Iron Dynasty

Chapter 187: Shock

"I'm coming!"

On the official road of Qingzhou City, a woman's voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked to the north, and the Qingzhou Army was approaching them in neat steps.

The people who came this time included men, women, and children, and there were also many young women. The famous ladies of the country of Da Yu rarely walked around.

But people's homes don't have so many rules, not to mention this is a happy event, and naturally no one cares.

When the Qingzhou Army saw so many people crossing the road to greet each other, the soldiers in the team immediately raised their chests and walked over one by one.

But behind a serious look, the soldiers' eyes swept across the girls in the crowd. Some girls and the soldiers met with their eyes, and they blushed suddenly, don't turn their heads.

The Qingzhou army came, and the people immediately surrounded them. Standing on both sides, they took out the buns from the baskets and stuffed the fruits into the hands of the soldiers.

Xiao Ming rode in the middle of the team on horseback and was protected by the soldiers.

With so many people gathered, they need to consider the safety of King Qi.

Niu Ben's guard looked at Xiao Ming and looked at the people around him vigilantly to prevent anyone from mixing into the people, which would be detrimental to Xiao Ming.

Looking at the beaming people on both sides, Xiao Ming had a smile on his face. He had never thought that the people would greet each other on the sidelines. This kind of honor warmed his heart. This time, it was worth the effort to defend Cangzhou City.

Luo Xin and Niu rushed forward, one by one as straight as if they were tied with a wooden stick behind their backs. The two of them waved to the people on both sides from time to time.

Seeing this, Xiao Ming shook his head helplessly. These two living treasures had to fight over anything.

But the joy was mixed with crying.

Some people were frantically searching among the soldiers, and the people who found their sons were elated, but those people who learned that their son had died in battle suddenly collapsed to the ground, crying.

"My son, my son!"

A sorrowful cry reached Xiao Ming's ears. He turned his head and saw a woman more than forty years old, dressed in worn linen, crying silently under the support of a young girl, and the young girl's tears kept falling.

When she saw Xiao Ming, she suddenly shouted: "Your Highness, Your Highness!"

"Stop!" Xiao Ming shouted at this time, and the advancing Qingzhou Army stopped immediately.

Niu Ben dismounted along with Xiao Ming and went to the girl's face. In the marching team, Xiao Ming was surrounded by stars like a moon, making it easy to be recognized.

The girl seemed to have noticed this and shouted.

"His Royal Highness!" Seeing Xiao Ming coming over, the girl knelt down.

At this time, Xiao Ming gently dragged the girl's clothes and said, "No gift, are you looking for this king?"

The girl cried and said: "Your Highness forgive the sins, the little girl is also in love. My mother and I just learned from our fellow villagers that our brother died in battle. At this time, there is no other request, just want to know where my brother was buried. It’s good to go to memorial service every year."

There was a sting in Xiao Ming's heart. At this time, the crying on the side of the road gradually increased. He said: "Don't worry, girl, the soldiers who sacrificed this time have been transported back. They died in a battle. How can this king let them? The soul returns to the homeland."

"His Royal Highness, there is nothing more for such a young woman." The woman cried.

At this time, one of the people said: "Oh, pitiful, the only son is dead, and now only the mother and the daughter are left, how can we live this day?"

This word reached Xiao Ming's ears, and his heart was even more disturbed.

The current victory was exchanged with blood by the soldiers. How could he let the soldiers who died on Huangquan Road also miss him at this time.

He said: "The girl is righteous, and I admire it in my heart. The family members of the soldiers who sacrificed this time can go to the mansion to receive the pension. The girl must not forget. If the girl has any wishes, you can also talk to the king."

"No need, Your Highness." The girl lowered her head, and slowly left the crying woman.

After sighing, Niu Ben said: "His Royal Highness does not have to be too sad. Fighting is always deadly. Your Royal Highness will get used to it gradually."

When he said this, Niu Ben's tone was full of vicissitudes, and his eyes were full of pain.

He also came step by step, and countless soldiers around him came and went. How many of his former comrades are left?

Looking deeply at the mother and daughter who left, Xiao Ming sighed deeply. What he can repay these people now is to let them live a good life in the future.

When this stopped, the smiles on the faces of the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army disappeared, and the cries that sounded from time to time reminded them of their dead comrades-in-arms, how can they be absorbed in victory now.

At the gate of the city, all officials in Qingzhou came out to greet him, and Pang Yukun stood in the front.

Seeing Xiao Ming, Pang Yukun said, "Congratulations to your majesty for the great victory in Cangzhou, and you are home."

Xiao Ming's mood was a little heavy because of the matter just now. He said, "It is not convenient to talk here. Let's go to the Dudu's Mansion."

Pang Yukun was taken aback. Seeing that there was no smile on Xiao Ming's face, he thought something was wrong, so he nodded.

Niu Ben and others went to the Dudu's Mansion with Xiao Ming.

At this time Pang Yukun said, "His Royal Highness, what's the matter? Did something happen to Cangzhou?"

"No, Cangzhou City is indeed defended." Xiao Ming's words made Pang Yukun relieved.

Then Xiao Ming said: "This king is talking to you about the follow-up pensions. The pensions of the soldiers who died in the battle must be sent to the family members. Make no mistakes, otherwise this king will only ask you."

Pang Yukun also scratched his head when Xiao Ming told such a happy day.

After Xiao Ming said this, he left the Dudu Mansion.

At this time, Niu Ben said to Pang Yukun: "His Royal Highness has experienced such a cruel war for the first time, and it is inevitable to have some touches in his heart, but his words are correct. The follow-up problems of the fallen soldiers must be handled Otherwise it will chill the hearts of the soldiers."

Pang Yukun understood, "So that's it, I understand."

The army returned to the city and returned to Qingzhou Camp after a break.

At the same time, news of the great victory in Cangzhou also flew to all parts of the country with newspapers.

On the day of victory in Cangzhou City, Zhan Xingchang sent the news to Chang'an.

Now the news is in Xiao Wenxuan's hands.

"The great victory in Cangzhou, decapitating a hundred thousand barbarians, Bei Shan fled in embarrassment." Xiao Wenxuan almost read the letter with trembling hands. He murmured excitedly: "We have been weak for decades. It’s my great honor, a royal honor."

He immediately called Xiaohuangmen and said, "Quickly spread the news of the Cangzhou victory, hahaha, let me look at the faces of the officials."

Xiaohuangmen had never seen Xiao Wenxuan so happy before. He ran out in a hurry. When he got outside the palace gate, he mounted his horse and shouted, "Cangzhou victory, King Qi beheaded one hundred thousand soldiers!" (To be continued.) URL

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