Iron Dynasty

Chapter 1173: fuse

"Emperor, this is the rocket artillery produced by our military factory. Because this weapon has dense firepower, but the accuracy is not enough, the next official named it Hail."

"Hail rocket launcher, well, the name is very appropriate."

In front of Xiao Ming was an army-green truck. There were 24 I-shaped launch rails on the truck. The upper and lower rows were staggered, with 12 in each row. Each launch rail was mounted with a rocket.

Like the ignition principle of a car, this rocket is also launched by electric sparks, and a special launch button is designed on the truck.

As long as the button is pressed, the rocket launcher will tilt out like hail.

After going around the rocket launcher, Xiao Ming asked: "How many rocket launchers have you produced so far?"

"Back to the emperor, we have already produced three hundred rocket launchers. If the empire needs it, we can produce one hundred in one month." said the person in charge of military industry.

Xiao Ming nodded. Like machine guns, rocket launchers are a big consumer. No matter how many rocket launchers there are, they have to have shells.

So like machine guns, the army can be equipped with a certain number of rocket launchers as needed.

"In this way, at the end of this year, you will provide 600 hail rockets for the army, and the main energy is to produce rockets." Xiao Ming ordered.

The reason why he set this deadline is not unreasonable, because the next action of the empire in Europe is likely to detonate a war, which is the dismemberment of Britain.

Since the blockade was imposed on the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom's strategy of using quota supply has been strong for more than three years. This time really surprised him.

However, as the blockade continues, the conflicts between Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England have been deepening.

According to Xiao Ming's order, Hu Chuan went to Scotland two years ago to contact Scottish parliamentarians. However, at that time, the independence of Scotland was not yet hot, and the empire was involved in war in Europe, so he continued to wait for the opportunity.

Last month, Hu Chuan returned the news of a conflict between a Scot and an Englishman that made him feel that an opportunity had come.

After inspecting the two new products of Youzhou Military Factory, Xiao Ming returned to Youzhou City with the admiral.

The next day, the group returned to Qingzhou by special train.

During this inspection, Xiao Ming had a detailed understanding of the military power of the empire. With the current level of technology, the empire would sacrifice fewer people in the conflict for greater victory.

For him, the forbearance of these years is not about fear of war, but not wanting the empire to pay unimportant casualties in war.

If he can only sacrifice thousands, or even hundreds, to make a country surrender, why should he sacrifice tens of thousands of soldiers?

And now, he believes that with the current armament level of the empire, he can fully realize his ideal mode of warfare, and achieve more victory with precision.

Back at the Imperial Study Room, Xiao Ming called Tang Wenjie and asked him to tell Hu Chuan that he could do it with confidence.

Forty days later, news from the empire was delivered to Hu Chuan.

At this time, Hu Chuan was playing mahjong with Xie Yuan and other admirals on the battleship. Life on the sea was too difficult. During this time, they would always find something to entertain themselves.

In addition to reading on weekdays, Hu Chuan's favorite is mahjong, and Xie Yuan, a rough man who doesn't like reading, only has the fun of mahjong.

"Oh, after waiting so long, I finally have something to do." Xie Yuan said when he heard the order from the empire.

Hu rumored that: "Now the fleet can go to the Irish waters. As long as the imperial warships arrive, Ireland will be independent."

Xie Yuan nodded. Ireland is an independent island country across the sea from England. Now the British navy has been destroyed by the Empire. With the support of the Empire, Ireland does not need to worry about the British counterattack.

Compared to Ireland, Scotland and Wales are more troublesome. One of these two areas is in the north of England and the other is in the west of England.

"Good!" Xie Yuan dropped the mahjong and grinned. In fact, he was more idle than Hu Chuan, and doing something would make him happy for a long time.

The order was relayed, and the fleet sailed towards the Irish Sea. Upon reaching the destination, Hu Chuan immediately sent diplomats to Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

In addition to protecting Ireland with warships, Hu Chuan also agreed to let Ireland join the Vienna Convention.

After all, the status of the Vienna Entente will make Ireland more secure than warships. Similarly, Scotland and Wales are guaranteed by the empire.

Therefore, between being locked down to death and obtaining security and economic benefits, the three United Kingdom members who have had different dreams have chosen the empire one after another.

Waited for a day.

The next day, under the leadership of the imperial diplomat, representatives of the Irish, Welsh and Scottish councillors boarded the imperial warship.

"Congressman Heinason, Congressman Clander, Congressman Kevin."

On the battleship, Hu Chuan shook hands with the three regional councillors one by one.

Inviting the three to sit down, Hu Chuan said directly: "Everyone, the time has come. Prime Minister Murphy of England is crazy now. For the English people, they brazenly seized your food and even killed your people for this. It's already intolerable."

Heinason is the representative of Scotland. He said angrily: "Just because he resisted to surrender his own food, Murphy flagrantly ordered the army to shoot at unarmed Scottish farmers. This is an act of a beast. Now Scotland has completely disappointed in England. As long as the empire is upholding justice, we in Scotland will become independent."

Hu Chuan smiled satisfied. This Heinason was a coal mine owner and owned the largest coal mine in Scotland.

In the past two years, the coal needed by the Imperial warships was purchased from his coal mine. After all, it is the most cost-effective to get coal from here rather than long-distance At the same time, the Empire did this to buy the Senator Heinason.

Facts have proved that the acquisition of the empire was very successful, and the interests and the historical hatred of Scotland towards England have solved the problem.

Compared with Scotland, Ireland and Wales are relatively weaker, and their independence is more or less frightened by the empire.

After all, it is normal for a United Kingdom to fly separately when a disaster is approaching.

Koland is from Ireland. He looked enviously at the mighty warships of the empire, but Ireland was relieved by this naval strength. He said, "Ambassador Hu Chuan, we are ready and can announce at any time."

Hu Chuan smiled and nodded, looking at the Welsh MP Kevin.

Only he did not make a statement, Kevin said; "Wales is too weak, please allow us to finally announce this decision."

Hu Chuan understands Wales very well. Compared with Scotland and Ireland, Wales is indeed a small one, he said; "In this case, you go back and prepare for yourself, and at the same time declare independence and join the Vienna Entente, you will get the benefits you each want."

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