sleeves, then put her sleeves on her mouth, and her face was slightly reddish: "Is there any dirt on my face?".

"No, I found that you seem to have grown. You were only this tall before, but now you are 167?" Li Shu first made a gesture to a height of one meter and two, and then smiled.

"You hate it. I wasn't that short before~ but it has grown a little bit longer in the past six months. It's 5 centimeters longer." Xu Qian was surprised afterwards and said: "Hey, how do you know that I am now? Is it 167 cm?".

"Don't be shocked, eye-ranging is the basic operation." Li Shu asked Jing's second child to drive to the helicopter parking place, and he planned to take Xu Qian back to Neverland.

"But... But where am I sitting?" Xu Qian looked at Li Shu in shock, she didn't even know that the latter had this ability.

"It is naturally difficult to measure the gaze range at the elementary level, but who makes me superb at gaze range measurement? I can also measure it while sitting." Li Shu looked out the window and said with a smile:

"The eldest sister sitting at the entrance of the supermarket and shaking a fan is 1.55 meters, while the yellow hair of the three girls on a motorcycle is 1.65 meters, and the child with a runny nose and finger sucking on the street next to him is 1.1 meters, scratching his buttocks. That plump and fat eldest sister is 1.66 meters...".

Li Shu casually talked about the height data of passers-by on the right side of the car. Xu Qian sat on the right side, so she could see those people more easily.

"Such a cow..." Xu Qian opened her mouth slightly, shocked: "I think you can help the criminal police solve the case, take a look at the criminals, the height data comes out directly.".

Li Shu gave Xu Qian a weird look, and said leisurely: "Since I have seen a criminal in reality and confirmed that he is a criminal, it's okay to rush to catch him, and what do I need to do with his height data?".

Xu Qian: "...".

Her left big toe arched slightly, embarrassingly she wanted to make a hole in the ground.

"But let me say that you, a young girl who just graduated from high school, would dare to travel to Danguan City. She is really courageous. You are not afraid of being caught and sold to someone else as a wife." Li Shu changed the subject and laughed. .


He opened the Rolls-Royce car refrigerator and found that the first floor was empty, the second floor had a bottle of red wine and several wine glasses, and the third floor had two palm-sized mangoes.

Take the mangoes out and close the refrigerator, and pass the larger one to Xu Qian. He peeled off the mango skin and ate the smaller one, which was soft and sweet.

"Thank you, but is it that dangerous?" Xu Qian took the big mango, which was bigger than her own small hand, and felt pressure on her wrist. She peeled off the peel and took a small bite, her eyes brightened instantly: "Sweetness and softness. It's right, it's delicious!".

"Just like to eat." Li Shu smiled.

It was the time when we got off work at noon. Many private cars and scurrying motorcycles directly caused congestion. Li Shu smiled and said: "There is a traffic jam. We can't wait for the traffic jam. We will be at the helicopter parking lot soon. I will take you to Neverland where I live.".

"Yeah." Xu Qian tried her best to maintain her ladylike posture, eating mango in small bites.

She asked again: "Is the law and order here really that bad?".

"Uh, how do you say it." Li Shu thought for a while and said, "This... most of you will suffer if you encounter it. If you don't encounter it, you will feel that it is the same as in China. Many foreigners have been to Danguan for more than a dozen years. Times, but never encountered those bad things, so he might feel safe and harmonious here.

But some have been troubled since the moment they got off the plane, and may finally vowed never to come again in this life. ".

"What about your experience?" Xu Qian asked curiously again.

“The experience last year was a bit bad. I had a small friction with the club. This year is very harmonious. It feels similar to China.” Li Shu finished a mango, then threw the peel and core into the trash can, from the side. Pull out a paper towel to wipe your hands.

"Although I haven't contacted those club members this year, those guys are not dead, they must be active. As long as they become active, many people will be affected, but it didn't affect me." Li Shu laughed. : "Anyway, those clubs do some dog things and don't do much human affairs."

"Hahaha." Xu Qian burst into laughter, and then she changed her words: "Actually, I know that you will protect me, senior, so I came That's true, we are My friend, of course I will protect you." Li Shu smiled and said, "It’s a pleasure to have friends from afar. Now it’s more than 11 o’clock. I’ll go back to Neverland later and I will treat you to a big meal.".



Xu Qian's cell phone rang suddenly, and she took it out to see that her mother was calling.

"Hello, Mom?".

"Xiaoqian, your dad and I have already bought the air tickets for the day after tomorrow. You kid really has to worry about leaving by yourself. Can you go to the Edelweiss International College to complete the enrollment procedures? "Mother Xu's voice is very gentle, with love and concern in her tone.

"Oh, mom, I'm with my senior, I hang up first and talk back." Xu Qian was startled, and then hung up the phone after hurriedly saying a few words.

She peeped at Li Shu, who was slightly lost in thought.

The traffic jam was resolved, and Rolls-Royce slowly began to move.

Li Shu questioned: "Edwin International College? I seem to have a little impression of this name, but I can't remember where I saw it."

Jing's second child who drove smiled and said, "Boss, you should have seen it in the city gymnasium. There is a sign saying "Edwin International College sponsored the construction of the city gymnasium with 1 million ringgits." The word "snow" dropped. There are so many strokes, they are almost turning into "mountains" on the eyesight test chart."

"Haha, when you said it, I remembered it." Li Shu smiled, and he looked at Xu Qian: "Are you going to study at Edelweiss International College?".

"I want to go, but they don't want it." Xu Qian said pitifully.

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