Iron Dynasty

Chapter 657: Lu Fei's surprise attack


The whistling of the siren came out in the workshop one after another, and the noise that had previously been to Xiao Ming was now like a fairy music. . Fastest update

The emergence of steam locomotives not only means that Qingzhou’s steel level and lathe processing level can produce the spare parts needed for steam locomotives.

At the same time for him, this was the beginning of the barbarian losing the advantage of horse mobility. As long as he could transport troops quickly, the northern barbarian would no longer be a threat.

However, after a while of excitement, Xiao Ming calmed down again. This meal will be eaten bite by bite.

The steam locomotive was developed, but laying railroad tracks requires a lot of steel, and now he can only choose to lay key routes.

And even this is a huge financial burden.

Although he has gradually surpassed the West in terms of technology, he is far inferior to Western countries that have become rich through plunder in terms of wealth.

In comparison, he is really in abject poverty. For him, the railway is not a scientific and technological problem, but an economic problem.

After verifying that Lin Wentao's steam locomotive could operate, Xiao Ming left with a group of officials, and then it was time to discuss tightening his belt and repairing the railway.

At the same time, he is also eager to end the war in the north as soon as possible, so that he can develop with peace of mind.



After five days of marching, Lu Fei and Ye Qingyun and his group have arrived at the city where King Liang lives.

These days, under the attack of the barbarians, they were slow to protect Liangdao. If they had followed the plan, they would have taken Gyeongju City long ago.

But when they arrived in Gyeongju, they suddenly found that this city was not as easy to capture as they thought.

Because Gyeongju City faces water on three sides and is surrounded by mountains, its location is very dangerous.

"King Liang has lost all his soldiers and horses. At this time, there must not be many soldiers in the city. If he can suddenly enter the city, he will be able to take Gyeongju City in one fell swoop." Lu Fei said.

Ye Qingyun looked at the wide river in front of Gyeongju City. This is not Qingju. They have no boats to use. It is impossible to attack from the front. Now the barbarians are still harassing. If they can't take Gyeongju City in time, they will definitely Lose more soldiers.

At this time, his gaze swept across the high mountains on both sides of Gyeongju, and said: "These mountains and ridges may not be without paths that can be passed. It is better for us to offer a reward for finding a path from the mountains to the city."

"Well, I have the same intention." Lu Fei replied. He called a Captain Guo Yi, said a few words to him, and Captain Guo Yi led his orders.

Luo Hong said at this time: "Gyeongju City has only one wall. If you can find a mountain road, you can directly attack the city, but if there is a mountain road, how can you know it and leave a flaw?"

"It's better to try than to look at Gyeongju eagerly." Lu Fei said carelessly.

Everyone thought it was true.

After setting up a camp outside Gyeongju City and renovating for a night, Lu Fei's subordinates arrived with a rewarder the next day.

Lu Fei was overjoyed when he heard this, he hurried to the camp gate and saw the people who came to receive the reward.

This is a middle-aged man. At this time, the man is still carrying a bow and arrow. Behind him is a young man of fifteen and sixteen. The young man seems a little afraid of others. He hides behind the middle-aged and looks at the soldiers coming and going with timid eyes. The middle-aged man's eyes also contained a trace of anxiety, and he dared not look at Lu Fei with his straight eyes.

Lu Fei had a bold temperament. He laughed loudly, and said familiarly, "Please come from this brother."

The middle-aged man nodded. He looked at the camp surrounded by a strange chariot. His expression was a bit hesitant. It seemed that there was something to say. Lu Fei suddenly understood. The opponent general said, "Take a hundred taels of silver. To this brother."

One hundred taels of silver was exactly the amount that Lu Fei offered as a reward, and the general ran back to Daying after hearing this, and soon brought one hundred taels of silver back.

The middle-aged man seemed relieved to see the silver, and said to Lu Fei: "General Xie."

"This is what you deserve." Lu Fei smiled.

Collecting the hundred taels of silver, the middle-aged man said, "General, please come with Caomin." After all, the middle-aged man walked out.

Lu Fei thought that this trip might waste a lot of time, so he asked Ye Qingyun to call for more than a thousand riders, and asked two soldiers to take a middle-aged man and a young man, and they followed behind.

According to the middle-aged man’s words, the group went out and walked south for about six miles and then stopped. The middle-aged man got off his horse and pointed to the front, “General, this is the path that the grassroots go up the mountain. Follow this path to go up the mountain. ."

Lu Fei looked in the direction pointed by the middle-aged man, and in front of him was a winding path hidden in the grass.

He and everyone immediately dismounted and climbed up the trail. When he reached the top of the mountain, he looked down and saw that there was a straight cliff below, 15 meters high. Ye Qingyun frowned and said, "It's too dangerous. If you fall, you will die."

Lu Fei felt the same. This place was not only smooth, but also very narrow, only 30 centimeters wide, and the angle between the rock **** and the ground was almost 90 degrees, and most people didn't dare to try it.

"Narrow, steep and slippery." Lu Fei concluded.

Hearing the discussion between the two, the middle-aged man was a little nervous, and said, "General, this is the cliff with the lowest level of the three mountains from the ground. Other places are fifty steps high. It is no problem to go down here. I Sometimes when hunting, I use ropes to go down here.

The words of the middle-aged man made Lu Fei's brain a flash of inspiration. This rope climbing was originally one of the training subjects of the team closure.

If you throw some rope down from here, you can sneak into Gyeongju Thinking about this, Lu Fei said his thoughts, Ye Qingyun nodded and sent the soldiers back to the barracks to get the ropes. The middle-aged man also breathed a sigh of relief, lest the wolves and tigers would treat him as a liar.

The soldiers came back soon and brought seven or eight thick hemp ropes. According to Lu Fei’s method, the soldiers tied the hemp rope to an old tree on the edge of the cliff, and then came down and put other hemp ropes. Tethered to different trees.

"This time we will have a surprise attack!" Lu Fei ordered the cavalry to dispatch 20,000 musketeers up the mountain.

At this time, he observed Gyeongju City through a telescope. As he imagined, there were not many soldiers in Gyeongju City. This time the second prince was killed and the Liang army was destroyed. There is not much army, 20,000 people are enough.

And below them are just some folk houses, and their soldiers will go down from here, and they will be able to stand on their feet and provide subsequent soldiers with a stable opportunity to enter the city.

After waiting for a while, 20,000 Musketeers arrived at the top of the mountain. At this time, Lu Fei ordered: "Go down the rope!"

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