Iron Dynasty

Chapter 1138: Gunpowder smell

"This is over, we will definitely be skinned when we return to the Emperor. These British people will definitely take a closer look at our equipment with a magnifying glass."

When he arrived at the London barracks, Liu Chen immediately wailed.

Yue Yun glanced at the place where he was staying temporarily, the decoration was rather elaborate, like an officer's residence, from which he judged that the British did not want to make troubles.

"This Vidomija is a powerful character. We did suffer a loss this time, but this will also allow the emperor to increase his vigilance against the British and speed up the pace of dealing with Britain." Yue Yun said.

After a pause, he comforted: "As for our weapons, they may be able to see some doorways, but they can't produce them by seeing the doorways."

"Nevertheless, they will figure out something after all, and once their industrial capacity is reached, they will immediately produce it." Liu Chen said.

Yue Yun laughed, "By then, even without these, they can still produce."

While the two were arguing about this matter, Hu Chuan and Kang Ming got into trouble in their investigation.

According to the imperial soldier, during the crowding process, a protester suddenly rushed forward and held down his hand on the trigger, which caused him to shoot and hit a protester.

But the results of the British investigation were completely opposite. They denied the imperial soldier's claim. According to the protesters, the imperial soldier pulled the trigger.

As a result, the investigation fell into a stalemate.

While investigating, a large number of scientists haunted the warships of the Empire, and they took a ruler to measure the size of the warships.

Enter the cabin to observe the internal power system and record the structure of the rotating turret in the turret.

Another group of firearms experts studied Han-style rifles and long flat machine guns, as well as metal bullets and artillery shells.

At the same time, London newspapers covered all over the shooting incident in the port, and for a time there was a feeling of hatred towards the empire permeating London.

In stark contrast, Vidomia's toughness in this incident was highly praised by Londoners, and this praise continued to spread from London to other cities.

In a short period of time, the British's recognition of Vidomija has increased rapidly.

In the House, Vidomija also gained a lot, and her opponents gave up their positions and turned to support her.

This incident successfully allowed Vidomija to achieve her ambitions.

Half a month passed in a flash, and after achieving some of her goals, Vidomija personally came to the British army barracks in London.

"General Yue Yun, I'm very sorry. The investigation of the port shooting has been completed. We have just arrested an illegal organization in London. They organized the protest and gave perjury." Vidomija had a smile on his face.

Since ascending to the position of queen, Vidomija has never been so happy. Through this incident, she has successfully seized the British military and political power, and her approval rate has been unprecedentedly improved in the UK.

The most important thing is that they have carefully studied the most advanced equipment of the empire, although the current British industrial capabilities cannot be imitated.

But they have mastered the principles and structures of some weapons, and the British can focus on this research. The most important thing is that these weapons provide a direction for the development of British weapons.

Once Britain’s industrial capacity is reached, they will produce these weapons.

With a hint of cynicism on Yue Yun's face, he said to Vidomija: "Could it be that a misunderstanding can make the soldiers of the empire suffer these humiliations for nothing?"

"Of course not. At present, Britain and the Empire have a good relationship. We have severely punished these fanatics who caused troubles. At the same time, in order to make up for your losses, we will provide you with various supplies for free this time, and we will compensate you 200,000 pounds This half a month has been delayed." Vidomija put a very low posture.

Yue Yun sneered, "Your Majesty the Queen is really a good method, I hope we will not meet on the battlefield next time."

Vidomija's face changed slightly, Yue Yun was already a naked threat.

But she was mentally prepared, after all, this incident is a humiliation for any country.

Moreover, the Eastern Empire behind Yue Yun was the country that had just defeated them.

This time they will be very embarrassed to go back.

"Of course." Vidomija said calmly.

"In this case, I hope that Her Majesty the Queen will provide us with supplies as soon as possible. We have been delayed in the UK for a long time and need to go back and return to her Majesty." Yue Yun said. ,

After speaking, he took Liu Chen and other imperial soldiers out of the barracks and headed for the port.

Although they were treated well in the barracks, they really didn't want to stay here for another second.

Returning to the battleship, Yue Yun immediately ordered the inspection of all the facilities on the warship, and at the same time asked Liu Chen to inspect the weapons and ammunition.

Soon, Liu Chen got feedback.

"Weapons are not few, but a rifle and a machine gun have obvious signs of reassembly, with ten and three ammunition missing," Liu Chen said. "Sure enough, we expected." Yue Yun frowned and said.

After thinking for a while, he said to Hu Chuanhua who came after hearing the news: "You don't have to worry about this matter anymore, and focus on the strategy of the empire. Once there is trouble here, I will definitely lead the fleet to come back again. Let the British repay it a hundred times."

"Don't worry, as long as we are still alive, we won't give up." Hu Chuan said firmly.

While the two were talking, the British fleet of supplies had arrived.

They sent coal to the battleship, and at the same time provided a lot of fresh water and food. After a day's rest on the battleship, Yue Yun was about to return to the empire the next day.

When the battleship gradually left the British port, Liu Chen said: "General, don't you leave some unforgettable memories for the British?"

"What do you want?"

"It's better to blow up the Port of Liu Chen said.

Yue Yun shook his head gently, "This is refreshing, but don't forget Hu Chuan that they are still in London. We are at ease, and they will be miserable. Why don't you just attack the 300-meter position from a shelling."

Liu Chen looked over and found that 300 meters away was basically the outer edge of the Port of London. He nodded and immediately let the soldiers aim and shoot. "Boom boom boom..."

Forty-two warships fired almost at the same time, and the roar of the giant artillery made the warships ripple in the sea.

The shells fell into the sea and caused huge waves. Such a large movement immediately panicked the British in the Port of London. Even the crew of the British ships in the port jumped off and fled for their lives.

In the Tulip Palace, Vidomija also heard the rumble of cannons, a trace of anger flashed in her eyes, but a smile on her mouth.

At sea, the fleet that completed the bombardment slowly left London, looking at the blurring coastline, Yue Yun said: "When the construction of the coastal ports of the empire is completed, these British guys won't be able to laugh."

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