Isekai Apocalypse Mynoghra

Lesson 32: Invasion

A large group of confirmed barbarians from the city of Dragontan.

Just as Fawncavn was able to confirm its marvel, there were those who were asking, nodding their tongues about the prey, which seemed distant on the side of the barbarians.

"It's Fremine. Command from the Demon King is out, Taka?

Hill Giant, Goblin, Oak. Plus cluttered monsters.

Among the various demons usually called barbarians, suddenly one ice cube spoke out.

No - it was an organism.

The alien man, whose whole body is wrapped in ice, has a giant that is twice as good as an adult male, and carries an axe of war the size that is worthy of his body.

That figure is distorted to judge people, and it's somewhat more appropriate to decide that the ice cubes are willing.

The man, who was presumed to have the power of isolation from the rest, tired of being in a group of barbarians, was throwing an inquiry at the man who was next door overlooking the city of Dragontan.

"Kihihi! So it was Ice Rock. As usual, no change. It is."

The man who replied was also alien.

Unlike the guy with the ice cubes, this one has the same back length as the humans and orcs there.

But the morbidly seemingly thin body and, above all, the flames that constantly envelop the whole body highlight its heterogeneity.

The man with the ice cubes is Ice General Ice Rock.

The flaming man is Flaming Demon Fremine.

Together, they were known as the Demon Kings Army Four Heavenly Kings, and they were called boss characters who were key to the RPG game Tact knew.

Characters are emerging that should be fictional beings.

The phenomenon, which should never have been possible, was certainly situated as a reality in it.

Ice cubes Four Heavens King Ice Rock opens his mouth as he rocks his body with guillotine.

"This land where our demon king's army was summoned suddenly. What kind of world do you buy information on, Ka?

"Hmm? Oh, that's not so different from the previous world! It's a world of demons, magic, and humans breeding with Ujauja."

Fremine, the fiery Four Heavens King, answers with a brutal grin without looking at Ice Rock.

Fremine, who had already sent his men to investigate and reconnaissance, knew this world better than anyone else in their demonic army.

... It was the other day that their consciousness awakened.

Uncluttered enemies called brave men in the world where they were.

The Demon King was about to make a showdown with that brave man, who was single and powerful enough to cross with all of the Demon King's armies.

Once revived by the demon king of what was destroyed by the brave, it was now time to destroy the brave men who had grabbed and approached the throats of their own lords, taking an interception position in the halls of the Castle of the Demon King, the final stronghold when they offered victory to the demon king they believed in.

The final battle that eventually begins. Repeated sword trident rewards and endless rushing magic.

Anger, screaming, roaring.

Numerous companions are slashed down and destroyed again by the overwhelming power that is too much for a man to possess.

But then I saw what happened, the demons of my fellow men ravaged like pieces of paper, and the moment the demons left to scream that they still didn't reward me with a thread...

If you noticed, they were nestled in a land of nothing.

their Lord, the Demon King, and several executive demons who were given a special name.

And the wasteland as far as I can see.

What is left of them is neither a glorious victory to lead the world into darkness, nor a defeat to a humiliating light.

That was all.

... That was a few days ago.

The confused demons are quickly disciplined by the Demon King, and subsequent actions are promptly carried out.

Survey of the land. Call of subordination by summoning magic, the architecture of Demon King's Castle, the stronghold.

And maintenance of the army.

Their purpose remained unchanged. Whether the world changes or reason changes.

Prepare everything quickly to achieve a single purpose.

And set up all the stages at a rate that could be called an anomaly...

As we once did in the world,

It was with this time that we began our action to ravage the world.



"Beautiful World Da"

Whimpering without telling anyone, Four Heavenly Kings Ice Rock slowly looked up into the sky.

The clouds are clear and I can see birds swimming in the sky feeling good.

The earth is vast as it continues everywhere, and even the rough earth feels the breath of an aromatic life.

Icerock couldn't understand why he was in this situation.

And maybe what we should do in this world.

They demons are all thrust and moved by orders given by the Demon King.

Remaining a wild instinct within themselves like turbulence, they have so far wielded their full power.

Everything is at the will of the Great Demon King, destroying mankind and building the world of demons.

That is the thought allowed to them all, and the reason for their existence.

"Our mission is to conquer the world. to destroy humans and build our paradise."

The Command of the Demon King is' Conquer '.

As it was in the original world, so is it in this world.

Icerock turns himself into a hound as the Great Lord wishes.

As it once destroyed numerous cities and destroyed the livelihoods of men.

It didn't change what he would do, even if the world changed.

Ice Rock therefore turns his gaze to the city, which would be his first prey in this world, in order to play his part fully.

"... that's the first sacrifice? A city of humans that is the foundation of our hegemony."

"Hiccup! Sounds like a country called Fawncavn. The scouts of the beast man who was on the reconnaissance spoke frankly to me!

"Hum. Bad taste, Da."

Unlike Fremine, the same Four Heavens King and colleague, Ice Rock probably has his nature as a samurai.

Its nature dislikes Fremine's evil deeds, becoming natural and unpleasant and coming out of his mouth.

It's supposed to be a human city. The scourge of beasts exists.

Originally, beastmen are close to demons. Some races don't like to fight, but they should be basically incompatible with humans.

What is the matter with you that you are scouting despite this?

Doubts sprang up behind Ice Rock's brain, but it quickly dissolved itself, too.

The function of thinking to him is approximately non-existent. It's all because of the belief that we will act on the orders of the Demon King.

