Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 247: Marketing

Flirting started early in the morning. The countess laughed more than ever, and the voice was louder. The maids who ran up and down could feel how good Emista was in a good mood. At least, in their impression, although the countess was pleasant, she rarely showed such obvious emotions.

And on those days of each month, Sima's face is even more so.

The treatment of the head maid made the maids envious and a little thoughtful.

Why does Meredith get such preferential treatment?

Isn't the answer the man sitting at the dining table, the countess so fond of him that the maid, who was treated as an item, would allow it even if she was brought to bed. Then don't you have a chance, after all, their personal maids are carefully selected by the countess.

Besides, Lynn is not a bad old man.

It is a very handsome and sunny young man. When he grins at you, there is another woman who can resist that bright smile that seems to come from the fertile fields. In his gaze, you seem to be the whole world!

Besides, if Meredith can touch it, we can't touch it?

So there is an interesting phenomenon.

When the head maid Merdis was selecting the maids to work at Lynn's house, these maid sisters who had had some close contact with Lynn before rushed over, chatting together with a dozen mouths. You scrambled for me, he said you were stupid, and your brain was not smart, which made the head maid's temper gradually become irritable.

In the end, Meredith simply let these high-spirited maids draw lots to stop the dispute.

The point is to point to, the warning to warn.

The head maid's mind was still relatively clear, she thought about the arrangements the countess had given herself, and carefully instructed her two long-legged, tall and slender royal sister-type companions. Today's Sophia is quite ignorant. When she is sitting at home, the maid comes from the sky. She immediately accepts this cool and hot maid with a smile. It just so happens that she has a lot of things to do, and she can do simple housework in the future. Let them do it.

Then the eldest sister chatted with the head maid about Lynn's condition.

Lynn is good, not good.

Hearing this news, Sophia was relieved. The bold and careful eldest sister was still aware of her brother's suspension. Although she didn't know it directly, she guessed it. After all, he was a bedside person, so it was too difficult to hide his thoughts, and Lynn didn't cover up his emotions very much.

Meredith also hinted at the **** of herself, the Countess and Lynn.

Sophia, who understood it, was happy.

Grabbing the head maid and asking her to elaborate, she sighed in her heart that someone could finally help her share the little bastard's energy that was nowhere to be placed, and began to let her thoughts go about how much help Mrs. The eldest sister secretly asked the head maid if Lynn could become the head of the [Suppression Bureau] before the age of 40.

Meredith almost didn't squirt out directly.

40 years old?

If Your Excellency Emister is willing, before the age of 40, Lynn can go to No. 10 Terra Street in the capital to drink tea and work. No matter how bad it is, he is also a powerful member of the five-member group of the [Repression Bureau]. As far as the countess's love for the little gentleman is concerned, it must have nurtured him to move towards the upper-ranked Sequencer.

Meredith and Sophia chatted for a while and then ran back to the manor for business.

Watching the carriage leaving the Earl's Manor.

The eldest sister sighed inexplicably: "It's promising, Lynn, it's promising... After a while, should I think about the child's affairs? Otherwise, one day the orphanage suddenly opens, and I can't have a big belly. Go take care of others, well, you should really think about it."

The Moriarty family should flourish and flourish.



In the manor, Lynn was scribbling and drawing on white paper with a pencil. With the swishing sound of the tip of the pen, the lines he outlined were rapidly forming.

What he is painting is a very out-of-time female clothing.

It's called a one-word hip skirt, with a small shawl.

In this era, this kind of clothing can be said to be immoral and heretical, and it is to be criticized by religious guards with few desires. Therefore, when Lynn came up with the design of this kind of clothes, his original intention was not to take the route of the normal tailor shop, but to take the route of [Victoria's Secret].

Of course, it must be matched with slogans such as liberating women, dressing freely, enhancing feelings, fashion avant-garde, necessary for movies and dramas, etc. to create a beautiful marketing.

While drawing, Lynn raised his thoughts with the countess.


Emiste's eyes are clearly saying, you little pervert is really good at a certain level, and you can still treat this as a career. Lynn couldn't help complaining in his heart, if it wasn't for the fact that his plan to make money from the stock of the shipping company was too finally ended without a hitch, why would he need to do this.

No matter what the eyes look like, Emiste's attitude towards Lynn's thoughts has also become serious from the beginning. With her business acumen, how could she not see that Lynn's combination of punches is directly completing the dimensionality reduction attack in a new field.

As for things like clothing, your brand is out, and the people behind want to get a share of the pie, unless they have the same strong funds, it is difficult to enter the market, so it is to use the ability to make a first move, and then use the huge capital. Directly squeeze all other possible competitors.

However, the entire market of Albion is so huge, the countess estimated the power range of herself and a few old friends, and couldn't help shaking her head.

She couldn't swallow the whole cake.

"...I don't think it's a problem to occupy an important position. If we can find two allies, it will be smoother and safer." Incessant love.

The birth of a leading industry can feed a large number of people, and the upstream and downstream of the entire industry can provide many jobs. The countess said this, if she wants to do it, it must be bigger. The entire southern county must have this brand, preferably even the royal family, so she can only use a joint venture to acquire some shares. People joined.

Can make money, a lot of money, come quickly!

"I'll leave all business matters to you. I'm only responsible for giving ideas and taking dividends." Lynn didn't want to worry about this at all. He just gave a hen laying eggs to the countess, and then waited for the eggs, countess He won't raise chickens to death and won't swallow eggs.

While the two were chatting lazily, the head maid came back with a letter.

"Mr. Lynn, there is a letter to you, which is the seal of the [Suppression Bureau]."

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