Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?

Chapter 381: Pushing open the door, blurring the boundary between reality and fantasy

   Chapter 381 Pushing the door open, blurring the boundary between reality and fantasy

   "The president's situation is a little bad, the secret spirit seems to be shrinking, as if..." Although the elder who was good at perception at the head didn't finish speaking, everyone understood what she meant.

   "There should be a chance, we can"

   "No, I feel very good, very good!" Ye Zhen suddenly woke up from the coma and said with a hint of etherealness in his voice.

   When everyone saw her gaze, they couldn't help but feel a chill.

  Everyone can perceive that there is no focal length in her eyes, it looks very empty, as if the whole world is very blurred in her eyes.

   In fact, in Ye Zhen's eyes, the whole world is so illusory and boring. In the eyes of everyone's puzzled eyes, she stretched out her hand and seemed to be pushing away something.

  'It's over, it won't be crazy! ’ The senior members of the Blood Rose Society who were present couldn’t help but snort, this is not a good thing.

   After all, the first thing a normal person does after waking up from a coma is to do such an unknown thing.

   "When I was in a coma, there was no major incident at the base." Ye Zhen's empty eyes swept across the crowd.

   Everyone who was touched by her gaze felt a chill, as if Ye Zhen would cut herself into pieces at any time.

   "It's normal, except for Chen Qiu, her room has been closed at present, and the body has not been disposed of, President, look at it," an elder said.

   "Then simply deal with it, she is no longer a threat." Ye Zhen said calmly.

   In her eyes, everyone present is a door after another, but the strange thing is that she can see who it is.

  If it wasn't for the surviving reason that kept suppressing her, or the desire in her heart would have driven her to open these doors long ago, she didn't know what was behind them, but she knew that these doors were all people under her command.

If    really pushes away, there will be absolutely no good end, so she has to hold back.

Not only that, but there are a lot of indescribable whispers in her mind, narrating knowledge in certain dreams, so that she can't tell whether it is reality or fantasy, or whether fantasy and reality are gradually blurring in her body. boundary.

  Others just saw Ye Zhen's consciousness and seemed to begin to blur, so they didn't think too much, but felt that the other party couldn't bear it again, and they were a little flustered for a while.

   But under the dual effect of illusion and murmur, Ye Zhen seemed to see a twisted door slowly drifting from the distant horizon in the trance.

   "Chen Qiu?" When Ye Zhen saw this door, Ye Zhen recognized at a glance who it was or what door it was.

   was Chen Qiu who had already died long ago, but the other party did not seem to have died completely, but was hidden in the illusory depths of everyone's hearts, and after she saw it, she gradually condensed it into reality.

   "No, no, you are not Chen Qiu, you are a monster occupying Chen Qiu's body!!"

   Ye Zhen's voice was a little sharp, which caught all the high-level officials present off guard. They didn't expect Ye Zhen's situation to be so serious, and they all had hallucinations.

   Maybe because the blow was too big, everyone looked at each other and didn't come up with a solution, so they could only watch from a distance.

   After all, Ye Zhen's strength is stronger than theirs, and once it erupts, no one will be an opponent.

   As for restricting Ye Zhen, I am afraid that no clever ghost would come up with such a suggestion. The weak restrict the strong, this is not courting death.

   "You came just in time, I was just about to open the door to see what was behind you." Ye Zhen's sharp voice suddenly changed, and he said in a frantic babble.

   swayed and stood up, stretched out his hand and pushed it gently towards the void, as if he really pushed open a door that didn't exist.

But before everyone could react, they felt a pain in their hearts, as if they had suffered a heavy blow. Even the strongest mystic could not bear it. Instead, they hunched over their chests and breathed in the air. .

"Heart? So many hearts, so it is. You are really hidden in everyone's hearts, so do I have you in my heart?" Ye Zhen became more and more mad. In her eyes, countless doors opened from the void. Emerging in the middle, constantly wrapping her in layers.

   Then she looked down, and I didn’t know when she herself had become a door.

   reached out and gently plucked a heart from the twisted door, and then an abrupt elder stared at him and lost his vitality.

   In Ye Zhen's hand, a fresh heart also appeared.

   Who can not see the situation among all the people present at once? Each of them swallowed their saliva.

   They also thought about smearing oil on the soles of their feet, but the problem is that the current situation is too weird. They are worried that if they have any abnormal movement, the crazy Ye Zhen will use that weird heart-taking method.

After playing for a while, the heart was drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Ye Zhen's body seemed to be changing inexplicably. I don't know when, the skin in the middle of the left arm began to wriggle, and in the terrified eyes of everyone , a human face appeared on the middle of the left arm.

This face was very familiar to them. It was the elder whose heart had just been taken out. When everyone turned to look, the elder's corpse had also turned into a mummified corpse. None were left.

   "President, door, door!!" The face on the arm made a sharp sound, as if reminding something.

   "I know, I know, but we have to take away so many hearts first, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste to keep them?" Ye Zhen's ethereal voice answered the face in his hands.

"Do it, or she's going to attack us!" I don't know who shouted, and everyone present couldn't care about anything, especially when Ye Zhen stretched out his hand again to prepare to pick the heart again, because no one Know if you're going to be the unlucky one.

   Seeing this, Ye Zhen's empty expression rarely showed a trace of confusion. She didn't know why her subordinates would stop her. It was obviously not a big deal.

   Now her thinking and logic have been in great chaos, and her whole person has fallen into chaos.

But soon, she forgot about it, and gently stretched out her hand and pushed it. A terrifying door appeared in front of all the attackers. This door was both illusory and real. It was only in their field of vision, but did not exist. in reality.

   The people who didn't have time to dodge ran straight into the door, and after phantom walking out, they turned into withered mummy corpses.

   "Hey, why is there so much less heart? Did I pick it?" Ye Zhen was a little strange, and then counted the large number of faces that appeared on his body, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "I picked it up."

   "Then pick them all, there's not much left anyway." Ye Zhen showed a weird smile, stretched out his hand again, and started picking in the air constantly.

Every time    was picked, a mystic in the Blood Rose Club would fall down and turn into a mummified corpse out of thin air.

When each person dies, there will be an extra face on her body, and the whole person will become very strange. Each face seems to have its own thinking, and she keeps saying some strange things in a loud voice. A picture looks quite creepy.

"It's gone. It's a pity." Saying that, Ye Zhen groped around her body with her hands, and soon found it, and then stretched out her hand to dig, a large amount of flesh and human faces, accompanied by a blood-colored rose, was forcibly caught by her. Pulled out.

   She felt a little uncomfortable about this thing, but the size of the blood-colored rose was somewhat unexpected. The whole body completely covered her body. The moment it was pulled out, the entire blood vessels and flesh were torn apart.

   "Huh~ I'm really in the way." After the pumping, Ye Zhen's body had become riddled with holes, but the faces of the people began to pull at each other, thus constantly repairing the body.

The injury continued to heal itself in an extremely unscientific way. Ye Zhen didn't take it to heart. Instead, he reached out and pushed open a door. After walking in slowly, he appeared in Scarlet Rose's place. outside the base.

   looked blankly at the sun in the sky, and then naturally pushed open doors that did not exist.

People are also constantly changing their positions. As the door is pushed open, her reason is also being consumed little by little. She now has only one idea left, which is to push open the door on a person and take away the heart of the other person. Take the opponent's life.

   Fortunately, there is not much difference between these two choices for Ye Zhen.

   (end of this chapter)

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