That is the presence of the Four Heavens King.

No - all demons under the Demon King's slave were.

But Ice Rock was uncomfortable with something he might be good at.

Nevertheless, there is no time to analyze and confirm it in detail.

The order given to him by the Demon King is' conquest of the world ', and he must first take action whatever he has.

Ice rock gently sprinkles her neck and shakes off her concerns, feeling unspeakable impatience.

Eventually, when you let those inorganic ice eyes shine like you decided to, you ask Fremine as if you recall your mission.

"... Ma, fine. Did the Demon King say anything about the city's offense, Ka?

"I mean do what you want! Demons and strategies! Our freedom!

"It is convenient for the Green Kid to join our Demon King's Army. This will make it easier to conquer the world, Lowe."

It was for a reason that their army had become so massive.

It was an armament that I didn't initially feel comfortable with in my subpoena, but I had unexpected luck.

That was what the native demons living in the land wished for in deference to the Demon King Army.

Not so powerful, as a force of war, it's a delightful development.

Most of them have already been consumed by power reconnaissance...

It would be a cheap price if we had all the information on the humans. It's a force that didn't exist.

Having found some information about the humans, Fremaine, who was conducting a force survey of Fawncavn, had determined that it was an excellent result.

"Kihihi! I remember! The battle we once fought in the world! That beginnings day when our demons invaded the kingdom of humans and destroyed a kingdom they can't even remember now!

Fremine raises a voice of creepy joy.

Ice Rock also reminds me of the day I was there.

The day it all started. The humans - and the battle for the world against the brave.

Those days I waved my battle axe to give everything to the Demon King.

And a showdown with the brave.

Along with the memory of running through like a running lantern, an avalanche-like stream of information strikes an ice lock.

"Fremine - I hear things I can't..."

"Ah? What?

"... What happened to our ambitions, Ka?

"Huh? Why would you do that..."

Icelock couldn't forget the concern he was supposed to have wiped away, and he couldn't stop asking.

The last moment. Ice Rock remembered himself well in the battle to determine the world's champion.

That he was defended without difficulty from all the blows and special moves he unleashed, and that he was shot through the heart with a blade to return.

That he stayed down and lay low and watched the Demon King and the Brave confront each other in a hazy consciousness.

But then there was ambiguity.

I also wondered if I had perished as I am, but I am not convinced of the answer either, as far as I have handled my vague memories.

So he was summoned to this world before he was settled with the brave?

... It also feels different.

Because as his sense of doom vanished himself, he did see the sight of the sword of the brave pierced the body of the demon king...

So Icelock asked Fremine in disgrace.

I chose to borrow that wicked wisdom, understanding that Fremine was cunning and sloppy, plotting to get out of the other Four Heavenly Kings and be near the Demon King.

Hopefully, there will be questions in your mind that resemble a sense of impatience.


"Heck! It doesn't matter! Now it would be a prerequisite to get the prey in front of you!? Isn't that right, Ice Rock?

"... yes na"

The response from Fremine was not what he expected.

No, Fremine was showing a bare gesture of thinking just a little bit.

Probably in the same situation as myself.

The neighborhood becomes noisy.

The killings and excitement of the demons have come to an irrepressible point. The roughly senseless roars and odds filled the neighborhood, and there was no longer room for long conversations anywhere.

Without getting an answer to the springing question, Ice Rock perceives that time has come.

"Move the demon se. First, we will destroy the city of Dragontan and its dozens, and we will dedicate the despair and suffering of mankind to the Demon King."

A deputy who was holding back at his side - a demon with a scepter in his robe nodded backwards.

The demon paints a letter in the air with some magic.

It was at the same time that the roughly unintelligible demons slowly began to move forward.

"O, what about before, Fremine?

"Oh, I won't. I'll give it to Temehe first. You must be thankful Ice Rock!!

"Right. Thanksgiving Srl"

Take out a battle axe bigger than your back and stand with both hands.

Zushiri and heavyweight. That's a proud weapon that slaughtered away so many enemies with him.

No one has survived this battle axe and himself before. Except for the only exceptional brave man.

Ice Rock takes a step, takes a step.

Zushiri and the earth shake, and the ground sinks irresistibly to withstand the weight coming from its giant.

He marches into the city of Dragontan, feeling his gaze behind his back.

I don't trust Fremine. I don't even understand what you're thinking.

But it's inexplicable.

If only the world could finally get to the Demon King.

And I have the power to make it happen.

We should destroy everything but ourselves.

With his arrogance and short circuit like the Four Kings of Demon Army, Ice Rock decided so.



Flemaine threw up a bump looking terribly boring as she dropped off the ice rocks and demons marching to the city as she raised the earthen smoke.

But the expression also changes quickly.

That was from the moment the bird-like demon in flames stepped down to his side and made some kind of report.

Fremine turns his gaze northwest with a niggardly and joyfully distorted look.

Arbitrary devotion, disregard of orders, brutal outrage.

If Ice Rock's personality is a samurai, let's say Fremine's personality is exactly a venomous snake.

Fremine tells something to the demon who has been making the report. The bird-shaped demon who received the Lord's life flew quickly to faithfully carry out his duties.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Fire laugh thinly with their gaze on one point unchanged.

An abusive grin is an unquestionable self an absolute, and belongs to a destroyer who will ravage a raw fortune.

"Hi-hick! Then I guess I'll go get another city and some more!

The gaze was certainly directed in the direction of the Great Curse Realm.

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