Iron Dynasty

Chapter 1178: Bullet rain

Strait of Gibraltar.

This is a narrow strait between the southernmost part of Spain and northwestern Africa.

At this time, a special imperial fleet was passing through this sea area considered by Spain as its own pond.

This is the most powerful battleship in the empire at present, a powerful fleet composed of battleships and cruisers. "Report to the general that the Spanish fleet is found ahead! They are fleeing."

On the battleship Revitalization, the soldiers responsible for observation reported to Ding Chang on the conditions on the sea. After the formal declaration of war with the Allied Powers of St. Petersburg, the imperial navy was tasked with cleaning up the European fleet.

Now that the British fleet has been annihilated, Europe only has France, Spain, and Portugal still retain the navy. What they have to do now is to sink the last European fleet into the sea.

"Catch up!" Ding Chang calmly ordered.

After the battleships and cruisers were put into service, he, the instructor of the naval cadet, was dispatched to the fleet to lead the fleet to annihilate the enemy.

Upon receiving the order, the Imperial fleet quickly caught up with the Spanish fleet at full capacity.

As reported by the soldiers, this Spanish battleship was fleeing. Knowing that it was not an opponent of the Imperial fleet, the three navies chose to avoid the imperial attack and wander the sea.

This makes the task of the Imperial Fleet much more difficult.

The enemy's fleet came into sight, and Ding Chang immediately let the battleship's artillery fire. For him, this maritime mission was very easy.

The super long range of the battleship’s main guns allowed him to strike European warships at a long distance.

"Boom boom boom..."

After the order was issued, the main gun on the battleship quickly adjusted its angle, and with the loud roar, the shell exploded in the Spanish fleet.

The nearly one-ton shell exploded, and the powerful force set off sprays tens of meters high, and the Spanish battleship hit by the shock wave even shook.

This scene caused the Spanish battleship to panic even more, but more shells followed, and a battleship was hit and instantly blown to pieces.

Then came the second and third.

When the gunfire subsided, only the wreckage of twelve Spanish battleships remained on the sea.

"Continue to search." Ding Chang ordered that he would sink all enemy warships playing hiding games in the sea and the Imperial fleet.



Three days passed in a flash. The fatigue of the three days passed by the soldiers disappeared from the journey, and the time difference also reversed.

According to the plan, Lu Fei summoned all the generals on this day. The three military commanders gathered in Austria this time, but he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the expedition and could directly order Lei Ming and Ye Qingyun.

"According to the plan, we will launch an offensive at noon today. This time we are carrying many advanced weapons. In this war, we will use the advantages of weapons to minimize casualties." Lu Fei pointed to the dense tanks, transport vehicles, and rocket launchers. Said the howitzer.

On the battlefield, Lu Fei was their superior. Ye Qingyun and Lei Ming gave a military salute, and they answered yes.

After discussing the details of the battle with the two, the three led their own soldiers to the battle zone.



This is a small city on the southwestern border of Austria, and across from Kasem is the border of Spain.

When the relationship between the two countries was normal, Kasem was very noisy as the trading city of the two countries, but now Kasem city wanders a little bit of anxiety about war.

The Austrian army from Vienna has built fortifications here, and the 15th Army from Spain and Portugal also arrived here a few days ago. Yesterday, they launched their first attack on the Austrian army.

However, under the stubborn resistance of Austrian soldiers, the Spanish and Portuguese coalition forces made little progress.

Now everyone is worried about today's war. After all, they heard that the French army is also coming to Austria. They cannot fight against three countries at the same time.

When they were worried, suddenly Kasem faced the direction of Vienna, and heavy smoke rose up. When they saw clearly what was in the dust, the residents and army of Kasem cheered.

As with the defeat of France, the imperial army once again came to Austria at a critical moment.

"The Empire is Austria's forever friend." The residents of Kamsen rushed to both sides of the street, everyone with a smile on their faces.

Austrian soldiers were lined up on both sides of the road, saluting the imperial vehicles.

This time Austria is in charge of the southwest front by General Sentija, who set off with Thunder while in Venice.

"General Thunder, now every Austrian resident has a very good opinion of you. It was you who saved Austria last time, and I hope it will be the same this time," Sentia said sincerely.

With a smile on Lei Ming's face, this special treatment gave him a triumphant return to the country. He said: "This time 150,000 people from the three military regions came to Europe to end the evil rule of the St. Petersburg Entente. I will prove that the Empire can fulfill its promise."

Sentia said: "I believe you, now the command of the Austrian army is yours."

Lei Ming nodded, and the convoy stopped in front of the position. He immediately let the machine gunner enter the trench, and at the same time arranged the howitzer and rocket launcher in the rear.

Then he put eighty-six tanks on standby, ready to harvest the remnants of the battlefield after the artillery preparation.

Everything was ready, Thunder and Sentia came to the rocket launch position.

For this European war, one hundred and eighty rocket launchers were transported here, so under the cost, they had only one purpose, and that was to crush the enemy's will in the first battle.

"General Lei, what exactly is this weapon?"

Centia was very interested in the rocket launcher, but Thunder never told him.

Hearing this, Lei Ming said with a smile: "The reason why I didn't tell you is to let you see After all, he said to the tent of the artillery battalion: "Go ahead. "

After receiving the order, the artillery battalion commander issued an order, and the twenty-four rocket launchers "swish swish!" flew out, drawing traces of tail flames in the air.

At the same time, other rocket launchers also began to fire. Sixty rocket launchers belonging to Thunder were shot out by more than 1,000 rockets in a short time.

Centia was already frightened, because the Spanish and Portuguese positions were instantly covered by dust from the explosion.

When the smoke cleared, he found that the positions in Spain and Portugal were dead, as if everyone was dead.

When Lei Ming saw this, he was still calm, and at this time he let the howitzer shell the enemy's position.

Having experienced wars of all sizes, he clearly knew that artillery was the main force to destroy the enemy on the battlefield.

This time in order to defeat the Spanish and Portuguese coalition forces in one fell swoop and leave them with indelible memories of terror, he decided to blow up enough.

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